Angola: This Country May Have Become the First in the World to Ban Islam


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Jun 11, 2012
This Country May Have Become the First in the World to Ban Islam

November 25, 2013

"On Friday, weekly Moroccan newspaper La Nouvelle Tribune*reported that the southern African country of Angola has banned Islam and Muslims, and has begun closing and dismantling mosques."

"The disturbing news stems from a speech by Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva, a woman who is normally tasked with celebrating Miss Universeparticipants and announcing “patronage” initiatives, rather than threatening and oppressing a religious minority. (Angola is largely Christian, and its small Muslim population is largely composed of immigrants.) Cruz e Silva’s curious logic for the repulsive ban? That Islam has never specifically been legalized."

This Country May Have Become the First in the World to Ban Islam - PolicyMic

A Nation banning Islam , this is a new phenomenon for our world to witness.

And I am not a Muslim, but I cannot support this, a Nation banning freedom of religion in such a fashion.
A Country does not have to make a pact with a group that advocates its violent overthrow and take over by a single supposed religious group.

Islam teaches that it is the duty of all Muslims to work toward a world wide Government run by Islam. It teaches murder and mayhem and supports acts of terror carried out in its name.

This "religion" advocates that all Government be Islam and that no other religion should exist. There are 2 paths to accomplish this. One is open rebellion and war, something MILLIONS of Muslims support. The other path is to take over from within, Immigrate to non Muslim countries, breed like mad and either peacefully subvert the Country or when numerous enough use force to accomplish Government change.

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