Another Nail in the Climate Change Coffin


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Power Line by Steven Hayward

John observed here a couple days ago about the rapidly collapsing case for catastrophic global warming, and courtesy of the NoTricksZone Prof. Murry Salby?s Presentation In Hamburg: Climate ?Model World? Diverges Starkly From ?Real World? , we can take in one of the most devastating and comprehensive critiques of the standard alarmist model by Prof. Murry Salby, who is a climate scientist at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and author of the textbook Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate, published by Cambridge University Press (last I checked, a “mainstream” publisher). I had never heard of Salby before, but he clearly knows what he’s talking about.

This includes an hour long video with more facts and links @ Another Nail in the Climate Change Coffin | Power Line

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