Another st00pid liberal green idea gone bad!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Everything the DUMS do on clean energy to save the environment turns into a train wreck. Like the RENEWABLE FUEL STANDARD of 2005. Even Henry Waxman(D) admitted recently it has had some terrible unintended consequences!

As the author points out, the advocates never considered how this would work in the "real world". Do they ever? As usual, their shit end up being waaaaaaaaaaay more costly over time to consumers. Fucking beanheads!!:abgg2q.jpg:

Again.....and you see it alot in here from the climate crusaders.....results never matter. If the original intentions were good, it was worth doing. As I say....these pepe are dangerous to our society.:2up:
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I have to say.....making fun of liberal idea's truly has been one of the great joy's of my life. I sit here some nights and laugh so hard my sides hurt as I hit the POST REPLY button.
Wow! that's really a complicated issue....!! I didn't understand half the article!!!! OR MORE!

other than it sounds really messed up! :eek:
Wow! that's really a complicated issue....!! I didn't understand half the article!!!! OR MORE!

other than it sounds really messed up! :eek:

There are other aspects to it that they one in the article. The Achilles Heel of the Democratic party version of environmentalism is that they do truly believe that as long as it is the law that something has to be done in the future, the market will magically make that happen by innovating new technologies faster than it otherwise would naturally It is referred to as techo-optimism. It is really fool's gold. One of the other aspects of it not in the OP article is that in the name of environmentalism, the raised ethanol standards have been an absolute disaster for wildlife. Adding to the amount of farmland that already existed just to make a dent in the need for more and more corn to make ethanol led to the destruction of wildlife habitat.

EPA Turns A Blind Eye To Ethanol’s Environmental Impacts

"Since its adoption, the Renewable Fuel Standard has resulted in unchecked land conversion, causing the elimination of vast native landscapes for the production of corn for ethanol. In just the first four years of the RFS’ implementation, more than 7.3 million acres of land – largely grassland including native prairie, pasture, and federal Conservation Reserve Program lands -- were converted to cropland to meet EPA’s ethanol volume requirement. Approximately 40 percent of the U.S. corn crop is diverted to biorefineries for fuel production, up from nine percent in 2001. Excessive nutrient runoff from this increased agriculture production have contributed to severe algal blooms in water bodies including the Great Lakes and the hypoxic area known as the “Dead Zone” in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Sierra Club filed a lawsuit against the EPA in October 2017 for its failure to conduct the mandatory environmental analysis of the RFS for nearly a decade."
Wow! that's really a complicated issue....!! I didn't understand half the article!!!! OR MORE!

other than it sounds really messed up! :eek:

That's what I thought honey.....similar to what happened in Germany. They sold the idea of wind power to the people and they bought it hook, line and sTinker. They loved it!! Until they started getting their electric bills!:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:
The climate crusader ideas always sound wonderful to so many....until they realize their wallets have been swiped.:gay:

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