another autonomous zone

here we go agian. this time in atlanta

No problem.


here we go agian. this time in atlanta
That is horrible. Those families and businesses are right to sue the city (both cities) for going along with it. I am already aware of the Portland authorities not living up to their responsibilities. I had not heard about Atlanta turning a blind eye. Where were the police?
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I had not hear about Atlanta turning a blind eye. Where were the police?
Atlanta is another black city. The police follow their orders. This is why our cities are dying. They're all following in the footsteps of Rhodesia and South Africa. Africans must always be an extreme minority. I support them shooting each other
That is horrible. Those families and businesses are right to sue the city (both cities) for going along with it. I am already aware of the Portland authorities not living up to their responsibilities. I had not hear about Atlanta turning a blind eye. Where were the police?
Atlanta has the same problem Portland does.
Atlanta is another black city. The police follow their orders. This is why our cities are dying. They're all following in the footsteps of Rhodesia and South Africa. Africans must always be an extreme minority. I support them shooting each other
One small town and some nut balls in Nashville wanted to do that "autonomous zone" crap. The mayors and our governor weren't having any, so the anarchist morons were moved out.
Cities and states that put up with that sort of thing deserve what they get, and it is never good.
No problem.


I was going to say use a minigun on the ground to just mow them into a pool of goo but I like your idea of their never knowing or seeing a thing 200 milliseconds before they get blown to bits in a 2000° fireball!
The FBI spends six months finding trespassers on federal property while radicals establish "autonomous zones" around public property. What's wrong with this picture?
Atlanta is another black city. The police follow their orders. This is why our cities are dying. They're all following in the footsteps of Rhodesia and South Africa. Africans must always be an extreme minority. I support them shooting each other
I don't know anything about Rhodia or South Africa. I suspect it is just American (dance with the whore that brung ya) politics on the local level. Putting up with an autonomous zone is certainly not in the best interests of an American city, whether to local temporaritly think it is or not, just simply political cowardice. I don't approve of blacks shooting each other, as a culturally accepted fact of life. On the other hand, I don't really care, as long as it remains their problem and not mine. If Black Lives don't Matter to their culture, their neighborhoods, I have no reason to interfere.

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