Animal Stories

A Bear Of A Time!

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That's incredible !!!!!so funny!!! and he is so well behaved :laugh: he even waves to other passengers..:laugh: never seen anything like it!!!
In 1984(?), I found a Siamese looking cat in a USMC shipping container and took it home to my wife. I was a young, aggressive Marine in those days and, while I was never (well, rarely except for throwing rolled up socks to drive it away) abusive to the cat, I never showed it any affection either. Zero. When we moved for CA to FL, I made her leave the cat behind with her aunt, who took great care of it, but saddened my wife. Years later, after we divorced, I felt regrets about that cat.

Flash forward to around 2005 and I'm on an afternoon jog after a late summer thunderstorm and spot what looks like a dead Siamese kitten stretched out face-down and soaking wet. Usually dead critters are on their side or Tango Uniform so this one looked odd albeit still dead. I stopped and nudged it with my foot. It was alive. Barely. It was tiny with funny spots that looked like healed burn patches on it's tail and head. I draped it over my arm and jogged the two miles back to my hotel after stopping for a grilled chicken sandwich and fries to go. I asked the restaurant workers if anyone wanted a free cat. No one did. Back at the hotel with my dinner in one hand and the kitten on my opposite arm, I asked everyone there if someone wanted a cat. No takers. I went to my room, dried off the cat then hopped in the shower. The kitten was very weak and I fed it a piece of chicken. I'd saved a quarter of the meat on my sandwich figuring it would last it a full day. Within a few hours the meat was gone and the kitten started to perk up. Long story short, I ended up taking the cat home and asked the wife (Wife 2.0)if we could keep it. She quickly consented. Although my wife took care of it and our other pets, there was no doubt that cat was mine. It must have remembered I saved it's ass because it was always near me. I considered this karma for the first Siamese cat I found and was able to redeem myself by saving a second one. After all, what are the odds of rescuing not just one, but two Siamese cats? I'd seen feral kittens before, but all ran from me and I never tried to catch one. Never left any for dead. Just pure happenstance to find two alive.

Oh yeah, those "burn" marks? Ring worm. I got a dose on my arm (cured with daily vinegar applications) but the vet bill for the cat (including neutering) was over $300. Proof again TANSTAAFL.

Sope (Sophelia) 1984

Pancho (Pancho Barnes) 2005ish
Thai dog travels to USA for congenital heart defect surgery

I love when I see kindness towards animals like this .....taking care of their pets.....who really are like family.....(((love)))

The finest breed: UI vet fixes Thai dog's heart

Nana the 3-year-old Chihuahua has a new chance on life
This is so unbelievable ...all and all it's very funny too....a funny animal story LOL ....apart from the tragedy

" A jury has convicted a western Michigan woman of first-degree murder in the shooting death of her husband in a crime apparently witnessed by the man’s pet parrot."

the pet parrot, Bud, repeated “don’t (expletive) shoot”

My GOD please Bless that parrot!:laugh::up:

Michigan woman convicted of murder in parrot case

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