Angle Campaign Used Decoy To Duck Press: Nevada Reporters

When is Harry Reid going on the Mark Levin Show? I know he's been invited about a half dozen times.
I don't blame her one bit. EVERY reporter is anti Angle. They will make stuff up if they have to or cut and paste any audio they can get to try and ruin her election. I think she is wise to avoid them and give them nothing.
I don't blame her one bit. EVERY reporter is anti Angle. They will make stuff up if they have to or cut and paste any audio they can get to try and ruin her election. I think she is wise to avoid them and give them nothing.

When you say Latinos look like Asians and make anti-Latino ads and sentiment rerceived can't be argued against, that isn't a fucking conspiracy its self destructive stupidity.

She's qualified to work on national issues.

In a pig's eye.

So Sharon, how do you feel about Reid running up the deficit to $1.3 Trillion and a 10% unemployment?

So Sharon, how do you feel about Reid running up the deficit to $1.3 Trillion and a 10% unemployment?

Reid ran up the deficit to 1.3 trillion dollars? You rightwing dipshits have a fundamental problem with facts.
Five trillion since Democrats controlled Congress in 2007.

Not a nickel was spent unless Democrats said it should be.

What did they cut, anyway?
"The war is lost." -Harry Reid.

Why don't we highlight real issues here in this race?
"Five trillion since Democrats controlled Congress in 2007."
Actually, since the Dems took control of Congress and since their very first fiscal budget which started on October 1st, 2007, the total is $4.6 trillion.
Of that total $2.9 trillion* happened under GWB, who could have vetoed that spending, but didn't.
That's still a lot of money, hell , that's way too much money!!!!!!!
Let's be honest here, the GOP isn't any better than the Dems when it comes to spending. In the last twenty years, the GOP has been as bad if not woorse than the Dems for putting us into this massive debt bind.
That's still a lot of money, hell let's be honest here, that's way too much money.
* Government - Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Anyone in their right mind would know that Anglle is a nut job though, I can see why she's avoiding the press. Some of the things she has said are just plain wacky. My favorite is that Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are under Sharia law!!!!
Then there's the "Second Amendment remedies" per chance the election doesn't go the way that suits the far right wingnuts, whew! Now that's the mind of someone who's mentally stable? Blaming the press for her statements is just plain wrong.
I really feel sorry for the folks in Nevada, what a poor choice they have for the Senate, a nut job like Angle or Harry Reid, who reached his level of incompetency when he was chosen to be a Hall Monitor when he was in fifth grade.
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I don't blame her one bit. EVERY reporter is anti Angle. They will make stuff up if they have to or cut and paste any audio they can get to try and ruin her election. I think she is wise to avoid them and give them nothing.

When you say Latinos look like Asians and make anti-Latino ads and sentiment rerceived can't be argued against, that isn't a fucking conspiracy its self destructive stupidity.

Paying taxes is voluntary....only 36,000 lost their jobs today, this is good. Hasn't read any of Sotomayors opinions...and hopes he won't have to! Harry won't talk to General Petraeus





For every idiotic comment Angle makes Harry has made ten....and Harry is the nimrod in power.
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