Another Study Finds Same-Sex Parents Aren't The Best For Kids

Recent studies reveal that same sex couples make better parents than racists and bigots
Just leave gay parents alone.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Don't you dare to try to come off as loving, forgiving, noble and righteous. No political partisan is free of sin, vice and hypocrisy.
Just leave gay parents alone.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Bovine Excrement!

You can say that we are hateful, a bigoted, intolerant if you wish. But let me sum up the difference between you and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We have a problem- and you call it hateful- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

For your part, you have a problem with people who love other people because you do not approve of them or do not understand them or are threatened by them in some vague way. Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal.
Just leave gay parents alone.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Bovine Excrement!

You can say that we are hateful, a bigoted, intolerant if you wish. But let me sum up the difference between you and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We have a problem- and you call it hateful- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

For your part, you have a problem with people who love other people because you do not approve of them or do not understand them or are threatened by them in some vague way. Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal.
Look here I don't give a shit who you love. Just don't demand me to approve of it. Got it? I've never done one mean thing to a queer. Never will, but Milo receives death threats from you loons all the time, from the party of tolerance.
Just leave gay parents alone.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Don't you dare to try to come off as loving, forgiving, noble and righteous. No political partisan is free of sin, vice and hypocrisy.
Never said I was free of sin, but I dang well for sure never threatened someone's life because I disagree with them. Hell you loons called me racist cause I disagreed with Obama's politics. He would probably be a decent guy to drink a beer with. It sure would be fun with ole slick willy, without hillary. The Democrat party has proven to be the party of hate.
Just leave gay parents alone.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Bovine Excrement!

You can say that we are hateful, a bigoted, intolerant if you wish. But let me sum up the difference between you and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We have a problem- and you call it hateful- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

For your part, you have a problem with people who love other people because you do not approve of them or do not understand them or are threatened by them in some vague way. Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal.
Look here I don't give a shit who you love. Just don't demand me to approve of it. Got it? I've never done one mean thing to a queer. Never will, but Milo receives death threats from you loons all the time, from the party of tolerance.View attachment 126449
Oh settle down before your fool head explodes. You didn't grasp a damned word of my post, did you?
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Bovine Excrement!

You can say that we are hateful, a bigoted, intolerant if you wish. But let me sum up the difference between you and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We have a problem- and you call it hateful- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

For your part, you have a problem with people who love other people because you do not approve of them or do not understand them or are threatened by them in some vague way. Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal.
Look here I don't give a shit who you love. Just don't demand me to approve of it. Got it? I've never done one mean thing to a queer. Never will, but Milo receives death threats from you loons all the time, from the party of tolerance.View attachment 126449
Oh settle down before your fool head explodes. You didn't grasp a damned word of my post, did you?
This is what kind of bullshit I deal with from you liberals.
Same sex couples are degenerates. They can only raise children as degenerates. There is nothing you can do. They are protected by a legal system that protects and pursues degeneracy.

You keep your family and your children away from these people. You don't let your kids play with them, you don't let them in your home. Save yourself you can't save anyone else.
Same sex couples are degenerates. They can only raise children as degenerates. There is nothing you can do. They are protected by a legal system that protects and pursues degeneracy.

You keep your family and your children away from these people. You don't let your kids play with them, you don't let them in your home. Save yourself you can't save anyone else.
Same sex couples are degenerates. They can only raise children as degenerates. There is nothing you can do. They are protected by a legal system that protects and pursues degeneracy.

You keep your family and your children away from these people. You don't let your kids play with them, you don't let them in your home. Save yourself you can't save anyone else.
Just leave gay parents alone.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Don't you dare to try to come off as loving, forgiving, noble and righteous. No political partisan is free of sin, vice and hypocrisy.
Never said I was free of sin, but I dang well for sure never threatened someone's life because I disagree with them. Hell you loons called me racist cause I disagreed with Obama's politics. He would probably be a decent guy to drink a beer with. It sure would be fun with ole slick willy, without hillary. The Democrat party has proven to be the party of hate.
The hate radiating from the Right is palpable. Why is there always a struggle for minorities,to gain the same rights as every other America? Because the Right provides the resistance. Always and forever has this been true. And you dare tell us that the Left is the party of hate.

You defend the pedophile Milo as if he were a noble martyr. Why? Because he seems to be more effective at spewing hate than many other Right Wingers?
Same sex couples are degenerates. They can only raise children as degenerates. There is nothing you can do. They are protected by a legal system that protects and pursues degeneracy.

You keep your family and your children away from these people. You don't let your kids play with them, you don't let them in your home. Save yourself you can't save anyone else.
View attachment 126469
Degeneracy is degeneracy. Sure you can be proud of being a pervert. It doesn't mean that perversion is really something to be proud of.
No! I will not leave them alone. It is a moral obligation to protect the children from their predatory sexual habits they inflict upon them.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Don't you dare to try to come off as loving, forgiving, noble and righteous. No political partisan is free of sin, vice and hypocrisy.
Never said I was free of sin, but I dang well for sure never threatened someone's life because I disagree with them. Hell you loons called me racist cause I disagreed with Obama's politics. He would probably be a decent guy to drink a beer with. It sure would be fun with ole slick willy, without hillary. The Democrat party has proven to be the party of hate.
The hate radiating from the Right is palpable. Why is there always a struggle for minorities,to gain the same rights as every other America? Because the Right provides the resistance. Always and forever has this been true. And you dare tell us that the Left is the party of hate.

You defend the pedophile Milo as if he were a noble martyr. Why? Because he seems to be more effective at spewing hate than many other Right Wingers?
No resistance from the right, we don't play games with minorities. Democrats do, we want minorities to get a good education, so they can provide for a family. Minorities have affirmative action, so they have more than an equal right to be successful.
Let's tell the whole truth, democrats created a welfare state in which you receive tax payer money not to work. If you feel you can't. Pay mothers to stay out of wedlock to raise babies on their own. The more they have, the more tax payer money they receive.
At one time black families were a close unit. Since liberalism you have baby mommas, baby daddy's. You have an education system ran by liberals keeping minorities uneducated, so future generations will be dependent on welfare.
Proof, one of Obama's first accomplishments was to stop funding to a charter school for minorities in Washington. The outrage from the parents made him back down. Tell me what did Obama do for minorities? Beside make them more racist? He set race relations back 50 years.
There is a struggle for minorities because of liberalism. You keep them down, look at Thomas, Rice, Cain, Carson, just to name a few conservative republicans. They are very successful minorities. You consider them uncle Tom's or house nig#ers. That is the hate liberals have for anyone that doesn't tow the line. So yes hatred is your trademark.
As for Milo prove he is a pedophile, you just hate him because he is a republican. Which makes you a homophobe. You don't like gays unless they think the same as your fucked up talking points. I hope this helps you understand how evil liberalism is.
Does your morality involve playing fast and loose with God's commandments?

Tell the truth. You,have no morality. All you have is hatred, rear, suspicion and utterly cruel thinking. You should be ashamed, but shame relies on a foundation of values.
You call out someone on hatred, that's funny. Liberals are the biggest haters in the world. Can i say Milo? A gay man your type gives death threats to because he thinks different from you.
Don't you dare to try to come off as loving, forgiving, noble and righteous. No political partisan is free of sin, vice and hypocrisy.
Never said I was free of sin, but I dang well for sure never threatened someone's life because I disagree with them. Hell you loons called me racist cause I disagreed with Obama's politics. He would probably be a decent guy to drink a beer with. It sure would be fun with ole slick willy, without hillary. The Democrat party has proven to be the party of hate.
The hate radiating from the Right is palpable. Why is there always a struggle for minorities,to gain the same rights as every other America? Because the Right provides the resistance. Always and forever has this been true. And you dare tell us that the Left is the party of hate.

You defend the pedophile Milo as if he were a noble martyr. Why? Because he seems to be more effective at spewing hate than many other Right Wingers?
No resistance from the right, we don't play games with minorities. Democrats do, we want minorities to get a good education, so they can provide for a family. Minorities have affirmative action, so they have more than an equal right to be successful.
Let's tell the whole truth, democrats created a welfare state in which you receive tax payer money not to work. If you feel you can't. Pay mothers to stay out of wedlock to raise babies on their own. The more they have, the more tax payer money they receive.
At one time black families were a close unit. Since liberalism you have baby mommas, baby daddy's. You have an education system ran by liberals keeping minorities uneducated, so future generations will be dependent on welfare.
Proof, one of Obama's first accomplishments was to stop funding to a charter school for minorities in Washington. The outrage from the parents made him back down. Tell me what did Obama do for minorities? Beside make them more racist? He set race relations back 50 years.
There is a struggle for minorities because of liberalism. You keep them down, look at Thomas, Rice, Cain, Carson, just to name a few conservative republicans. They are very successful minorities. You consider them uncle Tom's or house nig#ers. That is the hate liberals have for anyone that doesn't tow the line. So yes hatred is your trademark.
As for Milo prove he is a pedophile, you just hate him because he is a republican. Which makes you a homophobe. You don't like gays unless they think the same as your fucked up talking points. I hope this helps you understand how evil liberalism is.
Milo did the unthinkable he told how older gay men attract boys. He told what was done to him.
Same sex couples are degenerates. They can only raise children as degenerates. There is nothing you can do. They are protected by a legal system that protects and pursues degeneracy.

You keep your family and your children away from these people. You don't let your kids play with them, you don't let them in your home. Save yourself you can't save anyone else.

No they are just people
So is the Manson family.
A First Mother’s Day for Soon-to-Be Foster Moms in Alabama | Human Rights Campaign


Post submitted by Eva Kendrick

After six years together, my wife, Kathryn, and I, are preparing to take on the role of our lifetimes: parents.

We now have a nursery instead of a guest room and have baby-proofed every corner of our house. We’ve collected children’s clothes, books, and toys, and have read parenting blog after parenting blog.

However, unlike many of our other friends becoming parents in the next few months, we’ve also completed a criminal background check, multiple home studies, a 10-week class on trauma-informed parenting, and mountains of paperwork.

That’s because we’re becoming foster parents to infants and toddlers in Jefferson County, Alabama, where more than 1,200 children are in a foster care system with only 250 licensed foster homes.

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