Another Illegal Murders Another American Citizen. Thank You Mr. President

This is getting to be an all to familiar story in the news:


Another OBAMA ILLEGAL ALIEN kills another AMERICAN for absolutely NO reason other than A; He hates WHITE PEOPLE and B; He is a drunken, useless, drugged out criminal pile of GARBAGE!
This SOB has been deported FIVE FRICKING TIMES! But since we have no laws or walls he just kept coming back to do what he does- wreak mayhem on American citizens. This scumbag was released by Obama and the Kenyan can add another bloody, murderous notch on his Marxist belt.

Obama has been releasing thousands of these scumbags back onto the streets only to commit more crimes against our citizens. These ILLEGALS are MURDERERS, RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ROBBERS,DRUNK DRIVERS, DRUG PUSHERS but these are Obama’s ‘Dreamers’… This is totally insane!

The bastards name is Francisco Sanchez. Here’s what he did.

A woman, Kathryn Steinle was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront and was senselessly gunned down by a CAREER CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been deported five fricking times.

ICE says San Francisco Police had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released… That is criminal in itself! Are they following Husseins orders to just set them free? Apparently they are.

San Francisco is a cesspool of the worst, most sickening liberalism that exists in this country.

This murderer is from Mexico. Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

FOX reports:

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco police on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

ICE has since lodged another immigration detainer against the individual, though it’s unclear whether San Francisco will cooperate.

An attorney for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department told the Associated Press it had no authority to honor the prior immigration hold when it released the suspect.


Liz Sullivan told the San Francisco Chronicle that her 32-year-old daughter turned to her father after she was shot and said she didn’t feel well before collapsing.

“She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me,'” Sullivan said. Her father reportedly tried to do CPR before she was rushed to the hospital.


This is just one of 1000’s of cases where these ILLEGALS are being set free to cause mayhem and it’s all about one thing-FILTHY DEMOCRATIC VOTES!

We extend our condolences to the family of this murdered young lady and we swear we will fight this ILLEGAL AMNESTY tooth and nail until our last dying breath…
I wonder what the new "Welcome To California" signs will read from now on.
"Welcome To The Land Of Free Shit"
Welcome To Callyfornia. Do You Have An Extra Kidney You'd Like To Sell?
"Welcome To The Golden State, Bring Your Own Water"
and, "Need To Shower Or Shit" the Pacific Ocean is open 24 hours a day.
Just don't drop yer soap, the porpoise is waiting....
This is getting to be an all to familiar story in the news:


Another OBAMA ILLEGAL ALIEN kills another AMERICAN for absolutely NO reason other than A; He hates WHITE PEOPLE and B; He is a drunken, useless, drugged out criminal pile of GARBAGE!
This SOB has been deported FIVE FRICKING TIMES! But since we have no laws or walls he just kept coming back to do what he does- wreak mayhem on American citizens. This scumbag was released by Obama and the Kenyan can add another bloody, murderous notch on his Marxist belt.

Obama has been releasing thousands of these scumbags back onto the streets only to commit more crimes against our citizens. These ILLEGALS are MURDERERS, RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ROBBERS,DRUNK DRIVERS, DRUG PUSHERS but these are Obama’s ‘Dreamers’… This is totally insane!

The bastards name is Francisco Sanchez. Here’s what he did.

A woman, Kathryn Steinle was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront and was senselessly gunned down by a CAREER CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been deported five fricking times.

ICE says San Francisco Police had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released… That is criminal in itself! Are they following Husseins orders to just set them free? Apparently they are.

San Francisco is a cesspool of the worst, most sickening liberalism that exists in this country.

This murderer is from Mexico. Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

FOX reports:

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco police on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

ICE has since lodged another immigration detainer against the individual, though it’s unclear whether San Francisco will cooperate.

An attorney for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department told the Associated Press it had no authority to honor the prior immigration hold when it released the suspect.


Liz Sullivan told the San Francisco Chronicle that her 32-year-old daughter turned to her father after she was shot and said she didn’t feel well before collapsing.

“She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me,'” Sullivan said. Her father reportedly tried to do CPR before she was rushed to the hospital.


This is just one of 1000’s of cases where these ILLEGALS are being set free to cause mayhem and it’s all about one thing-FILTHY DEMOCRATIC VOTES!

We extend our condolences to the family of this murdered young lady and we swear we will fight this ILLEGAL AMNESTY tooth and nail until our last dying breath…
We should find out where he worked and hang the person that employed him
I wonder what the new "Welcome To California" signs will read from now on.
"Welcome To The Land Of Free Shit"
Welcome To Callyfornia. Do You Have An Extra Kidney You'd Like To Sell?
"Welcome To The Golden State, Bring Your Own Water"
and, "Need To Shower Or Shit" the Pacific Ocean is open 24 hours a day.
Just don't drop yer soap, the porpoise is waiting....
this could be a future thread, but i want to do a "Welcome To New York" sign one later, I was going to do it earlier, but obviously had to put it off cause of the charelston shootings. but will later on.
So, SF pd had him in custody; was supposed to notify ICE when they were finished with him; but failed to do so; and it's all Obama's fault.
After being deported the first couple of times one has to wonder why it's so easy for him to get back in.
Then you realize that Obama has opened the borders....and you realize this is his fault.
Where is this opening?
From San Diego to Brownsville.
So, SF pd had him in custody; was supposed to notify ICE when they were finished with him; but failed to do so; and it's all Obama's fault.
After being deported the first couple of times one has to wonder why it's so easy for him to get back in.
Then you realize that Obama has opened the borders....and you realize this is his fault.
Where is this opening?
About 1954 mi or 3145 km of the Southern border.
has Jerry Brown gone on Live TV and tell all illegals to stop shooting legal Americans as if it was a sport to them?
This is getting to be an all to familiar story in the news:


Another OBAMA ILLEGAL ALIEN kills another AMERICAN for absolutely NO reason other than A; He hates WHITE PEOPLE and B; He is a drunken, useless, drugged out criminal pile of GARBAGE!
This SOB has been deported FIVE FRICKING TIMES! But since we have no laws or walls he just kept coming back to do what he does- wreak mayhem on American citizens. This scumbag was released by Obama and the Kenyan can add another bloody, murderous notch on his Marxist belt.

Obama has been releasing thousands of these scumbags back onto the streets only to commit more crimes against our citizens. These ILLEGALS are MURDERERS, RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ROBBERS,DRUNK DRIVERS, DRUG PUSHERS but these are Obama’s ‘Dreamers’… This is totally insane!

The bastards name is Francisco Sanchez. Here’s what he did.

A woman, Kathryn Steinle was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront and was senselessly gunned down by a CAREER CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been deported five fricking times.

ICE says San Francisco Police had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released… That is criminal in itself! Are they following Husseins orders to just set them free? Apparently they are.

San Francisco is a cesspool of the worst, most sickening liberalism that exists in this country.

This murderer is from Mexico. Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

FOX reports:

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco police on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

ICE has since lodged another immigration detainer against the individual, though it’s unclear whether San Francisco will cooperate.

An attorney for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department told the Associated Press it had no authority to honor the prior immigration hold when it released the suspect.


Liz Sullivan told the San Francisco Chronicle that her 32-year-old daughter turned to her father after she was shot and said she didn’t feel well before collapsing.

“She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me,'” Sullivan said. Her father reportedly tried to do CPR before she was rushed to the hospital.


This is just one of 1000’s of cases where these ILLEGALS are being set free to cause mayhem and it’s all about one thing-FILTHY DEMOCRATIC VOTES!

We extend our condolences to the family of this murdered young lady and we swear we will fight this ILLEGAL AMNESTY tooth and nail until our last dying breath…
We should find out where he worked and hang the person that employed him
He was in SF because it was a sanctuary city set up by Liberals in the city you can go after the mayor for starters.
This is getting to be an all to familiar story in the news:


Another OBAMA ILLEGAL ALIEN kills another AMERICAN for absolutely NO reason other than A; He hates WHITE PEOPLE and B; He is a drunken, useless, drugged out criminal pile of GARBAGE!
This SOB has been deported FIVE FRICKING TIMES! But since we have no laws or walls he just kept coming back to do what he does- wreak mayhem on American citizens. This scumbag was released by Obama and the Kenyan can add another bloody, murderous notch on his Marxist belt.

Obama has been releasing thousands of these scumbags back onto the streets only to commit more crimes against our citizens. These ILLEGALS are MURDERERS, RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ROBBERS,DRUNK DRIVERS, DRUG PUSHERS but these are Obama’s ‘Dreamers’… This is totally insane!

The bastards name is Francisco Sanchez. Here’s what he did.

A woman, Kathryn Steinle was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront and was senselessly gunned down by a CAREER CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been deported five fricking times.

ICE says San Francisco Police had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released… That is criminal in itself! Are they following Husseins orders to just set them free? Apparently they are.

San Francisco is a cesspool of the worst, most sickening liberalism that exists in this country.

This murderer is from Mexico. Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

FOX reports:

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco police on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

ICE has since lodged another immigration detainer against the individual, though it’s unclear whether San Francisco will cooperate.

An attorney for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department told the Associated Press it had no authority to honor the prior immigration hold when it released the suspect.


Liz Sullivan told the San Francisco Chronicle that her 32-year-old daughter turned to her father after she was shot and said she didn’t feel well before collapsing.

“She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me,'” Sullivan said. Her father reportedly tried to do CPR before she was rushed to the hospital.


This is just one of 1000’s of cases where these ILLEGALS are being set free to cause mayhem and it’s all about one thing-FILTHY DEMOCRATIC VOTES!

We extend our condolences to the family of this murdered young lady and we swear we will fight this ILLEGAL AMNESTY tooth and nail until our last dying breath…
We should find out where he worked and hang the person that employed him
He was in SF because it was a sanctuary city set up by Liberals in the city you can go after the mayor for starters.
Remember even Mitt Romney was even caught hiring illegal immigrants to do work on his houses. The Republicans are torn on this issue. on one side the racist on the other side the illegal employers who hire illegal immigrants to avoid paying taxes and to pay lower wages for work Americans supposedly won't do
This is getting to be an all to familiar story in the news:


Another OBAMA ILLEGAL ALIEN kills another AMERICAN for absolutely NO reason other than A; He hates WHITE PEOPLE and B; He is a drunken, useless, drugged out criminal pile of GARBAGE!
This SOB has been deported FIVE FRICKING TIMES! But since we have no laws or walls he just kept coming back to do what he does- wreak mayhem on American citizens. This scumbag was released by Obama and the Kenyan can add another bloody, murderous notch on his Marxist belt.

Obama has been releasing thousands of these scumbags back onto the streets only to commit more crimes against our citizens. These ILLEGALS are MURDERERS, RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ROBBERS,DRUNK DRIVERS, DRUG PUSHERS but these are Obama’s ‘Dreamers’… This is totally insane!

The bastards name is Francisco Sanchez. Here’s what he did.

A woman, Kathryn Steinle was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront and was senselessly gunned down by a CAREER CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been deported five fricking times.

ICE says San Francisco Police had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released… That is criminal in itself! Are they following Husseins orders to just set them free? Apparently they are.

San Francisco is a cesspool of the worst, most sickening liberalism that exists in this country.

This murderer is from Mexico. Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

FOX reports:

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco police on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

ICE has since lodged another immigration detainer against the individual, though it’s unclear whether San Francisco will cooperate.

An attorney for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department told the Associated Press it had no authority to honor the prior immigration hold when it released the suspect.


Liz Sullivan told the San Francisco Chronicle that her 32-year-old daughter turned to her father after she was shot and said she didn’t feel well before collapsing.

“She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me,'” Sullivan said. Her father reportedly tried to do CPR before she was rushed to the hospital.


This is just one of 1000’s of cases where these ILLEGALS are being set free to cause mayhem and it’s all about one thing-FILTHY DEMOCRATIC VOTES!

We extend our condolences to the family of this murdered young lady and we swear we will fight this ILLEGAL AMNESTY tooth and nail until our last dying breath…
We should find out where he worked and hang the person that employed him
He was in SF because it was a sanctuary city set up by Liberals in the city you can go after the mayor for starters.
Remember even Mitt Romney was even caught hiring illegal immigrants to do work on his houses. The Republicans are torn on this issue. on one side the racist on the other side the illegal employers who hire illegal immigrants to avoid paying taxes and to pay lower wages for work Americans supposedly won't do

Police said Thursday they arrested Francisco Sanchez in the shooting an hour after it occurred.

On Friday, ICE revealed their records indicate the individual has been previously deported five times, most recently in 2009, and is from Mexico.

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

There’s a really good chance Kate would still be alive if we didn’t have ‘sanctuary cities’ for illegals and our border had been secured a long time ago.
The US government, along with San Francisco, has this poor girl’s blood on their hands.

Man arrested for killing San Francisco woman is an ILLEGAL who had been DEPORTED FIVE TIMES The Right Scoop -
This is getting to be an all to familiar story in the news:


Another OBAMA ILLEGAL ALIEN kills another AMERICAN for absolutely NO reason other than A; He hates WHITE PEOPLE and B; He is a drunken, useless, drugged out criminal pile of GARBAGE!
This SOB has been deported FIVE FRICKING TIMES! But since we have no laws or walls he just kept coming back to do what he does- wreak mayhem on American citizens. This scumbag was released by Obama and the Kenyan can add another bloody, murderous notch on his Marxist belt.

Obama has been releasing thousands of these scumbags back onto the streets only to commit more crimes against our citizens. These ILLEGALS are MURDERERS, RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ROBBERS,DRUNK DRIVERS, DRUG PUSHERS but these are Obama’s ‘Dreamers’… This is totally insane!

The bastards name is Francisco Sanchez. Here’s what he did.

A woman, Kathryn Steinle was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront and was senselessly gunned down by a CAREER CRIMINAL ILLEGAL ALIEN who has been deported five fricking times.

ICE says San Francisco Police had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released… That is criminal in itself! Are they following Husseins orders to just set them free? Apparently they are.

San Francisco is a cesspool of the worst, most sickening liberalism that exists in this country.

This murderer is from Mexico. Surprised? Yeah, me neither.

FOX reports:

“His criminal history includes seven prior felony convictions, four involving narcotics charges,” ICE said in a statement.

ICE briefly had him in their custody in March after he had served his latest sentence for “felony re-entry,” but turned him over to San Francisco police on an outstanding drug warrant. At this time, ICE issued the detainer — effectively asking that he be turned back over to ICE when San Francisco was finished with him.

But ICE was not notified. The incident is sure to renew criticism of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies.

“Here’s a jurisdiction that’s not even honoring our detainer for someone who clearly is an egregious offender,” an ICE official told

ICE has since lodged another immigration detainer against the individual, though it’s unclear whether San Francisco will cooperate.

An attorney for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department told the Associated Press it had no authority to honor the prior immigration hold when it released the suspect.


Liz Sullivan told the San Francisco Chronicle that her 32-year-old daughter turned to her father after she was shot and said she didn’t feel well before collapsing.

“She just kept saying, ‘Dad, help me, help me,'” Sullivan said. Her father reportedly tried to do CPR before she was rushed to the hospital.


This is just one of 1000’s of cases where these ILLEGALS are being set free to cause mayhem and it’s all about one thing-FILTHY DEMOCRATIC VOTES!

We extend our condolences to the family of this murdered young lady and we swear we will fight this ILLEGAL AMNESTY tooth and nail until our last dying breath…
Looks like Trump is right. Except this one wasn't raped. Just shot to death. Big difference I guess.
The op writer is so full of crapola it is spilling out the mouth....

So, Obama's ICE is pissed off because they were not given back this dangerous man by the City of Sn Fran when the cops were done with his charges there is SF, and the op blames this on Obama's ICE or Obama....?


GOOD ONE, deranged but a good laugh at the insane..... sigh....
The op writer is so full of crapola it is spilling out the mouth....

So, Obama's ICE is pissed off because they were not given back this dangerous man by the City of Sn Fran when the cops were done with his charges there is SF, and the op blames this on Obama's ICE or Obama....?


GOOD ONE, deranged but a good laugh at the insane..... sigh....
Yeah....what difference does it make.

Yuh seems the only thing that really matters in America is what the media and the left thinks matters.

Everything else is "So What!!!!"

If the killer had been a Tea Party member with a confederate flag belt-buckle you guys would be all over this one.
The op writer is so full of crapola it is spilling out the mouth....

So, Obama's ICE is pissed off because they were not given back this dangerous man by the City of Sn Fran when the cops were done with his charges there is SF, and the op blames this on Obama's ICE or Obama....?


GOOD ONE, deranged but a good laugh at the insane..... sigh....
Yeah....what difference does it make.

Yuh seems the only thing that really matters in America is what the media and the left thinks matters.

Everything else is "So What!!!!"

Why do you think the Republicans got Clinton to deregulate the media in 1997? The rich know if they control the media they can use it to control us. They can decide if something is discussed how it is discussed and how much it is discussed.

They also used control of the media getting away with lying us into Iraq. If the media were liberal bush Chaney would have been charged with treason.
If the killer had been a Tea Party member with a confederate flag belt-buckle you guys would be all over this one.
If the FIVE TIME DEPORTED felon had killed one of their own family members, all hell would break loose. wasn't, so it hasn't. Just send him back across the border with a free bus ticket or better yet, first class airline and shrug while doing it. Better yet..just let him loose in the streets. Again. For the 6th time.
The op writer is so full of crapola it is spilling out the mouth....

So, Obama's ICE is pissed off because they were not given back this dangerous man by the City of Sn Fran when the cops were done with his charges there is SF, and the op blames this on Obama's ICE or Obama....?


GOOD ONE, deranged but a good laugh at the insane..... sigh....
Yeah....what difference does it make.

Yuh seems the only thing that really matters in America is what the media and the left thinks matters.

Everything else is "So What!!!!"

Why do you think the Republicans got Clinton to deregulate the media in 1997? The rich know if they control the media they can use it to control us. They can decide if something is discussed how it is discussed and how much it is discussed.

They also used control of the media getting away with lying us into Iraq. If the media were liberal bush Chaney would have been charged with treason.
The reason we went into Iraq was not because of the media...but because of intelligence. Everyone knew pretty much what Saddam was doing.....the trick was catching him with the goods. Unfortunately the UN and Russian Spetnaz forces got all of it out before we could catch them.

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