another small chance the unconstitutional obamacare might be overturned

Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.
come on people . call your reps and demand this fascist pos be repealed. stand up and do the will of the majority of the people who didn't WANT this to begin with
Sounds like to me he [Kennedy] will rule against the Government. I see the words "of the state" to mean that of the government as the whole, or referred to commonly as "the state." However, there is in fact a constitutional issue with forcing individual states to adopt exchanges. If a state has created its own insurance market, it has done so specifically because it was a power not delegated to the Federal Government to implement under the Constitution, therefore it stands to reason that the government may not force a state to participate in the federal exchanges. If he rules in favor however, the insurance market will collapse. Making states implement a federal exchange will essentially send the state insurance markets into what Kennedy dubbed a "death spiral."

I'm predicting as of now a 5-4 vote overturning Obamacare. Quote me on that if you would like.
Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.

Thats what sucks..I dont know a single conservative who wouldnt.
Bring the shit!!!! I'll own it!!!
Of course you would but republicans who rely on votes to keep their positions might have a problem, I do not think it is going to happen but it is clear none of them have given serious thought as to what would come next.
Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.

please say it's war
Nothing so dramatic. Imagine for a moment the onslaught of stories about people who lost their insurance in the middle of chemo or the return of arbitrary denial for pre-existing conditions. Going to have a hard time explaining how they had the best interests of America at heart when they attacked the only attempt ever to address America's health care woes. I see no plans at all to salvage the republican brand after something that will seem entirely malicious and callously partisan. Be careful what you wish for.
let the courts overturn it and allow these states to create their own state run health-care plan, not according to what the left requires! like all men have to pay for their papsmears and breast exams!
some knucklehead in the report said 10,000 per month would die if obamacare is cancelled.
...or some crap.
all BS
Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.
What aftermath? The fact that the people who were forced to buy useless non policies with 12k deductibles they could not afford would still not be covered?
some knucklehead in the report said 10,000 per month would die if obamacare is cancelled.
...or some crap.
all BS
but people are dying anyway thanks to Obama-Care. But isnt Obama-Care death panels anyway? especially if you are a veteran?
Sounds like to me he [Kennedy] will rule against the Government. I see the words "of the state" to mean that of the government as the whole, or referred to commonly as "the state." However, there is in fact a constitutional issue with forcing individual states to adopt exchanges. If a state has created its own insurance market, it has done so specifically because it was a power not delegated to the Federal Government to implement under the Constitution, therefore it stands to reason that the government may not force a state to participate in the federal exchanges. If he rules in favor however, the insurance market will collapse. Making states implement a federal exchange will essentially send the state insurance markets into what Kennedy dubbed a "death spiral."

I'm predicting as of now a 5-4 vote overturning Obamacare. Quote me on that if you would like.
Shit, they will just threaten to expose Robert's shady adoption(child trafficking) again.

SCOTUS is the most corrupt branch of the three.
"another small chance the unconstitutional obamacare might be overturned"

What will you replace it with – what's the conservative plan to ensure all Americans have access to affordable health maintenance.

And don't give is that garbage about 'market oriented,' the ACA is market oriented.

The truth is that the right's opposition to the ACA is purely partisan, having nothing to do with the merits of the Act.

Indeed, conservatives have no plan to replace the ACA, where most on the right are only interested in tearing down and destroying, not contributing; where the right's 'plan' is to make healthcare unaffordable for millions of Americans.
Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.

Heh.... l think you'd find it rather funny. Because you know what they'll do? They'll slapped a different label on it and serve up exactly the same thing as their "alternative". Count on it.
I agree.

Republicans better hope the SCOTUS doesn't repeal the ACA. It will be the end for them if it happens.

The ACA is like being shot and the bullet lodges next to your Heart in such a manner that any attempt to remove it would likely kill you.

But if you leave it alone, you will lead a healthy, normal life as long as no one shoots you in the Heart again. There are documented instances of this.

We're hung with the ACA. If the SCOTUS repeals it, there is NO WAY on God's Green Earth that dimocrap scum will cooperate enough to get a replacement through.

No way. How many times do dimocrap scum have to prove that they are MUCH more interested in politics than they are the welfare of The American People before you people get it?

Republicans better pray the SCOTUS doesn't overturn or neuter the law.

If they do, Republicans are done for the next 20 years and the Country goes to shit during that period.

I'm right about this -- As usual
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Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.
I'm not sure what they're thinking. Either they don't realize how it would damage them politically or they don't care.

If they know and they don't care, well, okay, I can certainly respect that demonstration of principle.

If they somehow think it will help them politically, that's another story.

I only hope and believe that John Roberts does not wish to make a monkey out of himself ruling for such spurious claims.
Not sure if Republicans are prepared to own the aftermath if they succeed in murdering Obamacare.
I'm not sure what they're thinking. Either they don't realize how it would damage them politically or they don't care.

If they know and they don't care, well, okay, I can certainly respect that demonstration of principle.

If they somehow think it will help them politically, that's another story.

It might, actually. Here's out I'd see it panning out (if hell freezes over and the Court rules against ACA): Congress calls an emergency session wherein the mandate is renamed as a tax incentive, the employer mandate is dropped and the pre-existing conditions ban is softened up a bit (effectively neutered). The suckers will buy it as an improvement and we move on with essentially the same corporatist sellout.

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