Another J6er Goes on Trial For 'Shoving' and 'Yelling'


1000s of people were jailed over BLM protests, including many Republicans stirring up trouble. I don't consider that leniency

Good grief. Kamala donated to a fund that gives to many different organizations and helping protestors happens to be one of them. Sad you have a problem with that.

Viking guy was part of an insurrection. He isn't charged with "shoving" people. You made that up so you could play it into your victim routine.

I am sorry that insurrectionists facing legal consequences makes you feel victimized. As the Dems seem to be the new party of law and order, we will have to wait and see who else gets charged for sedition.
Thank you for that insightful commentary Peter Stzrok.

View attachment 676632
How many of these looters, rioters, arsonists, assaulters, murderers, and domestic terrorists, tjose who tried to burn federal marshalls alive inside a federal building, spent a year in jail, were denied constitutional rights, were beaten and kept in isolation...

Oh that's right ... despite drstroying local communities, killing people, and committing domestic terrorists attacks...

Great thread brother's really bringing out their true colors.
One easy search proves that you are lying again.
People were in FACT arrested.
View attachment 701439
Oops, You missed this one. It was on the SAME page as your first link. I'm sure it was just a minor oversite on your part.

One year later, few charges for the arson and destruction

BY: RILYN EISCHENS - MAY 27, 2021 6:00 AM​

Oops, You missed these two also. They were on the SAME page as your second link. I'm sure it was just another minor oversite on your part.

List of arson damage during the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul

After the rioting subsided, authorities had difficulty identifying those responsible for causing destruction. By May 2021, a year after the civil unrest over Floyd's murder, investigators had only filed arson charges against 17 people for damages at 11 properties in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan region, despite arson affecting nearly 200 properties.

White People Make Up Most Arson Charges and 75% of Property Damage Charges Stemming From Portland Protests

Two-thirds of people charged with protest-related crimes are ages 35 and under.​


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