Answer Coalition Protesters Need to Get Feedback


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
You know those nitwits who chain themselves together and block highways, to protest what they claim is White complacency in the systemic oppression of black people ? The ones holding signs saying "Black Lives Matter". And who claim to be upset about police murdering Black people ? (when the examples they cite were NOT murders).

And these same idiots, who endanger people's lives by trapping emergency vehicles in the traffic that they stop, do seem to be cowards, who when confronted (only over the telephone) don't have guts enough to debate, and speak up for their ideas.
I called a few tonight and they all cowardly hung up on me, rather than stand up for their positions.

Sometimes it's frustrating to see these fools on the news, and you'd like to tell them off, but you can't, because they are only faces on your TV screen. Well, good people, now you CAN give them that tongue lashing you've been wanting to do. Here is a list of the offices and phone #s. You can call them up and let them know that what is really wrong, is THEIR complacency in the systemic oppression of WHITE people via Affirmative Action, which manifests itself in many ways (job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, educational financial aid, business loans, etc). You can also inform them that this racial discrimination against Whites, is the largest racial discrimination in America, against the largest # of people, over the last 51 years. And that to be talking about oppression of Blacks, who have been the lucky beneficiaries of all these preferences & special treatment, at the expense of Whites, is ludicrous.

It might be interesting to see if their attitudes change, if they get flooded with feedback calls, challenging their really DUMB ideas, which I speculate don't get challenged too often (if ever). Time to take that luxury away from them.

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