Anonymous Declares War On ISIS


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?
Anonymous is publishing the personal details of suspected extremists, in revenge for the Paris attacks

The activist collective is assembling lists of the Twitter accounts and websites of extremists, in an attempt to have them taken down. At least one post seen by The Independent contains details including the physical address of a person it claims is an Isis recruiter in Europe.

One of the things which the mainstream media has said separates ISISBOOMBAH from AQ is the media and internet savvyness of ISIS. That may end up being their undoing.
Hacktivist Group Anonymous (#OpISIS) Takes Down Islamic State (ISIS) Social Media Accounts - The Hacker News

A list of more than hundred Twitter and Facebook accounts suspected to belong to Islamic militants has been released by Anonymous. Twitter has already suspended more than 1500 ISIS accounts since the group released the first list in June, 2014 and dozens of militant recruiting websites were knocked offline using collective DDoS Attack.

ISIS is trying to fight back: بعد حملة موقع تويتر على حسابات المناصرين لدولة الاسلا.

The Arabic reads:
After a campaign, Twitter accounts of supporters of the Islamic State is facing some trouble opening new accounts because of the request for a phone number to create an account, or an account is closed just days after its creation.

The solution is to take advantage of the accounts that are as old as 2010 and 2011, and have a large number of followers. These are either neglected accounts of Westerners, or have have not been used for years by the owners of those accounts.

Go to Twitter and then click on "Forgot my password".

If you have a Twitter account you have not logged on for a while, ISIS may hijack it.
Hacktivist Group Anonymous (#OpISIS) Takes Down Islamic State (ISIS) Social Media Accounts - The Hacker News

A list of more than hundred Twitter and Facebook accounts suspected to belong to Islamic militants has been released by Anonymous. Twitter has already suspended more than 1500 ISIS accounts since the group released the first list in June, 2014 and dozens of militant recruiting websites were knocked offline using collective DDoS Attack.

ISIS is trying to fight back: بعد حملة موقع تويتر على حسابات المناصرين لدولة الاسلا.

The Arabic reads:
After a campaign, Twitter accounts of supporters of the Islamic State is facing some trouble opening new accounts because of the request phone number, or an account is closed just days after its creation.

The solution is to take advantage of the accounts that are as old as 2010 and 2011, and have a large number of followers. These are either be neglected accounts of Westerners, or have have not been used for years by the owners of those accounts.

Go to Twitter and then click on "Forgot my password".

If you have a Twitter account you have not logged on for a while, ISIS may hijack it.
My wife said she saw new numbers this morning. Around 5K accounts have been hacked
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?

I had just read the same article a few minutes ago, and was going to post it in this thread until I saw that's the one your were referring to. It's an interesting read. One scenario I found interesting was the guy who suggested it may backfire if ISIS takes the threat seriously, and becomes more security savvy. I personally support Anonymous' efforts, but am skeptical of what they can really accomplish. Though they would probably never acknowledge it publicly, you know the NSA's best are already doing the same thing.
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?

Watch President Obama order the Justice Department to investigate Anonymous.
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?

I had just read the same article a few minutes ago, and was going to post it in this thread until I saw that's the one your were referring to. It's an interesting read. One scenario I found interesting was the guy who suggested it may backfire if ISIS takes the threat seriously, and becomes more security savvy. I personally support Anonymous' efforts, but am skeptical of what they can really accomplish. Though they would probably never acknowledge it publicly, you know the NSA's best are already doing the same thing.
Yeah, I'm sure the NSA and every three-letter spy agency on the planet are all over it.

It's the bit about ISIS hijacking Westerner's old Twitter accounts that is most chilling. It would suck if you had an old Twitter account you haven't used in years and it was hijacked by ISIS.

The next thing you know, Homeland Security is kicking in your door at 3 a.m. and shooting your dog.

"Tape his mouth shut and bag him!"
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?

I had just read the same article a few minutes ago, and was going to post it in this thread until I saw that's the one your were referring to. It's an interesting read. One scenario I found interesting was the guy who suggested it may backfire if ISIS takes the threat seriously, and becomes more security savvy. I personally support Anonymous' efforts, but am skeptical of what they can really accomplish. Though they would probably never acknowledge it publicly, you know the NSA's best are already doing the same thing.
Yeah, I'm sure the NSA and every three-letter spy agency on the planet are all over it.

It's the bit about ISIS hijacking Westerner's old Twitter accounts that is most chilling. It would suck if you had an old Twitter account you haven't used in years and it was hijacked by ISIS.

The next thing you know, Homeland Security is kicking in your door at 3 a.m. and shooting your dog.

"Tape his mouth shut and bag him!"

I should probably check my Twitter account. I haven't used it in a long time. I don't really care if they shoot my cat. I just don't want them finding all the horse porn I have on my computer.
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?

I had just read the same article a few minutes ago, and was going to post it in this thread until I saw that's the one your were referring to. It's an interesting read. One scenario I found interesting was the guy who suggested it may backfire if ISIS takes the threat seriously, and becomes more security savvy. I personally support Anonymous' efforts, but am skeptical of what they can really accomplish. Though they would probably never acknowledge it publicly, you know the NSA's best are already doing the same thing.
Yeah, I'm sure the NSA and every three-letter spy agency on the planet are all over it.

It's the bit about ISIS hijacking Westerner's old Twitter accounts that is most chilling. It would suck if you had an old Twitter account you haven't used in years and it was hijacked by ISIS.

The next thing you know, Homeland Security is kicking in your door at 3 a.m. and shooting your dog.

"Tape his mouth shut and bag him!"

I should probably check my Twitter account. I haven't used it in a long time. I don't really care if they shoot my cat. I just don't want them finding all the horse porn I have on my computer.

Horse porn. :lol:

I just checked mine. Someone changed the password on it a year ago. :eek-52:

Coulda been me, though. I don't remember.

I just changed it again and checked the traffic on it. Nothing new since I last logged on.

Guess I should close it.
Taking over and shutting down Twitter accounts is a logical first step. But the real prize, experts say, is in fundamentally disrupting the militant group's recruiting mechanism. ISIS pitches its radical Islamist message through e-mail, Web chat, Skype calls and YouTube videos, and more recently it promoted a mobile messaging app called Telegram.

An Anonymous spokesman in a trademark Guy Fawkes mask said in a still unverified YouTube clip that the group "will launch the biggest ever operation" against ISIS, according to transcripts of the French video.

What can Anonymous really do to ISIS?

I had just read the same article a few minutes ago, and was going to post it in this thread until I saw that's the one your were referring to. It's an interesting read. One scenario I found interesting was the guy who suggested it may backfire if ISIS takes the threat seriously, and becomes more security savvy. I personally support Anonymous' efforts, but am skeptical of what they can really accomplish. Though they would probably never acknowledge it publicly, you know the NSA's best are already doing the same thing.
Yeah, I'm sure the NSA and every three-letter spy agency on the planet are all over it.

It's the bit about ISIS hijacking Westerner's old Twitter accounts that is most chilling. It would suck if you had an old Twitter account you haven't used in years and it was hijacked by ISIS.

The next thing you know, Homeland Security is kicking in your door at 3 a.m. and shooting your dog.

"Tape his mouth shut and bag him!"

I should probably check my Twitter account. I haven't used it in a long time. I don't really care if they shoot my cat. I just don't want them finding all the horse porn I have on my computer.

Horse porn. :lol:

I just checked mine. Someone changed the password on it a year ago. :eek-52:

Coulda been me, though. I don't remember.

I just changed it again and checked the traffic on it. Nothing new since I last logged on.

Guess I should close it.

I'm not too worried. Gracie knows my Twitter. I'd hope she would say something if I started posting ISIS propaganda.
It seems I made a tweet last month that I don't recall making. What does "Allahu Akbar" mean, and why would I have tweeted that to Putin on Halloween?
My first question is why aren't all the government's of Europe and the US either doing this or employing Anonymous or 'hackers' to do this on a huge scale.

Really? This group Anonymous, who have to be applauded for taking action, are doing things that the combined governments of the world cannot manage to do?

At least call the f'ing Geek squad and see what they know!

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