Another Example of Obama vs Putin


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2014
Kievan Rus'
The USA is facing an extraordinary and dangerous Immigration Amnesty from Obama. Remember, 9.11 occurred when Bush was a president only for 8 months, and as far as we were told the terrorists were preparing this horrible attack for 2 years, which was mainly all during Clinton’s term. Obama’s refusal to secure the border and his Amnesty program is encouraging the flood gates to open, making it all too easy for terrorists to slither in with the masses. Just for comparison Putin is going to do the opposite with illegals in his country, clearly understanding what a threat they can be.

Vladimir Putin held an expanded Security Council meeting in the Kremlin to discuss the draft Strategy for Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation through 2025. That’s what he said:

“The third important area is the improvement of the migration policy. We still have quite a few problems here that have to do with illegal, uncontrolled migration. We know that this breeds crime, interethnic tensions and extremism. We need greater control over compliance with regulations covering migrants’ stay in Russia. “

President of Russia
obumble isn't the country. No one not even the military takes an oath of loyalty to the president. Or in this case presidunce.

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