Another reason Muslims should stay out of western societies


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
You don't want to follow the rules that EVERYONE else has to ? Well fuck you ! And fuck you Britain for being a pussyass and letting this dark aged religion get away with shit like this.

Anyone care to wager if Britain rolls over and lets the trial proceed with this coward woman hiding behind her veil ?

I've said it before, if up to me there would be a moratorium on any further Muslim immigration (especially from the hardcore Arab countries) into any western country.
If these people don't want to assimilate, then they can go the fuck back to where they came from !!!!

Muslim woman allowed to enter plea without showing her face - but may still have to remove her veil for trial
21-year-old, from East London, facing charge of witness intimidation
Judge Peter Murphy previously said she couldn't enter a plea until she removed her full-face veil

Today at Blackfriars Crown Court he agreed to let female police officers who took custody pictures of her confirm her identity
Judge said he will give directions on Monday whether she will have to remove the veil for trial

A Muslim woman has been allowed to appear in court as a defendant and enter a plea without removing her full-face veil.

The woman, who denied a charge of witness intimidation, had previously been told by Judge Peter Murphy that she would have to show her face to enter a plea so she could be conclusively identified.

The same judge today backed down and allowed her to enter the dock to plead not guilty while wearing a niqab at Blackfriars Crown Court.

Judge Murphy will give directions on Monday as to whether the woman can stand trial while wearing a veil that shows only her eyes.

The woman, from east London, who cannot be identified for legal reason, had argued that she was unable to remove the face covering in the presence of men for religious reasons.

But compromise was met today when a female police officer, who saw her face when she was photographed after her arrest, had a private viewing with her in a room at the court.

The officer then swore on oath that it was the same woman.

Muslim woman allowed to enter plea without showing her face - but may still have to remove her veil for trial | Mail Online
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?

It was actually the Byzantine Empire that did that. Moslems attacked Christianity and Western Europe relentlessly.
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?

Even if that were true, no one cares what people did in ages past. What's important is what's happening now, and right now Islam is a poison on humanity. Anywhere in the world you find Islam, you find terrorists.
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?

It was actually the Byzantine Empire that did that. Moslems attacked Christianity and Western Europe relentlessly.

[ame=]How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe (The Hinges of History): Thomas Cahill: 9780385418492: Books[/ame]
Let's be honest. Zionists are the "liberals" setting policy that allows the insanity of the other middle east cult into the West.
I've said it before, if up to me there would be a moratorium on any further Muslim immigration (especially from the hardcore Arab countries) into any western country.

Fortunately it’s not up to you.

And in the United States we’re fortunate to have a Constitution and its case law that protects citizens from the ignorance and hate you advocate, including Muslim citizens.
Let's be honest. Zionists are the "liberals" setting policy that allows the insanity of the other middle east cult into the West.

Let's be honest.

Everytime you want to defend anything concerning Muslims or Arabs, you leftists start bashing the Zionists.

As for the case itself, if she is to be identified (maybe not in courtroom, but still identified) what is the problem?
We should force them to eat pork, watch porn and drink booze.

Only then do we consider other wise ;)
I've said it before, if up to me there would be a moratorium on any further Muslim immigration (especially from the hardcore Arab countries) into any western country.
If these people don't want to assimilate, then they can go the fuck back to where they came from !!!!

Of course the idiocy of this is multifaceted…

By what authority would such a ‘moratorium’ be established?

What constitutes a ‘hardcore Arab country’? Would a Christian or non-Muslim not be allowed to emigrate from a ‘hardcore Arab country’?

What constitutes ‘assimilation’?

How can a Muslim be ‘forced back’ to where he came from if his only ‘crime is being Muslim? Particularly in the United States where being Muslim is not a ‘crime,’ where one’s faith is entitled to First Amendment protection, and where all persons are entitled to due process of the law?

That the OP has ‘said it before’ only confirms his ignorance and stupidity.
I've said it before, if up to me there would be a moratorium on any further Muslim immigration (especially from the hardcore Arab countries) into any western country.

Fortunately it’s not up to you.

And in the United States we’re fortunate to have a Constitution and its case law that protects citizens from the ignorance and hate you advocate, including Muslim citizens.

Their hate of western culture of course is okay.
I've said it before, if up to me there would be a moratorium on any further Muslim immigration (especially from the hardcore Arab countries) into any western country.
If these people don't want to assimilate, then they can go the fuck back to where they came from !!!!

Of course the idiocy of this is multifaceted…

By what authority would such a ‘moratorium’ be established?

What constitutes a ‘hardcore Arab country’? Would a Christian or non-Muslim not be allowed to emigrate from a ‘hardcore Arab country’?

What constitutes ‘assimilation’?

How can a Muslim be ‘forced back’ to where he came from if his only ‘crime is being Muslim? Particularly in the United States where being Muslim is not a ‘crime,’ where one’s faith is entitled to First Amendment protection, and where all persons are entitled to due process of the law?

That the OP has ‘said it before’ only confirms his ignorance and stupidity.

"Assimilation" in this case would be dropping such demands as keeping your face covered in a courtroom. The rest of us are required to keep our faces exposed, let them abide by the rules and laws as well.
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?

It was actually the Byzantine Empire that did that. Moslems attacked Christianity and Western Europe relentlessly.

Once again, proving what a dumb ass you truly are. Algebra is an invention of the Moslem mathematicians. If you look at a star chart, you will find most of the names there are arabic. Because the Moslem astronomy was only surpassed in the the time of Copernicus, and then, against the will of the Christian Church.

Read the real history of the Crusades. You will find that the 'Christians' were far more barbaric than the Moslems of that time. Yes, there were religious wars between Christians and Moslems, between Moslems and Moslems, between Christians and Christians. You really need to read the history of the last 2000 years. Then maybe you would stop trying to perpetuate the insanity.
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?

It was actually the Byzantine Empire that did that. Moslems attacked Christianity and Western Europe relentlessly.

Once again, proving what a dumb ass you truly are. Algebra is an invention of the Moslem mathematicians. If you look at a star chart, you will find most of the names there are arabic. Because the Moslem astronomy was only surpassed in the the time of Copernicus, and then, against the will of the Christian Church.

Read the real history of the Crusades. You will find that the 'Christians' were far more barbaric than the Moslems of that time. Yes, there were religious wars between Christians and Moslems, between Moslems and Moslems, between Christians and Christians. You really need to read the history of the last 2000 years. Then maybe you would stop trying to perpetuate the insanity.

Thanks for the history lesson. I'm concerned about what's going on today however, and the home of barbarism today is pretty much exclusively in the Islamic community.
Hooray, over the weekend looks like the judge grew a pair !

British judge says Islamic adherent may not testify wearing full veil

A British court on Monday ruled that a Muslim woman facing criminal charges of witness intimidation must remove her face veil while on the stand giving evidence in court, but that she can wear it while sitting in the dock.

The ruling comes amid shifting sentiments in the UK and across Europe about how far to accept some Islamic cultural practices when they clash with a secular state.

Judge Peter Murphy, of the Blackfriars Crown Court in south London, ruled it is “crucial” for jurors to see the face of the 22-year-old woman when she testifies in her trial on charges of intimidating a witness at a London mosque in June.

The unnamed woman, who converted to Islam and started wearing the head-to-toe covering known as a niqab or full veil last year, wore a niqab last week when she pleaded not guilty to charges against her. But her plea came after the arresting female police officer identified her in a separate room. (British laws restrict publication of details of an ongoing criminal trial).

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“There is a pressing need for a court to provide a clear statement of the powers trial judges have to deal with cases where a woman wearing a niqab attends the court,” Judge Murphy said. “The niqab has become the elephant in the courtroom.”

“Given the ever-increasing diversity of society in England and Wales, this is a question which may be expected to arise more and more frequently and to which an answer must be provided,” he said.

London has a generally free atmosphere for religious behavior and dress, and more women from an orthodox background are seen wearing a full length veil than in most European cities.

Yet the circumstances of a British defendant facing criminal charges who claims that religious accommodation rights trump the rights of the state court – appeared to go too far for Judge Murphy.

“No tradition or practice, whether religious or otherwise, can claim to occupy such a privileged position that the rule of law, open justice and the adversarial trial process are sacrificed to accommodate it,” he stated. “That is not discrimination against religion, it is a matter of upholding the rule of law in a democratic society.”

European nations like France and Belgium have initiated anti-burqa laws in recent years. Under former President Nicolas Sarkozy, France became in 2011 the first European Union member to ban women from wearing the full veil in public spaces.

While Mr. Sarkozy called the full face covering a “sign of subservience and debasement” for women, the ultimate rationale for passing the French law was one of security.

(Muslims in France were divided over the burqa issue, with many protesting that it was a political ploy by the French right to collect votes at the polls by fomenting populist sentiments against minorities.)

Belgium passed a similar ban that year, and other European countries such as Denmark, Spain and Italy have debated it.

In Britain, representatives of various Muslim communities disagreed on the merits on the ruling.

Ajmal Masroor, a spokesman for the Moderate Islamic Society of Britain, said the face veil was a “cultural and personal choice” rather than a religious one.

“Islam does not require women to wear a face covering so this is personal choice. I totally agree that women should be allowed to wear one if they wish but not if it interferes with a judicial process or is a security risk,” he said.

Palha Ahmad, a spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, said the decision to wear the veil may have implications for women but he thought she should be allowed to. He said a jury might infer something if a woman chose to wear a niqab, or the woman, if forced to unveil her face, might react in a way that jury members aren’t used to.

“Forcing her to take it off might deter other people from coming forward and giving evidence at other trials,” he said. “Besides we are talking about a small number of women who wear the veil and an even smaller number who might find themselves in this situation.”

Stephen Evans, of the National Secular Society, said niqabs and burqas should be banned from public institutions like courts and classrooms or places like shopping malls.

“It’s a delicate line to tread but bringing in bans can create victims and claims that Muslims are being discriminated against. More young people are converting to Islam in this country and they’re often more radicalized that older generations so you don’t want to create a feeling of injustice. But it’s good to have this debate,” he said.

British judge says Islamic adherent may not testify wearing full veil
It's the fucking West. If you don't want to live by the Wests rules than go live in a Muslim country. This lady is a new convert so she was most likely used to showing her face in public until last year when she started wearing the veil. Well she was used to it unless she's was used to wearing a bag over her head before she converted.

It's all bullshit.
Do you assholes realize that the Moslem societies kept the legacy of Western Civilization alive when Western Europe was in the Dark Ages?
Yeah, but what have they done for us (the rest of the world) lately?

They had one fleeting taste of glory... for a few hundred years... centuries ago... but their religious and societal models stagnated long ago, never reformed, and never caught back up, once they lost their edge. It's what comes from resting on one's laurels for too long.

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