It looks like suspicions were true about the Covenent Trans School Shooter, and why their Manifest was hidden

Desert / Off Road / Motocross 1973 - 2000 ( Rider / Team Mechanic / Team Manager /driver )
There are almost no normal people on the MAGA side: turncoats, psychopaths, brain damaged, the very slow, the easily led, and just outright criminals.

Think not? Watch who shows up. :)
Democrats believe there are 47 genders, work hard to let men who think they're women play women's sports.

Yeah, they're nucking futs and taking us down with them.
Yup, wanting to cut off perfectly normal, functioning, healthy body parts, is a mental illness.
You do know that city police departments and governments often have nothing to do with the state government.

Very blue cities can be in red states.

I can’t believe I have to even explain this
Sadly, you have to keep explaining the same things over, and over, and over again, to some people. Because a month or so later they will still repeat the same ignorance again.
We knew this, yet it's tragic.

Not much hubbub about Pride Month this year, thank God. Maybe we're finally moving past this particular Moral Panic
I think the realization that puberty blockers are sterilizing little kids and harming their minds, bones and bodies, is starting to set in.

Everyone is slowly starting to catch on to who the people are, that represent the real danger to society. We are learning who the (D)eceitful, fanatical, always angry, prone to violence, lying, money grubbing fiends are.
The left wing media can't let us forget about Columbine and Sandy Hook but a little Southern Christian school attacked by a militant transgender activist isn't worth noting.
Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her 'imaginary penis' and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

Leftists and media wanted this Manifesto buried, as it gave the reasons for the shooting. They wanted it hidden to protect the ideal of transgenderism as an entirely 100% pure, and all who claim it are complete peaceful victims, completely sound of mind.

No, this was a confused, depressed, raging individual who decided to commit an act of terror against Christians and Conservatives, among other things.

Sounds like a hate crime by modern leftist standards. Leftists and media routinely blame the race, the political ideology, etc. for those who even mention such reasons when some male, supposed right-wing, white kid commits such an act. Their manifestos are known and front page news by the days end.

This one took a year to even get part of, and was routinely stone-walled and hidden from the public. Meanwhile, I doubt all the alphabet media and entertainment media like "The View" will accuse Transgenderism of causing this sort of violence, as they do with conservatism or being white.
The whole thing was a cover-up right from the beginning. As soon as the news broke that the shooter was a tranny, the cover-up began. All the woke lefties, not worrying about any of the victims, became worried that the tranny community would be in danger if the full story got out. While we hadn't even buried the dead yet, the focus became all about protecting the trannies.
Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her 'imaginary penis' and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

Leftists and media wanted this Manifesto buried, as it gave the reasons for the shooting. They wanted it hidden to protect the ideal of transgenderism as an entirely 100% pure, and all who claim it are complete peaceful victims, completely sound of mind.

No, this was a confused, depressed, raging individual who decided to commit an act of terror against Christians and Conservatives, among other things.

Sounds like a hate crime by modern leftist standards. Leftists and media routinely blame the race, the political ideology, etc. for those who even mention such reasons when some male, supposed right-wing, white kid commits such an act. Their manifestos are known and front page news by the days end.

This one took a year to even get part of, and was routinely stone-walled and hidden from the public. Meanwhile, I doubt all the alphabet media and entertainment media like "The View" will accuse Transgenderism of causing this sort of violence, as they do with conservatism or being white.

Here is just one out of the millions of dem sickies there.

Posted by u/fiery_baptismdetrans

I have permanently fucked my life up VENT

"I’ll never have fully functioning genitals again. I can never have blood children. I’m the antithesis of impulsive, but the one time I act too swiftly, I end up fucking my life up.I am an outcast. I am unloveable. What was done to me as a child isn’t to blame for my choice to transition and neither is anyone/anything else. The blame is on me because I walked into that clinic and made my decision. And I made a horrible fucking decision. How can I ever trust myself again? How can I be certain about anything if I felt so certain about that? I’m a fucking nutcase. What am I living for? I just have drifted through my life so far. The only place I belong is a jail cell because it feels like a matter of time before I hurt someone. I’m just so damn angry at everything and I want revenge against the whole fucking world."


Now this poor soul is a transfreak, but you don't have to be a transfreak to be a dem sicky. Dems on the whole are a sick lot irrespective of being trans, homosexual or not...the liberal mind is just a diseased brain. And despite all of what I say here, I'm not against the liberals or the transfreaks. Do as you long as it just affects YOU! The problem is the dems and their base work tirelessly to force it on everyone else...that is the problem. The non conformists demand everyone else to conforms to them. You can never mind your own business when it comes to a filthy dem...they take the fight to you!

trans fascist nazi.jpg

Read Reddit to study your enemies. They banned me, but I still read stay close to my enemies...










...also The Young Turks on Youtube
Not staged. One of those killed was an employee of my brother. He's definitely dead.
There were so many holes in the official narrative that it looked like Swiss Cheese. Amateur videos of fake wounds and fake wounded. The testimony of the guy wearing the American Flag shirt was a blatant play to the cameras to tell the official story, like the guy with the Harley shirt regarding 911.

I'm not saying nobody died. I'm saying it was a staged event, not spontaneous. Rather like the San Bernardino event around the same time. The official story is contradicted by facts.

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