Angry protesters storm FBI building, back scared cops into corner


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Nov 22, 2011
Angry protesters storm FBI building, back scared cops into corner

November 7, 2014
By John Vibes | Free Thought Project

Washington D.C. — This Tuesday, protesters assembled at various sites across the world for a demonstration called “The Million Mask March.” The protests were not centered on one specific issue or event, but served as an outlet for people to voice their frustrations with the different institutions that control their lives.

Protests hit major cities worldwide, with some of the largest in London and Washington DC. During the protests in Washington DC, a group of masked Anonymous protesters stormed the FBI headquarters to face a group of terrified police officers.!
Very much so. The protesters should have been met with machine guns. Maybe that would help them figure out what they are protesting.
The fact that these criminals weren't shot on sight destroys the point of their protest to begin with. The big bad government isn't out to get you, so just shut up already.
Very much so. The protesters should have been met with machine guns. Maybe that would help them figure out what they are protesting.
That would have worked out so well......
Yeah, a reputation as child and teen killers and all the lawsuits wouldn't go down that well. I am betting most of the protesters were late high school to early university age. The FBI were taken a bit off guard, so they will probably will be better prepared next time. Thankfully some of the people in this thread aren't running the FBI.
Angry protesters storm FBI building
Hah that has to be the loosest interpretation of the word "storm" I've ever seen.

I always thought to storm a building meant to at least make some sort of effort to enter, not standing near the entrance chanting and holding up cell phones to record.

Here is a screencap of the terrified officers desperately trying to prevent the storming of the building:

Haha "scared" cops? Looks like they were smirking at them and thought it was silly.

If those idiot hipster protesters had gotten physical the cops woulda busted their asses.

The cop hate in this country is sad, silly and dangerous at the same time. Cops are gonna stop giving a fuck soon, and the citizens are gonna suffer a crime wave like the 70s and 80s and wonder what the hell happened!
What are the protesters protesting? What are they angry about?

They don't know. Protesting is something fun to do. The police should have made it less fun.
Excellent restraint and professionalism by the Officers. They need to load up on OC spray, lesson learned. I also don't understand the reluctance in this country to use water canons. They've dealt with Euro trash like that for ages.
Kind of like our 'Conservatives' million death ebola pandemic in the US.

My respect for you is going down fast. If you think Ebola is a joke that shouldn't be contained then you're not nearly as intelligent as I thought you were.

You can't be serious. African countries did what the republicans suggested and it mostly worked.

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