Another Proud Moment on the World Stage For POTATUS Joe Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And all you Biden toadies should be very proud of this. Your hatred has done this to America. What a mess.

Joe Biden just spoke for 16 minutes at a NATO summit, he:

1. Called the NATO General Secretary a white n*gger.

2. Stammered on the word Ukraine, calling it urine several times.

3. Alluded to Stoltenberg's wife being a prostitute in an off-colored joke.

4. Slurred through several incoherent sentences.When it was over, he was so lost he had to be shown off stage.

And all you Biden toadies should be very proud of this. Your hatred has done this to America. What a mess.

Joe Biden just spoke for 16 minutes at a NATO summit, he:
1. Called the NATO General Secretary a white n*gger.
2. Stammered on the word Ukraine, calling it urine several times.
3. Alluded to Stoltenberg's wife being a prostitute in an off-colored joke.
4. Slurred through several incoherent sentences.When it was over, he was so lost he had to be shown off stage.

100% Fake News .
The likely double did a very OK job reading and not making errors .
The points your OP makes simply did not happen .

However , the speech content was disgusting --- war mongering , factually full of deliberate errors and simply vomit making ..

If you doubt my comments , just waste 15 minutes watching the video as I did .
The only possible counter is to suggest that the video has been heavily edited .
Except this did not happen in thevideo I watched .

Beginning to think that this
is a ruse based on what the Dumbos and Nazisraelis do all the time .

Hope not because honesty is the best policy .So Mummy told us .

"I realized, I was talking to your wife. I personally asked you to extend your service. Huh huh. Forgive me. [chuckles from audience]"

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