Another child speaks out about being groomed by the Left

If Libs want to encourage children to dress up and pretend like they are members of the opposite sex- that's not ideal. However, when a kid grow up, they can get into clothes and exhibit behavior appropriate for their God given gender and no one need be the wiser.

No permanent damage needs to be done.

But when libs feed children powerful sex hormones and perform mutilation on them just so they will, sort-of, appear like they might be the opposite gender, that's just disgusting. Those libs belong in the penitentiary.

I have to say that any efforts to confuse a child about his sex, and about the difference between male and female, is certain to be harmful, and should be considered abusive, and should be prohibited by the laws of any sane society.

Of course, subjecting that child to any form of quasi-medical Frankensteinery that alters his body in accordance with such confusion, is a whole other level of harm beyond merely inflicting the confusion.
The majority of children being influenced by the trans agenda have underlying mental health issues.

That's a given.

You are never going to see anyone who is otherwise of sound mind, being confused about the difference between men and women. Such confusion is prima facie proof of a mind that is, in some way, fucked up.

Now whether the mind was unsound to begin with, or was fucked-up by indoctrination and brainwashing specifically to cause that confusion, is another question.
Who's deflecting? 😄 You're the ones calling this child abuse and grooming and creating this impotent bitch fest of a thread. I'm wondering if you cucks are ever going to do anything or is sitting around and watching just in your cuck nature?

And you're one of those denying that this is child abuse and grooming, when it very obviously, blatantly is.
So where were her parents.

When my wife was eight years old, her father made the choice that she should be giving him blowjobs. That continued for about two years, until it came out what he was doing to his daughter, at which time, he did what was probably the most hono0rable thing that he ever did in his failed and wretched life, which was to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.

What was done to my wife was horrific, and more than forty years later, it still continues to torment her.

And what was done to my wife was nothing, compared to the abuse that you openly defend, against children.

Those of you who would perpetrate or defend such abuse, could make the world a much better place if you would follow my father-in-law's final example; the sooner the better.
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When I was a kid we had a kid in school (a boy) whose mother treated him like a girl in nearly every respect.

She would even tell people she always wanted a girl. It was sad.

Going to legislate that too? How intrusive are you folks going to get?
When I was a kid we had a kid in school (a boy) whose mother treated him like a girl in nearly every respect.
She would even tell people she always wanted a girl. It was sad.
Going to legislate that too? How intrusive are you folks going to get?

Are you trying to defend that as anything normal, proper, or acceptable?

It's not. If what you are describing is true, that is certainly a form of child abuse, that should have been treated as such.

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