Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Like Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure happy middle class SSID card to end illegal immigration... You are a dupe.
Cheap college and training four to six weeks vacations paid after 1 year. Only we don't have them. Total stress and 300 million guns not a great idea...

Tough shit s0n. We like the stress and the guns and it sure as shit ain't changing anytime soon.....100% certainty.:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
You are brainwashed functional morons who will do whatever Rush and Sean and Trump tell you to do... Voting for the giveaway to the rich while Your Heroes rob you and your family and friends blind... Great job! Didn't notice? I'm shocked... Super duper.

Super duper winning s0n! That bumpy cucumber on the Kennedy announcement still all stingy huh? Hang in'll eventually get used to the bumpy and the stinginess will fade. Of course, if Aunt Ruthie follows Kennedy as is expected, also bails......:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Actually the Supreme Court doesn't bother me. The USA will continue regressing until a Democratic landslide and control of all three parts of government.
If you try and repeal Roe versus Wade you will just screw yourselves. Soon even some of you brainwashed Chumps will realize your party is the swamp LOL... Keep up the good work, Democrats in 2018 and 2020!
The party that legally ignores voters. Go them.
Actually the Supreme Court doesn't bother me. The USA will continue regressing
Only an ignorant left-wing lunatic would consider record highs in the market, record lows in unemployment, constituitonal government, expanded liberty, secured borders, drastically improved international relations, and power restored to the people to be the “USA regressing”.

I think that last one is the key. The fascists like Franco cannot tolerate the thought of the people once again being properly in control. The left is power-hungry and oppression-driven. They like all of society being forced into their vision.
Socialism should be an “opt in” It does not have the best interests of the rest of us in mind...
Bingo! Progressives can have their precious little “socialism” anytime they want. Just create an organization of socialists who share everything voluntarily.

So why doesn’t the left do that? Because they are full of shit. They aren’t interested in giving or sharing. Their interested in mooching.
Because it's stupid and ridiculous
It’s “stupid” and “ridiculous” to have the socialism you desire? :laugh: argument there. But I can’t imagine why you would demand something that you acknowledge is “stupid” and “ridiculous”.
Bingo! Progressives can have their precious little “socialism” anytime they want. Just create an organization of socialists who share everything voluntarily.

So why doesn’t the left do that? Because they are full of shit. They aren’t interested in giving or sharing. Their interested in mooching.
Because it's stupid and ridiculous, super hater dupe? Never happened anywhere?
Well there is some fine left-wing “logic”. Before our founders declared independence and founded their own nation, there had never been a constitutional republic either.

Only a short-sighted nitwit declares “but...but....but...we shouldn’t do that because nobody else has done it”. I thought you people were “progressives”? Aren’t you supposed to “progress”? If it’s been done before, nitwit, then it isn’t “progress”. Idiot.
It's not a Presidential election year.
There's a difference.
Explain the difference.

The President will still be the President after the mid-term elections.

Seriously. If we can't replace SC justices in an election year, we can only replace them in alternating years, and that's ridiculous.

Who is saying we can't?

The Constitution doesn't provide for a temp Justice to finish out a term, so we'd be needlessly hampering the court.
thanks to the Supreme Fucking Court under Donald Fucking Trump, there is no way for folks who get raped to get an abortion

American women are gonna have to go to Canada or even Cuba to get an abortion!
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Trump better not appoint that medieval bastard Lyin Ted Cruz to be a SC judge!
Ted Cruz would probably be the second best Supreme Court justice in history (behind only Antonin Scalia). Stop reading old Trump tweets and actually think for once.
Ted "Air Head" Cruz? Do they allow Canadians to be USSC Justices?
“Air Head”? Seriously? The accomplished Senator, attorney, and Ivy League graduate is an “air head” in your mind?
Trump better not appoint that medieval bastard Lyin Ted Cruz to be a SC judge!
Ted Cruz would probably be the second best Supreme Court justice in history (behind only Antonin Scalia). Stop reading old Trump tweets and actually think for once.
Ted "Air Head" Cruz? Do they allow Canadians to be USSC Justices?
“Air Head”? Seriously? The accomplished Senator, attorney, and Ivy League graduate is an “air head” in your mind?

It's funny how political disagreements add to one's sense of superiority.

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