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Antarctic ice shelf showing signs of breaking away

I want him to first guarantee me, with certification, exactly what the correct "natural state" of the Earth and its climate IS, and that it was intended to become that way and then stay there forever, and would have done so without man's intervention. THEN he can go about proving that mankind can accomplish what an entire planet couldn't.

Well it WOULD be nice to know what the Earth's thermostat SHOULD be at before we decide to give someone a bunch of money to change it. Besides, it might come in handy if we are a little warmer BEFORE a cataclysmic global winter hits.
Well it WOULD be nice to know what the Earth's thermostat SHOULD be at before we decide to give someone a bunch of money to change it. Besides, it might come in handy if we are a little warmer BEFORE a cataclysmic global winter hits.

I think the point is that there isn't any "should be" about it. Nothing about the Earth is static and unchanging, and certainly not its climate. We tend to think of it as such over the long term, only because OUR long term is like the blink of a gnat's eye in comparison to the planet's. From our perspective, it appears solid and reliable, but it really isn't, and never has been.
I think the point is that there isn't any "should be" about it. Nothing about the Earth is static and unchanging, and certainly not its climate. We tend to think of it as such over the long term, only because OUR long term is like the blink of a gnat's eye in comparison to the planet's. From our perspective, it appears solid and reliable, but it really isn't, and never has been.

No, the point is that CO2 warms the earth, no one disputes that, and we have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by 39% in the last 200 years. Soon we will have doubled it.

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is higher now than at any time ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

We are warming the earth. The only question is, How much?
No, the point is that CO2 warms the earth, no one disputes that, and we have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by 39% in the last 200 years. Soon we will have doubled it.

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is higher now than at any time ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

We are warming the earth. The only question is, How much?

No, the point HERE is that "no one disputes that" is a flat-out lie. LOTS of people dispute every aspect of global warming. A corollary point is that science is not decided by taking a vote, and then telling everyone else that it's settled, now sit down and shut the hell up and don't ever, ever, EVER question it again. In REAL science, EVERYTHING is up for question, and if your argument runs along the line of, "This is how it is, and that's that, and now all that's left is how much we destroy our lives to change it", you have veered away from science and into religion.
No, the point HERE is that "no one disputes that" is a flat-out lie. LOTS of people dispute every aspect of global warming. A corollary point is that science is not decided by taking a vote, and then telling everyone else that it's settled, now sit down and shut the hell up and don't ever, ever, EVER question it again. In REAL science, EVERYTHING is up for question, and if your argument runs along the line of, "This is how it is, and that's that, and now all that's left is how much we destroy our lives to change it", you have veered away from science and into religion.

No, CO2 in the atmosphere causes the earth to retain heat.

No one disputes that.
The greenhouse effect refers to the change in the thermal equilibrium temperature of a planet or moon by the presence of an atmosphere containing gas that absorbs and emits infrared radiation.[1] Greenhouse gases, which include water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, warm the atmosphere by efficiently absorbing thermal infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, by the atmosphere itself, and by clouds. As a result of its warmth, the atmosphere also radiates thermal infrared in all directions, including downward to the Earth’s surface. Thus, greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system.[2][3][4][5] This mechanism is fundamentally different from the mechanism of an actual greenhouse, which instead isolates air inside the structure so that heat is not lost by convection and conduction, as discussed below. The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824, first reliably experimented on by John Tyndall in the year 1858 and first reported quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in his 1896 paper.[6]

In the absence of the greenhouse effect and an atmosphere, the Earth's average surface temperature[7] of 14 °C (57 °F) could be as low as −18 °C (−0.4 °F), the black body temperature of the Earth.[8][9][10]

Greenhouse effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The world is not a static environment. IMO we only exhibit our monumental arrogance when we state a belief that we can change the course of the global climate.
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The world is not a static environment. IMO we only exhibit or monumental arrogance when we state a belief that we can change the course of the global climate.

No, we state facts.

No one denies where the hole in the ozone came from.
No, CO2 in the atmosphere causes the earth to retain heat.

No one disputes that.

LOTS of people - not just any people, but climatologists and other scientists working in the field of weather, climate, and atmospherics - dispute the idea that CO2 is dangerous or harmful to the Earth's climate, and that mankind is endangering the Earth by producing too much of it. And don't even try that whole "I will equate one argument with another, superficially related one in order to make mine appear correct" tactic on me. That's like saying, "See, this species shows microevolution, so that proves that macroevolution exists." I have very little patience with such intellectual laziness.
No, we state facts.

No one denies where the hole in the ozone came from.

Hole in the ozone? There isn't a hole in the ozone. There is a temporary cyclical thinning of the ozone. The Earth's ozone layer is created by . . . wait for it . . . the sun! At certain times, in certain places, there is much less sunlight, owing to a phenomenon we call "winter", causing the ozone layer in those areas to thin. And then it's not winter any more, and the ozone layer replenishes itself.
LOTS of people - not just any people, but climatologists and other scientists working in the field of weather, climate, and atmospherics - dispute the idea that CO2 is dangerous or harmful to the Earth's climate, and that mankind is endangering the Earth by producing too much of it. And don't even try that whole "I will equate one argument with another, superficially related one in order to make mine appear correct" tactic on me. That's like saying, "See, this species shows microevolution, so that proves that macroevolution exists." I have very little patience with such intellectual laziness.

Show me a link where a climatologist says that CO2 in the atmosphere does not cause the earth to warm.
Show me a link where a climatologist says that CO2 in the atmosphere does not cause the earth to warm.

What part of "that bullshit don't fly with me, Bubba" do you not understand? Microevolution isn't macroevolution, and temporary, harmless, natural warming isn't catastrophic, man-made, global warming.

If the best you can do is to fraudulently pretend that 1) I said something I didn't and 2) one thing is automatically another, then you have merely proven my point that man-made global warming is crap with no substantial basis and its preachers are nothing but lying wackjobs.

I'm feeling generous, so you can have one more try at making a REAL argument.
What part of "that bullshit don't fly with me, Bubba" do you not understand? Microevolution isn't macroevolution, and temporary, harmless, natural warming isn't catastrophic, man-made, global warming.

If the best you can do is to fraudulently pretend that 1) I said something I didn't and 2) one thing is automatically another, then you have merely proven my point that man-made global warming is crap with no substantial basis and its preachers are nothing but lying wackjobs.

I'm feeling generous, so you can have one more try at making a REAL argument.

As I suspected, no facts, only bluster.
What part of "that bullshit don't fly with me, Bubba" do you not understand? Microevolution isn't macroevolution, and temporary, harmless, natural warming isn't catastrophic, man-made, global warming.

If the best you can do is to fraudulently pretend that 1) I said something I didn't and 2) one thing is automatically another, then you have merely proven my point that man-made global warming is crap with no substantial basis and its preachers are nothing but lying wackjobs.

I'm feeling generous, so you can have one more try at making a REAL argument.

Change in the alleles that control our genetic heritage is evolution, period. Be the results major or minor.

Since every scientific society on earth, every National Academy of Science, and every major university states that the warming is occuring, that it is dangerous, and that the primary cause of the warming is the actions of mankind, why should I give the slightest credance to someone posting their obvious ignorance on a message board?
Oh, I also forgot to mention that, while he's pointing to a theory from a hundred years ago, FORTY years ago people thought the globe was in danger from COOLING.

Now, of course, it's just "climate change". That way, they can claim to be prescient and infallible no matter what happens. And, after all, they can rest assured that the climate WILL change.

Don't you people ever research anything?

Did scientists predict an impending ice age in the 1970s?
The world is not a static environment. IMO we only exhibit our monumental arrogance when we state a belief that we can change the course of the global climate.

Monumental arrogance?

What is arrogant about understanding that we have pumped billions of tons of CO2 into the air, and measuring the change in the earth's overall temperature as a result of that monumental change we have created in our atmosphere?

Nobody who understands science disputes that CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

Nobody who believes that the global warming is anthrogenic doesn't know that the atmosphere changes with or without mankind's activities, either.

But what we also know, but apparently you haven't yet heard, is that right now, THIS TIME, we seem to be responsible for some of the rather alarming changes we are measuring.

We can quibble about to what extent our CO2 is changing our environment, but nobody who is reality based is going to deny that it's changing rather quickly.

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