Ann Coulter 15-minute audio clip: "Trump's done! I explain why."

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The Federal Government is paying airlines and others to take these people in. The health assistance is from Medicaid. Anything the Government does costs money and they get the money from the tax payers. That includes you. Not only that, the cost associated with the crimes committed by illegals costs local, state and federal governments which run by way of taxing their citizens. What is wrong with you?
Listen up, shit for brains! I was merely pointing out that you have no fucking concept on the the difference in "border "and "boarder". I never said anything about the costs outside of your dumbass word choice failure!
Listen up, shit for brains! I was merely pointing out that you have no fucking concept on the the difference in "border "and "boarder". I never said anything about the costs outside of your dumbass word choice failure!
What are you Admiral for, Captain Kangaroo's Ship? :auiqs.jpg: Such childish rants perfect for the Captain... Or, maybe it was Captain Crunch because of his mini-penis. :popcorn:
STFU moron! Have you figured out the difference between "boarder" and "border" yet?
You must be autistic OCD. Just can't move on. I answered this a few posts back. Boarder ended up being just fine. Now, let's see another episode of Rain Man behavior...
The voters are mostly farmers, ranch hands, and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth.
What a load of generalizations and broad brushing. You shouldn't huff the paint when drawing your pretty picture.

Maybe those folks should just cut off that food supply from urbanized smug assholes with a misplaced sense of moral superiority.
You must be autistic OCD. Just can't move on. I answered this a few posts back. Boarder ended up being just fine. Now, let's see another episode of Rain Man behavior...
Listen you GD piece of shit excuse for a human! Boarder is not just fine unless the illegals are living in YOUR MF-ing house!

Now, STFU, go back to school and get an education, and stop being a pedantic fucktard!
How's that gonna work out in the 2022 election when all America's women have woken up to the MAGA-GOP taking away our rights?
Trump saved so many babies. Doing the right thing always works out well.
Listen you GD piece of shit excuse for a human! Boarder is not just fine unless the illegals are living in YOUR MF-ing house!

Now, STFU, go back to school and get an education, and stop being a pedantic fucktard!
Thank you Rainman. Only Rainman wasn't a retard piece of crapola. The illegals don't have to be living with me to use "boarder." They are within the house of the country I live in and where you hybernate. during the winter months. Stop living off the hard working people of this country and stop protecting the cartels who are entering our country with their drugs and prostitutes. You are probably one of them, right!
He is done.

She's skipped a couple of steps though.... and gave her own personal reason...

My amateur guess, is that when Trump comes to the realization that all of his lying, and all of his calls for civil war and rebellion from his followers, and all of his slow walking the various criminal court cases against him reaches a wall, and he realizes he is going to be charged and likely convicted for his crimes....

He will be praying that a Republican, other than himself becomes President in 2024, that will pardon him....


No. He can't pardon himself!
Thanks for that, Truthmatters.
Thank you Rainman. Only Rainman wasn't a retard piece of crapola. The illegals don't have to be living with me to use "boarder." They are within the house of the country I live in and where you hybernate. during the winter months. Stop living off the hard working people of this country and stop protecting the cartels who are entering our country with their drugs and prostitutes. You are probably one of them, right!
Look up the fucking definition you GD piece of shit!

Your pathetic attempts to wiggle out of your falsehoods is pathetic!

Grow a pair of testicles you fucking retard!

I never disagreed with you regarding illegals, so your cleverly accusing me of doing so is a testament to your lack of education.

You make me sick!
Look up the fucking definition you GD piece of shit!

Your pathetic attempts to wiggle out of your falsehoods is pathetic!

Grow a pair of testicles you fucking retard!

I never disagreed with you regarding illegals, so your cleverly accusing me of doing so is a testament to your lack of education.

You make me sick!
You don't disagreed with me but you are having a full emotional meltdown over me being correct. Here's a word you should act upon. "Therapist."
You don't disagreed with me but you are having a full emotional meltdown over me being correct. Here's a word you should act upon. "Therapist."
You are NOT correct, shit for brains!

Boarders are people who pay you to rent a room in your home. Do you have an illegal renting a room in your home? If not, they are not a boarder.

There! Is that clear as mind to your ignorant fucking brain!
You said you didn't disagree with me. So, I'm correct. See what happens with TDS patience. Really, get a therapist, SOON!
Here we go again, stupid! I said I agreed with yu about illegals sucking the government fucking dry!

I disagree with your use of the word "boarder" because you are obviously and ignorant asshole!
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