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Antarctica hits 63.5°F as Mitch McConnell promises to sabotage...

Antarctica hits 63.5°F as Mitch McConnell promises to sabotage global climate pact
byPakalolo Follow
Apr 02, 2015

Scientists have measured what is likely the highest temperature ever on Antarctica: 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit (17.5 Celsius).


It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. Last year Antarctica also logged a record cold temperature, he notes.

And what does our Senate Majority leader say to the world about the undeniable climate change that has been observed by 99 % of scientists?

"Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn't even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal."

I don't think Mitch understands - the Earth is warming, if humans don't take action to correct the parts that are correctable, Lonesome George won't be the only turltle without a job.
WTF? short memory do we? You dumb fucks say the cold ass winter we had is just local,meaningless not global and now you are posting the local temperature in Antarctica means something?

What a fear mongering hypocrite fag

Nope, just the opposite. Clearly-----clearly the the anti-science, to lazy to take action rightwinger/Republicans are reading challenged. Most, maybe all of the Koch sucking, carbon loving, pro pollution types on this M/B missed this "It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt," part of the OP article.
Good for Mitch. The 'Global Warming' fear mongering has gotten out of control. Most have had enough of Gore's rabid cult nutters. Most are deciding that they value their Freedom & Liberty much more than they fear the Global Warming Boogeyman.

So if you wanna live in fear of 'Global Warming, go for it. That's your call. But leave the rest of us alone. We're choosing to live each day to the fullest. We're only here a very short time. There's no time to live everyday in fear. So save the hysterics for the next cult gathering. We're busy living. Have a nice day. :)
Antarctica hits 63.5°F as Mitch McConnell promises to sabotage global climate pact
byPakalolo Follow
Apr 02, 2015

Scientists have measured what is likely the highest temperature ever on Antarctica: 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit (17.5 Celsius).


It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. Last year Antarctica also logged a record cold temperature, he notes.

And what does our Senate Majority leader say to the world about the undeniable climate change that has been observed by 99 % of scientists?

"Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn't even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal."

I don't think Mitch understands - the Earth is warming, if humans don't take action to correct the parts that are correctable, Lonesome George won't be the only turltle without a job.
WTF? short memory do we? You dumb fucks say the cold ass winter we had is just local,meaningless not global and now you are posting the local temperature in Antarctica means something?

What a fear mongering hypocrite fag

Nope, just the opposite. Clearly-----clearly the the anti-science, to lazy to take action rightwinger/Republicans are reading challenged. Most, maybe all of the Koch sucking, carbon loving, pro pollution types on this M/B missed this "It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt," part of the OP article.
Don't give me that bull shit, you cave dwelling asshat, local temperature don't mean shit to your cult, only when it is a way to dupe low information voters
Antarctica hits 63.5°F as Mitch McConnell promises to sabotage global climate pact
byPakalolo Follow
Apr 02, 2015

Scientists have measured what is likely the highest temperature ever on Antarctica: 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit (17.5 Celsius).


It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. Last year Antarctica also logged a record cold temperature, he notes.

And what does our Senate Majority leader say to the world about the undeniable climate change that has been observed by 99 % of scientists?

"Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn't even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal."

I don't think Mitch understands - the Earth is warming, if humans don't take action to correct the parts that are correctable, Lonesome George won't be the only turltle without a job.
WTF? short memory do we? You dumb fucks say the cold ass winter we had is just local,meaningless not global and now you are posting the local temperature in Antarctica means something?

What a fear mongering hypocrite fag

Nope, just the opposite. Clearly-----clearly the the anti-science, to lazy to take action rightwinger/Republicans are reading challenged. Most, maybe all of the Koch sucking, carbon loving, pro pollution types on this M/B missed this "It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt," part of the OP article.
Don't give me that bull shit, you cave dwelling asshat, local temperature don't mean shit to your cult, only when it is a way to dupe low information voters

Antarctica hits 63.5°F as Mitch McConnell promises to sabotage global climate pact
byPakalolo Follow
Apr 02, 2015

Scientists have measured what is likely the highest temperature ever on Antarctica: 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit (17.5 Celsius).


It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist with NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. Last year Antarctica also logged a record cold temperature, he notes.

And what does our Senate Majority leader say to the world about the undeniable climate change that has been observed by 99 % of scientists?

"Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn't even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal."

I don't think Mitch understands - the Earth is warming, if humans don't take action to correct the parts that are correctable, Lonesome George won't be the only turltle without a job.
WTF? short memory do we? You dumb fucks say the cold ass winter we had is just local,meaningless not global and now you are posting the local temperature in Antarctica means something?

What a fear mongering hypocrite fag

Nope, just the opposite. Clearly-----clearly the the anti-science, to lazy to take action rightwinger/Republicans are reading challenged. Most, maybe all of the Koch sucking, carbon loving, pro pollution types on this M/B missed this "It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt," part of the OP article.
Don't give me that bull shit, you cave dwelling asshat, local temperature don't mean shit to your cult, only when it is a way to dupe low information voters

Nope, deny your reading impairment all you want but-----but you're still wrong, you and most, maybe all of the rightwing/Republicans on this M/B are science challenged, and obviously reading impaired. How did you miss this part "It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt," of the OP article? Call bullshit on yourself all you want but-----but your a prototypical, lazy, reading impaired, do nothing denier.

Sea level rise
It is not only small island states that need to worry about sea level rise. Sea level rise increases the risk of both temporary and permanent flooding of coastal lands. Around 23% of the worlds’ population lives in the near coastal zone with population densities about three times higher than the global average.
Nope, deny your reading impairment all you want but-----but you're still wrong, you and most, maybe all of the rightwing/Republicans on this M/B are science challenged, and obviously reading impaired. How did you miss this part "It's hard to draw much conclusion from a single temperature record, cautions Gavin Schmidt," of the OP article? Call bullshit on yourself all you want but-----but your a prototypical, lazy, reading impaired, do nothing denier.

Sea level rise
It is not only small island states that need to worry about sea level rise. Sea level rise increases the risk of both temporary and permanent flooding of coastal lands. Around 23% of the worlds’ population lives in the near coastal zone with population densities about three times higher than the global average.

Uh.... Stupid? Anybody home?

Ever heard of the Little Ice Age? You know, the one we just started coming out of after almost 600 years back around 1870?

Think maybe coming out of an Ice Age might have something to do with the increase in temperature?

I'd be willing to discuss AGW (or whatever you dishonest FUCKS are calling it these days) but you're all such pathological fucking liars, we can't go more than two or three sentences without you lying your FUCKING ASSES off.

It really might be a problem. I don't know and neither do you.

But one thing I do know for a FACT....

dimocraps are lying scum. Every.Last.One.Of.Them.

ALL of them.
Wouldn't it be great for anartica to become warm enough to colonize, grow crops, and have a tolerable climate like the other six continents. Why is it that no one ever weighs the positive effects of a warmer world?
Wouldn't it be great for anartica to become warm enough to colonize, grow crops, and have a tolerable climate like the other six continents. Why is it that no one ever weighs the positive effects of a warmer world?

Below are some effects of of global warming. What "positive effects of a warmer world?" are you taliking about?


  • Billions spent on adaptation - if you can afford it. The US, for example, has roughly 20,000 km (12,400 miles) of coastline and more than 32,000km (19,900 miles) of coastal wetlands. A recent study estimated the costs of adapting to even a one metre sea level rise in the US would amount to US$156 billion (3 percent of GNP). More recent estimates of the impact of a 66 cm sea level rise by 2100 suggest costs could be in the region of US$ 236 billion, with nearly 9000 square kilometers of land having to be abandoned and 13,000 km of coastal defences needing to be constructed. Needless to say many poorer countries do not have these resources.
  • With a one metre sea level rise some island nations, such as the Maldives, would be submerged. Already, two of the islands that make up Kiribati (a Pacific island nation) have gone under the waves, and in early 2005 others were inundated by a high spring tide that washed away farmland, contaminated wells with salt water, and flooded homes and a hospital.
  • If current warming trends are allowed to continue, London, Bangkok and New York, Shanghai and Mumbai will be among a number of cities which will eventually end up below sea level - displacing millions and causing massive economic damage. There come a point at which, building higher and higher sea defences becomes impractical, and even the wealthiest nations will see cities flood.
  • Rising oceans will contaminate both surface and underground fresh water supplies - worsening the world's existing fresh water shortage.
  • Rural populations will be displaced and farmland (especially rice) on some coasts will be lost to the seas. For example, according to the UK Royal Society a one metre sea level rise could flood 17 percent of Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest countries, displacing tens of millions of people and reducing its rice-farming land by 50 percent.
  • .

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