Another Hunter Biden email released by House.

Is Congress going to investigate consulting fees for all Americans?
I know Republicans don’t want to appear to be partisan


Lame dodge by a ZF who doesn't want that issue "investigated" any more than the Burisma payoff...

The Bidens are good at this. In fact, they’re the best.

And really, with a dad in high levels of government, and with 21 or more LLC’s which serve as empty shell companies, the Bidens are also pretty good at covering their $$$$ tracks. Well, unless and until someone smokes too much crack and loses his laptop.

Everybody bought it.
Where have you been?
Maybe you have a link to all the indictments that have been generated from the contents of Hunter's laptop?
Zzz. Nobody is buying it.

Assholes can always say “it” is a nothing burger. But when you say that, in this case, you’re obviously wrong.

Review of the contents of the laptop have revealed a fair amount of information already which looks bad for Hunter and Spudz McAlzheimer.

You pretending it’s a “nothing-burger” just because the process isn’t yet completed is a reflection only of your myopic willingness to be misled.
Zzz. Nobody is buying it.

Assholes can always say “it” is a nothing burger. But when you say that, in this case, you’re obviously wrong.

Review of the contents of the laptop have revealed a fair amount of information already which looks bad for Hunter and Spudz McAlzheimer.

You pretending it’s a “nothing-burger” just because the process isn’t yet completed is a reflection only of your myopic willingness to be misled.
It's another whacky, alt-right conspiracy, BDS nothingburger.
Just hide and watch.
It's another whacky, alt-right conspiracy, BDS nothingburger.
Just hide and watch.
Zzz. You’re very dull — especially when you make shit up and then just mindlessly repeat it, as you tend to do.

Watch. And learn.

Unless your an educable mentally retarded special-ed drop out.
This thread was a hoot. I dont think I've given this many likes in a thread in a while. Fun stuff.
Nice dodge.


US spends money secretly in a foreign country

that foreign country kicks money back to Hunter

Hunter got $5 million for "consulting fees" from China. What was he "consulting" about???
how to do crack and use prostitutes

The Bidens are good at this. In fact, they’re the best.

And really, with a dad in high levels of government, and with 21 or more LLC’s which serve as empty shell companies, the Bidens are also pretty good at covering their $$$$ tracks. Well, unless and until someone smokes too much crack and loses his laptop.
And in the current environment, it might not even matter about that.

We have slid so far down into the rabbit hole, that who knows where the bottom is or where the rope is in order to climb back out ? It's truly a screwed up situation, where as the world is shocked that we've turned out to be a bunch of knucklehead's that think down is now up, and up is now down. A spirit of confusion is upon this nation, and it's reeling like a whirlwind as it destroys this nation bit by bit and piece by piece.

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