Another non-7th floor FBI talks about the disgusting politicization of that agency..


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

Well, since some govt agencies have lost all cred, maybe it's time for them to go?

That would reduce the Debt quite a bit, wouldn't it? And make America great again (or at least well on its way)

Well, since some govt agencies have lost all cred, maybe it's time for them to go?

That would reduce the Debt quite a bit, wouldn't it? And make America great again (or at least well on its way)
I doubt many people are going to get the "7th floor" reference.
Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, the FBI Gestapo command floor.
I knew what you meant, but its a super inside term that most wont get. Kudo's to you for knowing it! Yes, it means the top level FBI members.
Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, the FBI Gestapo command floor.
and they were all fired

but not to worry

CNN hired them all.. so they wouldn't have to be living in a tent city wondering where they can take a leak

and they were all fired but not to worry
CNN hired them all.. so they wouldn't have to be living in a tent city wondering where they can take a leak LOL
That's the scary part about the FBI Gestapo.
They were all fired and nothing changed.
So who is really running the 7th floor?
That's the scary part about the FBI Gestapo.
They were all fired and nothing changed.
So who is really running the 7th floor?


You have to ask?!

Don't you know?

OK, maybe you were being facetious...

because everyone knows who is running the 7th floor

could it be... SATAN?
You have to ask?!
Don't you know?
OK, maybe you were being facetious...
because everyone knows who is running the 7th floor
could it be... SATAN?

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