Another Company Is Staging A Hobby Lobby-Esque Birth Control Fight

Women can't allow religious nuts to push them back into the Dark Ages.

The Dark Ages when we were responsible for our own health and our own personal decisions, instead of acting like our vaginas are public utilities? Heaven forfend!
Employees are earning the birth control coverage by the work they do. Is that too hard a concept for you people to understand?

It is the employer's business what perqs to provide outside of a paycheck, not the employee.

It's part of the contractually agreed compensation package.

I don't remember anything in my employment contract about my employer buying me birth control. And I doubt it appears in any of the contracts with Eden or Hobby Lobby, either one.

Now, granted, my employment contract DID state that I would be eligible for health insurance after 90 days as a full-time employee, but at no time or place did anyone state that that health insurance would cover any and all birth control I might desire, or even cover birth control at all. To say that I have a contractual right to have my employer-funded health insurance cover exactly what I want, when I want it, and that my employer has reneged on a promise when my health insurance DOESN'T cover what I happen to want, is utterly retarded, childish, and reveals an appalling ignorance of the realities of health insurance.

Do you know how many calls I field every day from patients who just found out that their new health insurance through work doesn't cover a medication they've been taking for years? Newsflash, libbies: they have no contractual right whatsoever to have it do so. Sucks to be them, but it happens all the time, and is perfectly legal. No insurance plan covers absolutely everything.
I've asked for ANY young women to step up on the liberal side of the fence and debate me on the topic of access to birth control, FREE OR OTHERWISE.. There aren't any.. you want to know why? The liberal hags on the left are either OLD and MENOPAUSAL, lesbians who don't need birth control most likely, and lastly, THEY KNOW THEY HAVE PLENTY OF ACCESS TO BIRTH CONTROL, even free.. IT'S A SMOKE SCREEN to tear down freedom of religion.. NOTHING MORE.. A blatant lie.. My offer still stands.

so much bullshit in one post:cuckoo:

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