Another victory for President Trump! Polling shows Americans support his immigration plan!


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Poll: Voters support Trump-backed immigration bill

Voters support most elements of President Donald Trump’s proposal to scale back legal immigration to the United States and change the criteria by which the U.S. admits immigrants, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Trump last week announced support for a bill introduced by Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) that would favor worker skills over family connections and reduce legal immigration by half.

In defending the bill, White House adviser Stephen Miller cited the popularity of provisions of the bill in public opinion polling and predicted a wave of popular support for a bill that’s been long stalled in the Senate.

“Public support is so immense on this — if you just look at the polling data in many key battleground states across the country — that over time you're going to see massive public push for this kind of legislation,” Miller said last week from the podium in the White House briefing room.

In general, more voters support most elements of the legislation than oppose them — but there are important distinctions.

Majorities back limiting the number of refugees offered permanent residency (58 percent) and establishing a “points system” that would award points based on criteria such as education, English proficiency and prospective salary in the U.S. (60 percent).

Support for some of the other provisions in the bill isn't as strong but still exceeds opposition. Forty-eight percent of voters support reducing the number of legal immigrants by half over the next decade, compared to 39 percent who oppose that. On what Miller called “unlimited family chain migration,” 45 percent support ending the ability for U.S. citizens and permanent residents to petition to get extended family members green cards, while 39 percent oppose ending that.

As for English-language proficiency, 62 percent say it should be a factor in determining who should be allowed to immigrate legally.

"Even the more controversial provisions in this legislation receive support from a plurality of voters," said Morning Consult co-founder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "The reason for this is ostensibly that Republican support is more consolidated than Democratic opposition. For example, 73 percent of Republican voters support reducing the number of legal immigrants, compared to 57 percent of Democrats who oppose that idea."

Still, the poll shows voters continue to believe in the value of legal immigration. Nearly two-thirds of voters, 66 percent, say legal immigrants “strengthen our country because of their hard work and talents” — more than three times the 20 percent who say that legal immigrants “are a burden on our country because they take our housing, health care and jobs.”...

Donald Trump is the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln.
You're wasting your time. Conservatives don't believe the polls anymore.
/----/ To be precise, we don't believe fake, ginned-up polls run to support the Lib agenda.
Go to the Demographics link to page 312, 4th row down and see that they surveyed more Dems than Repubs or Indies and Trump wins.
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You're wasting your time. Conservatives don't believe the polls anymore.
/----/ To be precise, we don't believe fake, ginned-up polls run to support the Lib agenda.
When polls show how unpopular trump is you declare polls are unreliable and fake. His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls. Now when one comes out that may offer some support for a trump policy the polls are suddenly reliable and spot on. By the way, the support for some of his immigration policies has not helped him the approval ratings. They continue to go down. He is tipping to the under 30% range.
You're wasting your time. Conservatives don't believe the polls anymore.
/----/ To be precise, we don't believe fake, ginned-up polls run to support the Lib agenda.

even more accurate is that we believe that almost every poll out there is 3 - 10 points skewed

polls are no longer used to provide info; they are used to shape the narrative & push an agenda

Member when Hillary had a NINETY TWO % chance of winning?

I member...

Also - Pajama boy was a LOCK to embarrass Trump and take Newt's old seat (GA 6) - they ran the same playbook with the polls, PLUS sent in THOUSANDS to "live in the district" and register to vote but STILL lost

His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls.
because the pollsters are artificially inflating the results to make Trump look bad

poll results can be manipulated by the type of questions asked and by the percentage of respondents from each side
His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls.
because the pollsters are artificially inflating the results to make Trump look bad

poll results can be manipulated by the type of questions asked and by the percentage of respondents from each side
That is why people look at all the polls to see what the averages look like. Unless you believe all the polling organizations are colluding and conspiring to distort the polling results the indications are that trump is breaking low polling numbers for disapproval and for unpopularity. No doubt, the trump cultist can believe that. They can believe in the big conspiracy against their leader.
Polls that support my position are valid and genuine. Polls that don't support my position are fake and manipulated. :lol:
Donald Trump was elected President mainly for his trade and immigration platform.

It's quite hilarious to watch Dems try to deny this obvious fact.
You're wasting your time. Conservatives don't believe the polls anymore.
/----/ To be precise, we don't believe fake, ginned-up polls run to support the Lib agenda.
When polls show how unpopular trump is you declare polls are unreliable and fake. His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls. Now when one comes out that may offer some support for a trump policy the polls are suddenly reliable and spot on. By the way, the support for some of his immigration policies has not helped him the approval ratings. They continue to go down. He is tipping to the under 30% range.
Here's a poll for you. Run the Dems in the midterms on a pro-illegal immigrant platform and see how many elections you lose.
His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls.
because the pollsters are artificially inflating the results to make Trump look bad

poll results can be manipulated by the type of questions asked and by the percentage of respondents from each side
That is why people look at all the polls to see what the averages look like. Unless you believe all the polling organizations are colluding and conspiring to distort the polling results the indications are that trump is breaking low polling numbers for disapproval and for unpopularity. No doubt, the trump cultist can believe that. They can believe in the big conspiracy against their leader.
/----/ Looking at the polling averages is stupid. You can't compare them unless they all poll the same demographics and ask the exact same questions. Otherwise you get useless info.
His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls.
because the pollsters are artificially inflating the results to make Trump look bad

poll results can be manipulated by the type of questions asked and by the percentage of respondents from each side
That is why people look at all the polls to see what the averages look like. Unless you believe all the polling organizations are colluding and conspiring to distort the polling results the indications are that trump is breaking low polling numbers for disapproval and for unpopularity. No doubt, the trump cultist can believe that. They can believe in the big conspiracy against their leader.
/----/ Looking at the polling averages is stupid. You can't compare them unless they all poll the same demographics and ask the exact same questions. Otherwise you get useless info.
You probably believe that your post is logical and makes some kind of common sense.
Sounds like the new proposed immigration changes are nothing more than a twist on Jim Crow right down to the equivalence of literacy tests for entry. OH, looky, Cotton of Arkansas and Purdue of Georgia sponsored the bill. They obviously didn't have to look to hard for a model to follow, and it sure will cut down on the yellow, brown and black folks immigrating to the US!

Fighting for the status quo, reducing 'undesirables' and the push to separate for perpetual division are the hallmarks of the 200 day old new regime! Enjoy your flight back to the past!

His disapproval rating is breaking records, but you guy constantly attack the polls.
because the pollsters are artificially inflating the results to make Trump look bad

poll results can be manipulated by the type of questions asked and by the percentage of respondents from each side
That is why people look at all the polls to see what the averages look like. Unless you believe all the polling organizations are colluding and conspiring to distort the polling results the indications are that trump is breaking low polling numbers for disapproval and for unpopularity. No doubt, the trump cultist can believe that. They can believe in the big conspiracy against their leader.
/----/ Looking at the polling averages is stupid. You can't compare them unless they all poll the same demographics and ask the exact same questions. Otherwise you get useless info.
You probably believe that your post is logical and makes some kind of common sense.
/----/ Yeah, it does make sense to me because I've spent years studying the methodology of polls. And they are not all the same. But you probably think that all polls are equal and can be averaged out: The main types of polls are: opinion, benchmark, bushfire, entrance, exit, deliberative opinion, tracking, and the straw poll.

Now this is how Gallup explains it:
When we interview a typical Gallup Poll random sample, we are estimating the responses of all adults 18 years of age and older. We call these national adults. In our recent poll conducted the weekend of Sept. 5-7, for example, John McCain led Barack Obama among these national adults by a 48% to 46% margin.

But we almost never report this figure. It's unrealistic to do so because we know that a percentage of these national adults not only won't vote, but can't vote -- because they are not U.S. citizens or are not registered to vote in their local areas.

So we narrow down the national adult sample to registered voters. This is the group who in response to a standard poll question say they are "registered to vote in their precinct or election district." This is the group whose data we report most often, because it represents an estimate of Americans who in theory are eligible to vote and could vote if they want to. In the Sept. 5-7 poll, this group divided 50% for McCain and 46% for Obama.

Of course, we know that in the final analysis, not all of these registered voters will actually end up voting. So Gallup has over the years created systems to isolate likely voters, that group of individuals who we can estimate are most likely to actually turn out and vote.
Registered Voters vs. Likely Voters

Now there is far more to this but I think it's about all the new info you can handle without overflowing your brain.
Donald Trump was elected President mainly for his trade and immigration platform.

It's quite hilarious to watch Dems try to deny this obvious fact.
BULLSHIT! He merely pandered to ignorance and bigotry, which he found in abundance!
No, we wanted the continuation of the purple lipped jug head aka Hillary clintoon stopped, and that's what we did.

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