All Violent Felony Antifa 2017 Trump Inauguration Protest Charges Dismissed, Peaceful J6 Protester Gets 15 Years

When the House Minority Leader protested her actions (which I've NEVER seen a Speaker of the House do!) and refused to participate in the hearings unless the GOP members he named were seated on the Committee, Nancy Pelosi named Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger...two Republicans well known for their hatred of Trump.
Claiming that committee was "non partisan" is a joke and you know it! It was the most partisan committee seated on Capital Hill since the days of McCarthy.
We will run our own investigation,” McCarthy said during a news conference Wednesday. “[Americans] don’t deserve politics, they don’t deserve destroying the institution. No committee in Congress will work if one person is picking all who can serve.

Yet Speaker Pelosi objected to only two of 5, accepting 3. So she was not demanding to be the only one picking who can serve. She objected to two who had serious conflicts, and who later were proven to be seriously deranged on the subject
We will run our own investigation,” McCarthy said during a news conference Wednesday. “[Americans] don’t deserve politics, they don’t deserve destroying the institution. No committee in Congress will work if one person is picking all who can serve.

Yet Speaker Pelosi objected to only two of 5, accepting 3. So she was not demanding to be the only one picking who can serve. She objected to two who had serious conflicts, and who later were proven to be seriously deranged on the subject
Oh, so anyone with "serious conflicts" shouldn't have been seated? Is that what you're claiming? So Zoe Lofgren who prosecuted one of the Trump impeachment trials...she's not "conflicted"? Jamie Raskin? Adam Schiff? Are you kidding me? Pelosi objected to Jordan and Banks because she knew they'd ask tough questions.
We will run our own investigation,” McCarthy said during a news conference Wednesday. “[Americans] don’t deserve politics, they don’t deserve destroying the institution. No committee in Congress will work if one person is picking all who can serve.

Yet Speaker Pelosi objected to only two of 5, accepting 3. So she was not demanding to be the only one picking who can serve. She objected to two who had serious conflicts, and who later were proven to be seriously deranged on the subject
Show me another Speaker of the House that refused to seat members named by the opposition leader to a select committee, Dante! Show me where that's EVER been done before!
Show me another Speaker of the House that refused to seat members named by the opposition leader to a select committee, Dante! Show me where that's EVER been done before!
Show me where Kevin McCarthy refused to seat Democrats named by the Minority Leader to the House Committee investigating the Biden's?
THAT is a bipartisan committee! What Pelosi gave us was a show trial...they even brought in Hollywood talent to help with the production numbers!
FFS You are demented, pity your poor family.
No changes have been observed. After more days of weepy bitch-fits from the Trump losers here ... their diehard fascist J6 pals are still rotting in prison. Ah, life is so very good.

You know what that means, Trump cult losers. More weepy bitch-fits are needed! If you throw yourself down and keep flailing your cute widdle arms and legs crazily enough, all your fascist Jan 6 pals will go free! DearLeader will beat the rap!

It's up to you, Trump cult losers. Don't let the cult down. If fascist Amerikkka is to have any chance, you have to turn that whimpering and deflection up to "11".

Just do remember that we're keeping tabs on you. It's so easy for a white man to infiltrate your little cliques. All we have to do is pretend to abandon common sense and moral decency. Have a great day!
No changes have been observed. After more days of weepy bitch-fits from the Trump losers here ... their diehard fascist J6 pals are still rotting in prison. Ah, life is so very good.

You know what that means, Trump cult losers. More weepy bitch-fits are needed! If you throw yourself down and keep flailing your cute widdle arms and legs crazily enough, all your fascist Jan 6 pals will go free! DearLeader will beat the rap!

It's up to you, Trump cult losers. Don't let the cult down. If fascist Amerikkka is to have any chance, you have to turn that whimpering and deflection up to "11".

Just do remember that we're keeping tabs on you. It's so easy for a white man to infiltrate your little cliques. All we have to do is pretend to abandon common sense and moral decency. Have a great day!
While you think the right are throwing "bitch-fits" seem to be missing the growing swell of unrest from people living in Democratically controlled cities and States, Mamooth! Your progressive policies have come home to roost and the results are becoming apparent to those who live in Blue States. This upcoming election you're trying make about Trump because you can't make it about progressive policies! Those are abject failures.
Biden, as mediocre as he is, remains a thousand times better than his Orange Hugeness, a gangster, a criminal, who will never be president again.
Joe Biden will go down in history as an awful combination of corrupt and inept, John! His economic policies cost the average American $7,000 more last year than they should have been paying. This at a time when almost half of the country is living pay check to pay check. His foreign policy gaffes are historic. You name it...Joe fucks it up. Immigration? He's allowed 7 million illegal aliens into the country in two plus years a total that I believe is larger than the population of 34 American States combined! His DOJ is the worst example of a two tiered system of justice we've EVER seen here in the US. He's managed to assemble the most clueless Cabinet ever...they are literally the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight! With each passing day the only surprise that the Biden Administration provides is which member of that administration will provide the biggest gaffe.
Biden, as mediocre as he is, remains a thousand times better than his Orange Hugeness, a gangster, a criminal, who will never be president again.
Oldestyle Joe Biden will go down in history as an awful combination of corrupt and inept, John! His economic policies cost the average American $7,000 more last year than they should have been paying. This at a time when almost half of the country is living pay check to pay check. His foreign policy gaffes are historic. You name it...Joe fucks it up. Immigration? He's allowed 7 million illegal aliens into the country in two plus years a total that I believe is larger than the population of 34 American States combined! His DOJ is the worst example of a two tiered system of justice we've EVER seen here in the US. He's managed to assemble the most clueless Cabinet ever...they are literally the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight! With each passing day the only surprise that the Biden Administration provides is which member of that administration will provide the biggest gaffe.

John Edgar Slow Horses: Fake News. You just are so sophomoric with made up nonsense. Trump will not be President. He will die in jail.
While you think the right are throwing "bitch-fits" seem to be missing the growing swell of unrest from people living in Democratically controlled cities and States, Mamooth!
Uh-huh. So what else did FOX News tell you?

Remember, normal people don't know what sort of propaganda your cult is feeding you at any given instant.

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