Another child sues for being sexually mutilated by the Left

You obviously do not get science. The tests did not "reveal" anything if those questions cannot be answered. If those questions can be answered, then at best the tests did not prove the null hypothesis. If you don't know that that means, you are in over your head.
You obviously don't know science, Short Bus. They didn't set out to answer your questions, they set out to answer their own.

Its funny how you can only speak in generalities and not the parameters and results of these tests and yet still want to try and cosplay as intellectually honest. 😄
Lack of proper grammar indicates an intellectual weakness.
Lack of proper grammar according to you. I found nothing off with it and it's you desperate for things to nit pick that appears intellectually weak.
Nothing personal, you just choose to take any disagreement as a personal attack, as do most Democrats.
It's a clear personal attack, don't be a bitch about it. 😄
If not a statistical analysis, what kind of analysis did they mean the study to be, if any?
They explain that to you right there in the beginning you illiterate fuckwit. 😄

Introduction: Transsexuals harbor the strong feeling of having been born to the wrong sex. There is a continuing controversial discussion of whether or not transsexualism has a biological representation. Differences between males and females in terms of functional imaging during erotic stimuli have been previously described, revealing gender-specific results.
Aim: Therefore, we postulated that male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals may show specific cerebral activation differing from their biological gender.

Where does it say in your link that it was not the same porn? Maybe it does say that, but I did not see it.
That would be under results you Dipshit.

Results: Significantly enhanced activation for men compared with women was revealed in brain areas involved in erotic processing, i.e., the thalamus, the amygdala, and the orbitofrontal and insular cortex, whereas no specific activation for women was found. When comparing MTF transsexuals with male volunteers, activation patterns similar to female volunteers being compared with male volunteers were revealed. Sexual arousal was assessed using standard rating scales and did not differ significantly for the three groups.
The findings were very weak. With such a small sample size, it amounts to an anectdotal story rather than an experimental study.
Small sample size I'll give you but that's not what anecdotal means you moron. 😄 And despite its small sample size the findings were what they were.
I guess you did not read the part where I did talk about what kind of study would be valid for this hypothesis:

I'm not saying that hypothesis about transgenders having different brains could never be tested experimentally. It is ripe for a legitimate study.

If a valid study were done, using larger sample, double blind scoring, and a single isolated variable (which requires randomization), and stastical analysis were performed that showed a significant difference between MTF transgenders and non-trangender male, and that difference is that the tranny brains are actual more like women than men, you got something there.
I don't give a shit what you consider valid or a large enough sample size in your cosplay world. That's a you problem. I'm presenting results of these studies and you can either be man enough to discuss the results of these studies or you can continue to be a bitch about it. 😄
Then we'd know it would be malpractice to provide "gender affirming care," on a person whose brain was not fully developed or did not show this difference.
You seem to be under the impression that these people work to satisfy your goals....😄
Until that science comes in, we must use our common sense to know that cutting up kids is a crime and all perpetrators and conspirators belong behind bars.
I prefer we use professional sense rather than the sense of commoners like you and I'm guess people with healthcare issues feel the same way because they keep showing up at doctors offices and hospitals and not your front door.
I should add that the part about scoring is badly lacking in the study you presented. Another poster mentioned this upthread.
Your scoreboard? That means so much to me. 😄
It wouldn't surprise me at all if the brains of people truely suffering from Gender Dysphoria showed similarities to their perceived gender. Obviously, a guy who daydreams about cutting off his own penis is not normal. Many mental disorders have been shown to be caused by physical abnormalities in the brain. Someday GD may also be shown to be the result of brain abnormalities.
Why do you bigots pretend to care about these people when we can see clearly that you do not? It's one thing to be a hateful assclown, but why be a cowardly hateful assclown? Be proud of that shit, own it. The only reason I can think of why people like you don't is because you know deep down inside you're a deplorable piece of shit so you spend life pretending. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the cosplay, I just think everyone should let their freak flag fly freely.
When and if that happens, then doctors will know not to do any kind of surgery or medication without verifying that the abnormality is there.
Maybe, maybe not. Transgenderism exist on a scale from some choosing to only socially transition to others choosing varying degrees of physically transitioning. It could be that similar to the intersexed (who have disorders of sexual glands due to different hormonal reactions) that different trans degrees or types present in different ways in the brain.
Are you sure I didn't discuss the findings of the study? What I just typed seems to be a lot like what what I copied above from my previous post.
The one time you did you claimed to have not seen the results.
It is you who did not discuss the results. What is your counter, if any, to my statement that if gender dysphoria had a physical cause, doctors should hold off on any medical or surgical treatment of gender dysphoria until an MRI of the brain verifies the condition exists?
My response is that you don't know enough about these studies, their findings, or what doctors treating patients with GD deal with day to day and what they see in their patients as far as response to treatment.
Yes, I'm a random internet guy. So are you. Not sure why you find that such an important fact.
Because you're the only one taking results from a study and trying to develop treatment plans like you're a medical professional. 😄

I posted those studies to discuss the results, not so you could cosplay Doctor.
OK, maybe I should have asked this before: what do you think this means, since you have not chosen to discuss the findings of the study you posted?
In the study you chose to discuss it means when shown erotic stimuli mtf participants show brain activity similar to the controls of their chosen gender rather than the one they were assigned at birth. That's it. It doesn't need to be more than that. That in and of itself is pretty damn interesting. At least I think so.
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Hahaha of course those who were GD as children are more likely than the general population to be susceptible to becoming GD as adults. Yeah?????? The point is that cutting the breasts off of 14-year-old girls and subjecting children to puberty blockers is completely unnecessary because 80% of them will resolve their GD through puberty, you fucking idiot.
14 year olds are out side of the 80% desistance rate for that study because that 80% desistance rate is for prepubescent children you dumb mother fucker. 😄
If it's not self-evident to you that creating all of this gender confusion and hysteria in society is causing more problems, you're a sicko (you're unredeemable, completely gone).
And the still the majority and in line with the professionals who desgin the treatments so suck it. 😛
If this shit continues whatever societal conditions you blue-haired queers felt was unjust and "mean" in the past, is going to pale in comparison to the conditions you're creating with all of this child grooming and recruiting.
Sure it will you little bitch cosplayer. Anytime you're ready. Every moment that passes that you don't do something we can only assume is because you're a bitch.
Your pathetic pinky-daisy unicorn ass is going to be so far in the closet, you'll never find the door to come out again.
I'll also never find you because you'll hide behind your keyboard while making threats like a Simp bitch.
14 year olds are out side of the 80% desistance rate for that study because that 80% desistance rate is for prepubescent children you dumb mother fucker. 😄

And the still the majority and in line with the professionals who desgin the treatments so suck it. 😛

Sure it will you little bitch cosplayer. Anytime you're ready. Every moment that passes that you don't do something we can only assume is because you're a bitch.

I'll also never find you because you'll hide behind your keyboard while making threats like a Simp bitch.

No one is threatening you punk, it's just my opinion of where this is heading. You're a little sensitive bitch whining about non-existent threats.

Puberty blockers are being given to children here in the West, as young as nine. You freaks are going to place yourselves back in the closet, due to the societal backlash you're going to create. All I have to do is sit back and watch you idiots get your just deserts.

We are NOT PUSHING THIS....liar!

It's not our decision to push! Most states it is illegal to do any cosmetic breast surgeries before the age of 16, without parental consent....and would hope no parent would want to hurt their own child....
The why are liberal states becoming sanctuary states for children to transition?
14 year olds are out side of the 80% desistance rate for that study because that 80% desistance rate is for prepubescent children you dumb mother fucker. 😄

And the still the majority and in line with the professionals who desgin the treatments so suck it. 😛

Sure it will you little bitch cosplayer. Anytime you're ready. Every moment that passes that you don't do something we can only assume is because you're a bitch.

I'll also never find you because you'll hide behind your keyboard while making threats like a Simp bitch.

The so-called "professionals" are "woke" and have a political agenda, if not a financial interest in all of the gender hysteria. Getting people hooked on hormone treatments for 50, to 60 years is a lucrative business. Treatments, surgeries..etc. Money money.
No, you just fantasize about a bunch of bigots getting violent because they hate trans care. Frankly that's even sadder. 😃

It's not healthcare, it's child abuse. I don't give a fuck if adults cut their genitals off and think they're of the opposite gender provided they don't try to impose their lunacy on children and everybody else. Destroying people's lives, and violating the rights of women. If you're a man who thinks he's a woman or even a six-year-old girl:

That's none of my business until it undermines my well-being and interests, and those who I'm responsible for and care about. Then I'm against your transsexualism/LGBTQ crap. You sickies are going to get yourselves back into the closet and there will be nothing you can do about it. Keep targeting children and you'll see.
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Their trick is to change the lexicon from child abuse to 'helping the child realize their true gender.' Notice how they always use vague terms or terms that can be taken many ways? Meanwhile they push their focused agenda under the cover of 'help.' It's basically how a scant minority endeavors to present a horrendously evil practice in a benign or even helpful light. It is true evil.

See the Nazis and Goebbles.......'We hate those Jews but we want to 'help' so we'll 'transition' them somewhere else.' Only that 'somewhere else' was in concentration camps which were also sold as another 'transition' area. Millions of Jews got 'transitioned' into death. Have I gone too far?
You've brought up an excellent point, which is that often a naturally abhorrent idea is hidden behind rhetoric to disguise its true nature, or a naturally acceptable idea is demonized by rhetoric. Thus, permanently altering a child's body and destroying its ability to procreate in order to make it appear more masculine or feminine becomes "treatment", or "therapy". I mean, who could oppose those? Likewise, opposition to young children being exposed to sexually explicit drag queen shows is branded "homophobic", or "transphobic". Who could support that?

That is the purpose and role of rhetoric in today's political discourse. Avoid addressing reality by throwing labels around.
You obviously don't know science, Short Bus. They didn't set out to answer your questions, they set out to answer their own.

Its funny how you can only speak in generalities and not the parameters and results of these tests and yet still want to try and cosplay as intellectually honest. 😄

Lack of proper grammar according to you. I found nothing off with it and it's you desperate for things to nit pick that appears intellectually weak.

It's a clear personal attack, don't be a bitch about it. 😄

They explain that to you right there in the beginning you illiterate fuckwit. 😄

Introduction: Transsexuals harbor the strong feeling of having been born to the wrong sex. There is a continuing controversial discussion of whether or not transsexualism has a biological representation. Differences between males and females in terms of functional imaging during erotic stimuli have been previously described, revealing gender-specific results.
Aim: Therefore, we postulated that male-to-female (MTF) transsexuals may show specific cerebral activation differing from their biological gender.

That would be under results you Dipshit.

Results: Significantly enhanced activation for men compared with women was revealed in brain areas involved in erotic processing, i.e., the thalamus, the amygdala, and the orbitofrontal and insular cortex, whereas no specific activation for women was found. When comparing MTF transsexuals with male volunteers, activation patterns similar to female volunteers being compared with male volunteers were revealed. Sexual arousal was assessed using standard rating scales and did not differ significantly for the three groups.

Small sample size I'll give you but that's not what anecdotal means you moron. 😄 And despite its small sample size the findings were what they were.

I don't give a shit what you consider valid or a large enough sample size in your cosplay world. That's a you problem. I'm presenting results of these studies and you can either be man enough to discuss the results of these studies or you can continue to be a bitch about it. 😄

You seem to be under the impression that these people work to satisfy your goals....😄

I prefer we use professional sense rather than the sense of commoners like you and I'm guess people with healthcare issues feel the same way because they keep showing up at doctors offices and hospitals and not your front door.

Your scoreboard? That means so much to me. 😄

Why do you bigots pretend to care about these people when we can see clearly that you do not? It's one thing to be a hateful assclown, but why be a cowardly hateful assclown? Be proud of that shit, own it. The only reason I can think of why people like you don't is because you know deep down inside you're a deplorable piece of shit so you spend life pretending. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the cosplay, I just think everyone should let their freak flag fly freely.

Maybe, maybe not. Transgenderism exist on a scale from some choosing to only socially transition to others choosing varying degrees of physically transitioning. It could be that similar to the intersexed (who have disorders of sexual glands due to different hormonal reactions) that different trans degrees or types present in different ways in the brain.

The one time you did you claimed to have not seen the results.

My response is that you don't know enough about these studies, their findings, or what doctors treating patients with GD deal with day to day and what they see in their patients as far as response to treatment.

Because you're the only one taking results from a study and trying to develop treatment plans like you're a medical professional. 😄

I posted those studies to discuss the results, not so you could cosplay Doctor.
Long rant to say nothing of substance.
In the study you chose to discuss it means when shown erotic stimuli mtf participants show brain activity similar to the controls of their chosen gender rather than the one they were assigned at birth. That's it. It doesn't need to be more than that. That in and of itself is pretty damn interesting. At least I think so.
Ok, so it's interesting to someone already keenly interested in transgender children. If that's your only claim about it fine. You're welcome to be interested.
The so-called "professionals" are "woke" and have a political agenda, if not a financial interest in all of the gender hysteria. Getting people hooked on hormone treatments for 50, to 60 years is a lucrative business. Treatments, surgeries..etc. Money money.
Sure. Whatever you have to believe to justify your bigotry. I get it. What I don't get is what exactly the right wing wants out of the healthcare industry. Aren't you people the supporters of the for profit model? Now you're crying and hinting at nefarious practices just because they're profitable? It's almost as if you don't really believe any of these arguments and they are again simply excuses for your bigotry and hate.
It's not healthcare, it's child abuse. I don't give a fuck if adults cut their genitals off and think they're of the opposite gender provided they don't try to impose their lunacy on children and everybody else. Destroying people's lives, and violating the rights of women. If you're a man who thinks he's a woman or even a six-year-old girl:
Unless those children are yours none of it is your business.
That's none of my business until it undermines my well-being and interests, and those who I'm responsible for and care about. Then I'm against your transsexualism/LGBTQ crap.
Unless those people you care about are under your legal guardianship how feel about the care they seek out means fuck all.
Long rant to say nothing of substance.

Ok, so it's interesting to someone already keenly interested in transgender children. If that's your only claim about it fine. You're welcome to be interested.
And that it shows biological correspondence for transgenderism in those participants.
Sure. Whatever you have to believe to justify your bigotry. I get it. What I don't get is what exactly the right wing wants out of the healthcare industry. Aren't you people the supporters of the for profit model? Now you're crying and hinting at nefarious practices just because they're profitable? It's almost as if you don't really believe any of these arguments and they are again simply excuses for your bigotry and hate.

Unless those children are yours none of it is your business.

Unless those people you care about are under your legal guardianship how feel about the care they seek out means fuck all.

Keep it up pinky punk, and you'll see. All of you glittery-haired fruitcakes targeting children are going to be running into your closets soon if you continue with your agenda. You're actually serving the big-money capitalists who love emasculating the working class and getting their children hooked on hormones. Emasculated men don't storm capitol buildings and challenge their power. These big-money capitalists are engineering a society that will serve their vested interests and you ironically with your "fist up" profile pic with a red-socialist background, are serving the big-money capitalists who you should be fighting.

All of this gender hysteria and confusion serves the ruling class. Notice how the rich elite aren't a bunch of fairies, they're the most traditional segment of the population when it comes to marriage and family. The multimillionaires and billionaires, get married, their wives are stay-at-home moms, the rich men are masculine..etc. All of the LGBTQA+ stuff isn't for internal affairs or consumption, it's for the general population. You're supposedly a leftist like me, a materialist, but then you believe a man can become a woman, just because he "feels like a woman". You've fallen and you can't get up.

Sure. Whatever you have to believe to justify your bigotry. I get it. What I don't get is what exactly the right wing wants out of the healthcare industry. Aren't you people the supporters of the for profit model? Now you're crying and hinting at nefarious practices just because they're profitable? It's almost as if you don't really believe any of these arguments and they are again simply excuses for your bigotry and hate.

Unless those children are yours none of it is your business.

Unless those people you care about are under your legal guardianship how feel about the care they seek out means fuck all.

I don't live in a vacuum and neither do you. So up to a point, I don't give a shit how queer you are. You want your nightclubs and bathhouses and all of your perverted shit, that's none of my business provided you keep it in your own "homo-world". When you take it out of there and start targeting children, wanting to influence (infect, contaminate) their impressionable minds, injecting them with puberty blockers, and you violate women's rights..etc. It's now my business, and I will at the very least, speak out against your queer shit and do everything I can within the law, to stop you.
And that it shows biological correspondence for transgenderism in those participants.
I think you mean correlation.

Suppose larger and more valid studies were conducted and replicated that provided strong evidence of biological rather than psychological etiology for gender dysphoria.

What do you propose we do with that knowledge?
Keep it up pinky punk, and you'll see. All of you glittery-haired fruitcakes targeting children are going to be running into your closets soon if you continue with your agenda.
I get that you hurt little bitches, with no ability to change reality, like to come here and write fanfiction and do cosplay about what you hope will happen. What you don't seem to get is how embarrassing this fanfiction is. What fanfiction isnt ultimately cringe worthy? Its okay that you like to play dress up and pretend you're a warrior, it's not okay that you can't tell the difference between your fantasies and reality. No one is going anywhere and all the bigots have been doing for last 20 years is losing ground to the LGTBQ community.
You're actually serving the big-money capitalists who love emasculating the working class and getting their children hooked on hormones. Emasculated men don't storm capitol buildings and challenge their power. These big-money capitalists are engineering a society that will serve their vested interests and you ironically with your "fist up" profile pic with a red-socialist background, are serving the big-money capitalists who you should be fighting.
The reason we don't have universal Healthcare in this country is because the right wing and moderates take donor money from corporations. I support candidates in primaries who don't take corporate donations and who support Universal Healthcare. How about you?

As far as emasculation goes this is more cosplay. Let's look at reality. BLM protesters took to the streets after George Floyd was murdered and despite spats of violence and property damage, is still largely supported by the mainstream, influenced charges that ultimately resulted in convictions for George Floyd's murderers and strong armed corporations into donating billions of dollars to social justice efforts.

The jan 6th protesters on the other hand were the subject of a years long FBI manhunt, didn't even prevent Congress from certifying the vote that night, and is widely denounced by every mainstream source.

The difference between us isn't that you're more manly, it's that your tactics and messaging are stupid and ineffective.
All of this gender hysteria and confusion serves the ruling class. Notice how the rich elite aren't a bunch of fairies, they're the most traditional segment of the population when it comes to marriage and family.

Like you know.
The multimillionaires and billionaires, get married, their wives are stay-at-home moms, the rich men are masculine..etc. All of the LGBTQA+ stuff isn't for internal affairs or consumption, it's for the general population.
Yep. All of them. Every single millionaire and billionaire is a straight white Christian. Facts. 😄
You're supposedly a leftist like me, a materialist, but then you believe a man can become a woman, just because he "feels like a woman". You've fallen and you can't get up.

I don't know what you are but please don't associate yourself with me a part from us both being members of this message board. I don't want your stink on me.
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I think you mean correlation.

Suppose larger and more valid studies were conducted and replicated that provided strong evidence of biological rather than psychological etiology for gender dysphoria.

What do you propose we do with that knowledge?
I don't do cosplay. I leave that up to yall.
I get that you hurt little bitches, with no ability to change reality, like to come here and write fanfiction and do cosplay about what you hope will happen. What you don't seem to get is how embarrassing this fanfiction is. What fanfiction isnt ultimately cringe worthy? Its okay that you like to play dress up and pretend you're warrior, it's embarrassing that you can't tell the difference between your fantasies and reality. No one is going anywhere and all the bigots have been doing for last 20 years is losing ground to the LGTBQ community.

The reason we don't have universal Healthcare in this country is because the right wing and moderates take donor money from corporations. I support candidates in primaries who don't take corporate donations and who support Universal Healthcare. How about you?

As far as emasculation goes this is more cosplay. Let's look at reality. BLM protesters took to the streets after George Floyd was murdered and despite spats of violence and property damage, is still largely supported by the mainstream, influenced charges that ultimately resulted in convictions for George Floyd's murder and strong armed corporations into donating billions of dollars to social justice efforts.

The jan 6th protesters on the other hand were the subject of a years long FBI manhunt, didn't even prevent Congress from certifying the vote that night, and is widely denounced by every mainstream source.

The difference between us isn't that your more manly, it's that your tactics and messaging are stupid and ineffective.


Like you know.

Yep. All of them. Every single millionaire and billionaire is a straight white Christian. Facts. 😄

I don't know what you are but please don't associate yourself with me a part from us both being members of this message board. I don't want your stink on me.

You're supporting the LGBTQA+ agenda which is anti-working class. I support true socialism and communism, not your liberal garbage, that only serves the big-money social engineers and their destructive agenda. BLM accomplished nothing but divided the working class, creating more racial divisions. Burning down buildings and looting aren't going to accomplish anything constructive for the working class. The LGTBQA+ agenda doesn't serve the interests of most working-class people, it undermines it, especially when it seeks to emasculate boys and strip women of their rights and very existence.

Promoting the irrational, vindictive, nihilistic LGBTQA+ agenda undermines the establishment of a working-class democracy.
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You're supporting the LGBTQA+ agenda which is anti-working class. I support true socialism and communism, not your liberal garbage, that only serves the big-money social engineers and their destructive agenda. BLM accomplished nothing but divided the working class, creating more racial divisions. Burning down buildings and looting aren't going to accomplish anything constructive for the working class. The LGTBQA+ agenda doesn't serve the interests of most working-class people, it undermines it, especially when it seeks to emasculate boys and strip women of their rights and very existence.

Promoting the irrational, vindictive, nihilistic LGBTQA+ agenda undermines the establishment of a working-class democracy.
Sure thing guy.... keep cosplaying. That'll change things for you. 😄

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