..Another J6 Perp goes to prison, blames Trump ...

Nope. Trump lost by 8 million votes. A stunning repudiation.
He lost by 3 million votes in 2016, but because we are still using the Holy Roman Empire system to pick presidents, for some reason, he got an office he was in no way fit for.
Those votes were stolen from the voter rolls. Signatures were forged and they were dropped in boxes in six huge counties. Biden stole those states and 71 electoral votes. The fraud is more obvious today than it ever was.
Those votes were stolen from the voter rolls. Signatures were forged and they were dropped in boxes in six huge counties. Biden stole those states and 71 electoral votes. The fraud is more obvious today than it ever was.

Except you have no proof of that.
There is digital proof state authorities refuse to investigate. Why do you think that is?

Because it isn't true...

Hey. all these arguments were never made by Trump in court, because they'd be perjury if he said them in a court.

This is just about scamming you out of money... so keep writing those checks.
Because it isn't true...

Hey. all these arguments were never made by Trump in court, because they'd be perjury if he said them in a court.

This is just about scamming you out of money... so keep writing those checks.
It certainly is true and the data that proves people drove by drop boxes in early AM hours multiple times ( less than 300 and 5000 trips) and for days in a row is still there. Authorities could identify these people and investigate but they do not.
You need to pay attention. None of those judges granted an evidentiary hearing. Without that you can prove nothing either way.
Because the MAGAs had nothing that would be classified as evidence. A batshit crazy conspiracy theory is not evidence.
It certainly is true and the data that proves people drove by drop boxes in early AM hours multiple times ( less than 300 and 5000 trips) and for days in a row is still there. Authorities could identify these people and investigate but they do not.

Wow, if that happened it would be... um, no big deal. They were still ballots by people who were allowed to vote.

Here's the thing. What you need to do is find a person who voted and get them to swear out affidavits saying they didn't vote. Or find two votes cast for the same name.

That's what you guys didn't find.
Because the MAGAs had nothing that would be classified as evidence. A batshit crazy conspiracy theory is not evidence.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
You understand the only requirement for being on that list is that someone posted it on Twitter, don't you? I could claim all the judges involved were married to goats, and be included on that list.
You understand the only requirement for being on that list is that someone posted it on Twitter, don't you? I could claim all the judges involved were married to goats, and be included on that list.
It says admissible evidence and the site is much more credible than you.
And who made the determination that all that crap was admissable? The site only claims that all were verified to have been posted on Twitter.
If Twitter says they are evidence and that was before Musk took over why don't you believe them?
You have been dumb enough to believe what Twitter was saying. Next.
You're getting more goofy with each post. You realize Twitter isn't one person, don't you? There are contradictory posts on every subject at any time. The majority of opinions generally tend to lean toward the reasonable,but not always. Anyone who would form their opionions based soley on what the current trending tweets are at any time is a total idiot.
Again, you are too dumb to have this conversation.
You're getting more goofy with each post. You realize Twitter isn't one person, don't you? There are contradictory posts on every subject at any time. The majority of opinions generally tend to lean toward the reasonable,but not always. Anyone who would form their opionions based soley on what the current trending tweets are at any time is a total idiot.
Twitter pushed a narrative for globalists just like the media and the illegitimate administration. Don't give me that crap that you did not believe them,. You are still pushing the crap they got caught lying about.
Twitter pushed a narrative for globalists just like the media and the illegitimate administration. Don't give me that crap that you did not believe them,. You are still pushing the crap they got caught lying about.
I'm sure that is accepted as fact in your close knit bubble of crazies, but in the real world it is seen as the crazy conspiracies that it is.
Reported today in the Detroit Free Press: (emphasis by my avatar)

"Anthony Puma admitted to breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, through a broken window, videotaping the melee on his GoPro camera and posting it to Facebook — but says President Donald Trump "tricked" him into rebelling that day — and he therefore shouldn't go to prison for it.

A judge disagreed.

Puma, a 50-year-old husband and father who now says he regrets his actions and has "disavowed" his support for Trump, will be in a federal prison for nine months for participating in the violent attack that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

"Mr. Puma deeply regrets his actions. ... He acknowledged that he was encouraged by the former President Trump and has disavowed himself from any dangerous propaganda that led him to commit a crime. While this does not excuse his actions, Mr. Puma genuinely feels tricked by the former president who he trusted would not steer him down an illegal path," Puma's lawyer previously argued in court documents. "He now knows he should have never fell for his manipulation strategies."


I haven't kept count of the MAGA-jackasses who have been arrested for J6 and then went before a judge to claim Don Trump 'tricked' em, or lead them, or ordered them, or directed them.....to go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.

I don't believe...tho I stand ready to be corrected...that that particular line of defense has been particularly effective before judges or juries.

Still, the whole world witnessed Don Trump summoning the mob ('Come to DC, it'll be wild'...'stand back and stand by'), assembling the mob at the Eclipse, and then directing them to go directly at our Representatives and our Capitol. We all saw it.

Still, judges seemingly are taking the tack that it is 'individual choice' on one's own actions that are most determinant. And are seemingly also taking the tack that Trump's responsibility for J6 is more rightfully addressed in another court.

So off to prison these J6 Jackasses go.

So be it. I am satisfied that those we saw on the telly smashing a cop, or breaking a window, or vandalizing an office.....are getting justice served. If any of that can be officially pinned on Don Trump, as I personally think a share of it should be....well, I'm cool with that too. But in the meantime, will be glad to see the TDS'rs ---Trump's Duped & Snookered --- go to the slammer so they can better contemplate their role in the American tragedy of January 6th.


Sounds like a natural-born liberal - eager to blame others for his choices / actions.

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