Ann Coulter on Trump's key appointments relative to immigration policy


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
First, let me preface this with the fact that I'm a huge supporter of Trump's America First Agenda.

On the other hand, I am not blind to his shortcomings, namely, his failure to keep his mouth shut when he should and his failure to consistently choose the right people for the right positions to help him achieve his agenda's biggest promises: immigration reform predicated on merit and a truly secure border, and repealing and replacing the unnecessarily costly debacle of Obama care This may not go down well with a lot of Trump supporters, but Coulter is right on the money. I'm also disappointed that Trump has not gotten America out of Afghanistan yet.

Ann should be our immigration czar.. she’s amazing

My wife and a few others had lunch with Coulter in San Diego after she spoke to their group. You wouldn't know this from her public persona, but she's very sweet and naturally affectionate in intimate settings. She treats her readers like friends. That's the impression she left my wife with, and my wife's a good judge of character.
Ann should be our immigration czar.. she’s amazing

My wife and a few others had lunch with Coulter in San Diego after she spoke to their group. You wouldn't know this from her public persona, but she's very sweet and naturally affectionate in intimate settings. She treats her readers like friends. That's the impression she left my wife with, and my wife's a good judge of character.
Good for her,, she is one of the worlds most courageous women !
First, let me preface this with the fact that I'm a huge supporter of Trump's America First Agenda.

On the other hand, I am not blind to his shortcomings, namely, his failure to keep his mouth shut when he should and his failure to consistently choose the right people for the right positions to help him achieve his agenda's biggest promises: immigration reform predicated on merit and a truly secure border, and repealing and replacing the unnecessarily costly debacle of Obama care This may not go down well with a lot of Trump supporters, but Coulter is right on the money. I'm also disappointed that Trump has not gotten America out of Afghanistan yet.

A radio host before the election that supported him believed that if he was elected he would have to accept some of the swamp or the Repubs who did not like him would have destroyed him themselves. I can only imagine the tugging and pulling within the White House between people that are supposed to be on his side. Some of his own probably never should have been there as politics could have been out of their scope. Sadly there was a time when that may have not been important. The noticeable thing in foreign issues and notably the middle east is that outwardly there is a great divide on Israel between both major parties. At one time before Obama there was a belief that Israel actually had a major influence in that regard and had support of all Jewish American politicians. Enough money has been spent in that region. And for the west it seems worse then 30 years ago.
A radio host before the election that supported him believed that if he was elected he would have to accept some of the swamp or the Repubs who did not like him would have destroyed him themselves. I can only imagine the tugging and pulling within the White House between people that are supposed to be on his side. Some of his own probably never should have been there as politics could have been out of their scope. Sadly there was a time when that may have not been important. The noticeable thing in foreign issues and notably the middle east is that outwardly there is a great divide on Israel between both major parties. At one time before Obama there was a belief that Israel actually had a major influence in that regard and had support of all Jewish American politicians. Enough money has been spent in that region. And for the west it seems worse then 30 years ago.

I'm not sure what you're getting at regarding Israel. Perhaps you will elaborate, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on the rest. Trump is not only taking on the academic, media and political establishment, but the entrenched bureaucracy (especially that of the State and intelligence agencies), the social justice culture and the easily manipulated lemmings among the populace.

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