Another crime of the Ukrainian junta (with links)


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there

A Russian Il-76 military transport plane carrying ukrainian prisoners being held for exchange has crashed in Belgorod Region, the Defense Ministry has said.
"At about 11:00 Moscow time, the IL-76 plane crashed in the Belgorod region while performing a scheduled flight. On board were 65 captured AFU servicemen, <...> six crew members of the airplane and three escorts," the release said.
The flight route was agreed with the Ukrainian side.
A commission of the Russian Military Space Forces flew to the scene of the accident to investigate the causes of the crash.

The Ukrayinska Pravda newspaper, which cited a source as saying that the AFU was responsible for the crash of the IL-76, deleted the report after it became known about the Ukrainian prisoners on board.

Andrei Kartapolov, chairman of the State Duma's defense committee, told a State Duma meeting that the Russian Il-76 was shot down by the AFU with three missiles, they were either American Patriot or German IRIS T missiles. He added that after the crashed transport flew another board with 80 prisoners, it had time to turn around.

Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin instructed to prepare appeals to the US Congress and the Bundestag to look into "what missiles and launchers were used" to attack the Russian Il-76. According to him, foreign parliamentarians should realize that they are financing the Nazi regime and declare impeachment of the leaders of their countries.

Wouldn't be the first time. In July 2022, Ukrainian Nazis hit the prison in Yelenivka, where Ukrainian prisoners of war were held, with rockets. At least 53 prisoners were killed.
There are also videos of ukro-nazis shooting their retreating soldiers.

A Russian Il-76 military transport plane carrying ukrainian prisoners being held for exchange has crashed in Belgorod Region, the Defense Ministry has said.
"At about 11:00 Moscow time, the IL-76 plane crashed in the Belgorod region while performing a scheduled flight. On board were 65 captured AFU servicemen, <...> six crew members of the airplane and three escorts," the release said.
The flight route was agreed with the Ukrainian side.
A commission of the Russian Military Space Forces flew to the scene of the accident to investigate the causes of the crash.

The Ukrayinska Pravda newspaper, which cited a source as saying that the AFU was responsible for the crash of the IL-76, deleted the report after it became known about the Ukrainian prisoners on board.

Andrei Kartapolov, chairman of the State Duma's defense committee, told a State Duma meeting that the Russian Il-76 was shot down by the AFU with three missiles, they were either American Patriot or German IRIS T missiles. He added that after the crashed transport flew another board with 80 prisoners, it had time to turn around.

Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin instructed to prepare appeals to the US Congress and the Bundestag to look into "what missiles and launchers were used" to attack the Russian Il-76. According to him, foreign parliamentarians should realize that they are financing the Nazi regime and declare impeachment of the leaders of their countries.

Wouldn't be the first time. In July 2022, Ukrainian Nazis hit the prison in Yelenivka, where Ukrainian prisoners of war were held, with rockets. At least 53 prisoners were killed.
There are also videos of ukro-nazis shooting their retreating soldiers.

I am not one that trusts anything out of Russian public announcements. It would not surprise me, if Russia shot their own plane down, with the 65 Ukrainian POWs.
I am not one that trusts anything out of Russian public announcements. It would not surprise me, if Russia shot their own plane down, with the 65 Ukrainian POWs.
It is understandable. Lifetime propaganda that Russia is Evil, but the vilest scum with blood on their hands, but fighting Russia (or the USSR) are Freedom Fighters and Heroes of Democracy.... I know.
A Russian Il-76 military transport plane carrying ukrainian prisoners being held for exchange has crashed in Belgorod Region, the Defense Ministry has said.
"At about 11:00 Moscow time, the IL-76 plane crashed in the Belgorod region while performing a scheduled flight. On board were 65 captured AFU servicemen, <...> six crew members of the airplane and three escorts," the release said.
Excellent report.
Rather than open another thread, I suggest Americans who have no idea what is actually happening there should scan this :-
I just got back from Ukraine, where I was visiting some friends. Everything we have heard about what’s happening in Ukraine is a lie. The reality is darker, bleaker, and unequivocally hopeless.
There is no such thing as Ukraine "winning" this war. - By their estimates, they have lost over one million of their sons, fathers and husbands; an entire generation is gone.
  • Even in the Southwest, where the anti-Russian sentiment is long-standing, citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Zelensky; they will go to jail.
  • In every village and town, the streets, shops, and restaurants are mostly absent of men.
  • The few men who remain are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service.
  • Army search parties take place early in the morning, when men leave their homes to go to work. They ambush and kidnap them off the streets and within 3-4 hours they get listed in the army and taken away straight to the front lines with minimal or no training at all; it is "a death sentence."
- It's getting worse every day. Where I was staying, a dentist had just been taken by security forces on his way to work, leaving behind two small children. Every day, 3-5 dead bodies keep arriving from the front lines.
  • Mothers and wives fight tooth and nail with the armed forces, beg and plead not to have their men taken away. They try bribing, which sometimes works, but most of the time they are met with physical violence and death threats.
  • The territory celebrated as having been "won back" from Russia has been reduced to rubble and is uninhabitable. Regardless, there is no one left to live there and displaced families will likely never return.
- They see the way the war has been reported, at home and abroad. It's a "joke" and "propaganda." They say: “Look around: is this winning?”.
- Worse, some have been hoaxed into believing that once Ukrainians forces are exhausted, American soldiers will come in to replace them and “win the war”. There is no ambiguity in these people. The war was for nothing - a travesty. The outcome always was, and is, clear.
The people are hopeless, utterly destroyed, and living in an unending nightmare. They are pleading for an end, any end - most likely the same "peace" that could have been achieved two years ago. In their minds, they have already lost, for their sons, fathers and husbands are gone, and their country has been destroyed. There is no "victory" that can change that.
Make no mistake, they are angry with Putin. But they are also angry with Zelensky and the West. They have lost everything, worst of all, hope and faith, and cannot comprehend why Zelenky wishes to continue the current trajectory, the one of human devastation. I didn't witness the war; but what I saw was absolutely heart-breaking. Shame on the people, regardless of their intentions, who have supported this war. And shame on the media for continuing to lie about it.

Comments please , Horsey Horsey , Shitepinger , et al
Judging by the chaos in the Ukrainian information field regarding the shooting down of the Il 76 plane, many people, including me, have a suspicion that even for Zelensky and Yermak it was a surprise. Most likely, foreigners worked without notifying the office of the president. Independent country, my ass...
Judging by the chaos in the Ukrainian information field regarding the shooting down of the Il 76 plane, many people, including me, have a suspicion that even for Zelensky and Yermak it was a surprise. Most likely, foreigners worked without notifying the office of the president. Independent country, my ass...
The Mad Midget is truly completely mad according to latest insider news .
Is is so extreme that most Ukey Rada politicians are looking to get out of the country ASAP .
Any scenario is now possible and it would be no suprise if he disappeared very soon .
He is being protected by his ultra right Azov Nazi army within the army , so it is difficuly to forecast events should it be decided to shoot him .
A lamp post type of hanging would create better PR for peace , imho .
I am not one that trusts anything out of Russian public announcements. It would not surprise me, if Russia shot their own plane down, with the 65 Ukrainian POWs.
People like you have been promoting that Bollocks for years, Russia has been killing its own soldiers and people, get your head tested.
Well there are reports that aircraft was downed by a patriot missile, if so that is a direct attack on Russia with US supplied weapons, if that is not a big fat red line for Putin what is?
Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed that 63 Ukrainian prisoners of war were on board, while Ukrainian media reported that the flight was carrying missiles, though Ukraine’s Armed Forces have yet to comment, saying the incident is still under investigation.

Ukrainian sources claim it was transporting missiles for the S-300 system. The plane had been used in 5 previous POW exchanges and it would land at Belgorod airport. Probably there was a lack of communication on the Ukrainian side and those responsible for firing missiles were unaware of the planned prisoner change in Belgorod, presuming that the plane was carrying missiles when it was shot down.
People like you have been promoting that Bollocks for years, Russia has been killing its own soldiers and people, get your head tested.
Actually, they tend to kill their own people, one at a time. They tend to have the damnedest bad luck about falling off balconies, spilling chemicals in their own underwear and the occasional drowning in a bathtub.
Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed that 63 Ukrainian prisoners of war were on board, while Ukrainian media reported that the flight was carrying missiles, though Ukraine’s Armed Forces have yet to comment, saying the incident is still under investigation.

Ukrainian sources claim it was transporting missiles for the S-300 system. The plane had been used in 5 previous POW exchanges and it would land at Belgorod airport. Probably there was a lack of communication on the Ukrainian side and those responsible for firing missiles were unaware of the planned prisoner change in Belgorod, presuming that the plane was carrying missiles when it was shot down.
Well one excuse yesterday was that they don't use aircraft to transport POWs, we all know that is nonsense, i believe it was a deliberate attack knowing who was on the aircraft, or some drunken Nazi that got trigger happy.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine again terrorized the market in Donetsk - the square was attacked with drones, seriously wounding two women who were buying flowers for a funeral

Once again, the militants targeted a retail outlet in the Kirovsky district of the city. This time, the enemies dropped ammunition from drones onto the market in the village of the Abakumov mine. Fortunately, there were no fatalities, but two women who left the store where they were buying flowers for a funeral were seriously injured. Their legs were badly cut; the militants dropped ammunition right in front of them.

Eyewitnesses dragged them to a nearby jewelry workshop and bandaged them, which saved their lives. Later, the women were hospitalized by visiting doctors; traces of blood on the threshold of the store remained a reminder of what happened. In addition, one of the bombs fell on an expensive foreign car parked nearby. Now there is a hole in the hood and the tires have been punctured, but the owner was not around, so, fortunately, he was not injured.
Recently, there have been statements in the press about the need for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. And now Ukraine shoots down an airplane with its prisoners of war, which puts into question not only the exchange of prisoners of war, but also the negotiations on peace....
Who benefits from the continuation of the war? Who prevented the March 2022 talks in Istanbul by ordering Ukraine to continue the war? Great Britain...
Who has consistently supplied weapons to Ukraine? UK.
Who has been a consistent enemy of Russia for centuries? Great Britain.
For the sake of continuing the war ukrainian soldiers were killed on an airplane.....
Recently, there have been statements in the press about the need for negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. And now Ukraine shoots down an airplane with its prisoners of war, which puts into question not only the exchange of prisoners of war, but also the negotiations on peace....
Who benefits from the continuation of the war? Who prevented the March 2022 talks in Istanbul by ordering Ukraine to continue the war? Great Britain...
Who has consistently supplied weapons to Ukraine? UK.
Who has been a consistent enemy of Russia for centuries? Great Britain.
For the sake of continuing the war ukrainian soldiers were killed on an airplane.....
I think that train left the station Ringo, now it's a case of Russia smashing those Nazis until they have reached their objectives as bloody and terrible as that is.
The sooner Dear Uncle P is invited to join the US Presidential race , the better for Americans and , more importantly, it will help make the world a safer and nicer place .

The Ukraine situation would be immediately resolved and Nazi Israelis could be restored to their true homeland in ex Ukraine and newly named Khazaria .
The story of the destruction of the IL-76 airplane is the result of the internal political struggle of neo-Nazi elites in Kiev. A war of pigs at the trough.

Glory to russian pilots! They are heroes. Ukrainian families did not see their prisoners from Russia...

It will only get worse: these trident freaks will easily kill their own soldiers and prisoners of war to maintain their power, which they have learned from 700 days of war. They will mercilessly bomb their towns and villages, wiping their houses to dust and incinerating their elderly and children. There are no limits for the yellow-blue beasts

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