Another Day, Another Obama Administration Conspiracy Revelation Exposed...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“What we’re finding without talking about specifics of what’s going on is that the whole reason that this investigation was opened up was certainly not one built on a solid foundation,” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows told Politico after Papadopoulos wrapped up his testimony.

“It’s hard to understand why the FBI opened the highest profile investigation in recent times into potential collusion by the Trump campaign with the Russian government that centers on a campaign policy adviser who been on the job a month at the time the Trump-Russia investigation was launched”

...More evidence that the investigation was begun based on a false document the Hillary campaign acquired from foreign agents - working for the FBI - and the Russians who authored the document, the document she then gave to the FBI which was then used illegally to illegally acquire FISA warrants and to deceive Congress into opening the investigation and appoint waiting co-conspirator Robert Mueller as Special Council.

Papadopoulos was an unpaid Trump campaign volunteer who never had any interaction with the Russians, never acquired any opposition research, never gave out any information, but was charged with the crime of lying to the FBI (unlike Hillary aides Mills and Abedin who were NOT charged with the same crime after committing it) about something that had nothing to do with Trump or the Russians.

More evidence Mueller has no evidence, that no evidence exists because there never was any crime committed by the President, no illegal collusion...on the President's opposed to Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration!

After Papadopoulos Interview, GOP Lawmakers Question Premise Of FBI’s Collusion Probe

If Obama were a white conservative he would be coming up on his first year anniversary in Leavenworth.....

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