Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

They're terrified of a conservative black.
So, you plan on going full stupid on this.
It's what they do.

Now I'm not saying that it's wide spread but it did happen here in Virginia about 55 miles away (in a deep blue dem area) so I don't suspect it was someone like me from out in the hinterlands that drove there and caused the problem.
So, you plan on going full stupid on this.
I''m not the one who just tried to equate the Russian massacres with a case of grafitti.

That's your hero. And you're all here proudly announcing how much you agree.

So, the usual is happening.

You're acting in a morally reprehensible fashion.

When called on it, you you fling insults to deflect.

Please, continue. After all, it's not like you've ever been able to honestly debate any liberal on any topic, so don't start now.
View attachment 615769

Would be nice if she cared about the women and children being slaughtered by her buddies
Here is why you lefties fully support attacking any perceived “Russian”:

They want to be able to attack anyone who is their political enemy. That’s why they call anyone who isn’t supporting this war as a “Russian agent”. Because we are the ultimate targets. The left hates normal Americans.
Sometimes, whenever anyone says "all lives matter", they get shot.

We've been told for several years that the phrase is racist.

But Candace is a black conservative, so racism against her is okay, right?
Sometimes, whenever anyone says "all lives matter", they get shot.

I remember when Bernie said All Lives Matter during a campaign speech, and BLM chased him off the dais.

Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll​

Kinda like now if Putin drops an EMP on us taking out all of our communication, power, light and heat shutting the whole country down terrorizing 330 million innocent Americans back to the Stone Age over the actions of JOE BIDDUM.

And when someone in Ukraine, France or Russia says: But those people did nothing and don't deserve this, a bunch of left wingnuts jump in and calls you a Full Biddum Troll!
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