Anti-Gun ‘PSA’ Tells Kids to Steal And Turn in Their Parents’ Guns


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

I saw this video yesterday. It was horrible. A public service announcement from The Ad Council encouraging children to steal their parents guns and turn them into their teachers:

Anti-Gun PSA Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents Guns
When I first read about this, I thought that it had to be some kind of weird spoof. But it's not.

Over the course of almost two excruciatingly tedious minutes complete with ominous piano-dominated background music, a recently created video intended to become a public service announcement (PSA) shows a teenage boy taking a gun out of a drawer in his parents' bedroom and bringing it to school. At the end of a class period, he puts it on the desk of his shocked teacher and asks her, "Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house."

The video then shows the following words (in caps): "OUR CHILDREN DESERVE A SAFE WORLD," followed by a frame demanding: "STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOW."

Several commentators have noted the commission of at least five and as many as seven crimes during the course of the video. On Monday, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms identified them as follows (bolds are mine throughout this post):

“The series of crimes depicted in this video is simply astonishing,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "We’re talking about felony theft of a firearm, illegal possession of a handgun by a minor, having a gun in a school, illegal concealed carry by a minor, brandishing and maybe one or two other crimes, depending upon the jurisdiction."
... “This video isn’t a public service announcement,” he said, “but a public dis-service and the producers ought to be ashamed.”

Rejina Productions, the entity which made the video, is clearly in damage-control mode over the ad, which it identifies as a "PSA" at its "Projects" page.

Rejina's home-paga narrative has recently been shortened. Here's how it now reads:

Rejina Sincic is an Indian film director and screenwriter based in San Francisco. Her production company is Rejina Productions and is also the Co-Founder of Sleeper13 Productions. She completed her bachelors in Film Studies from University of Utah in 2006. She often works with Roy Wanguhu whom she met while working on “Forest of Eden”. She has worked on a variety of projects including TV, short films, commercials, corporate videos and feature films. Rejina has a great passion for filmmaking and is always looking to collaborate with creative people who have the same drive.
The following sentence was present in the home-page narrative in January, but is no longer there:

Most recently worked on independent films "Story of Eva", "Forest of Eden", a trailer for “I Killed the Devil”, American Idol, Family Feud and corporate videos for Twitter and Cisco.
Rejina Sincic appears to be concerned that her more mainstream clients might find out about her unhinged "PSA."

I would show readers the original YouTube video at Rejina's account, but its settings are now "private" (HT Hot Air):

- See more at: Anti-Gun PSA Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents Guns

Ad Council - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No one is running this, and she made it on her own. There is also a thread on this from a day or two ago. And it's not a PSA, she just calls it that.
Oh noes! They disrespected Almighty Gun!! Blasphemers!!
hair-fire.gif made a video encouraging kids to commit several felonies and possibly endanger themselves and others.
Oh noes! They disrespected Almighty Gun!! Blasphemers!!
hair-fire.gif made a video encouraging kids to commit several felonies and possibly endanger themselves and others.

You're reading the article; I'm reading the OP.
I didn't even bother with the article. The OP was much more telling.
Someone who doesn't "feel safe" with a gun in the house is someone who doesn't know the first thing about guns and is just afraid of the concept of guns in general. Such a person would be afraid to even touch a gun. that this video is getting played and kids are seeing it....will this woman be blamed for the first kid who actually follows her advice....and brings a gun to school to give to their teacher....or will she be held the ones chanting for the death of police....?
Oh noes! They disrespected Almighty Gun!! Blasphemers!!

Actually she is asking them to disrespect the almighty gun free zones, the ones you idiots actually think work.

Yuh huh.
So -- where did I post that again?

Do you support gun free zones?

Looks like something you should have researched before you shot your mouth off, duzzint it?
Pun intended.

answer the question.
Oh noes! They disrespected Almighty Gun!! Blasphemers!!

Actually she is asking them to disrespect the almighty gun free zones, the ones you idiots actually think work.

Yuh huh.
So -- where did I post that again?

Do you support gun free zones?

Looks like something you should have researched before you shot your mouth off, duzzint it?
Pun intended.

answer the question.

Admit the fallacy.

I saw this video yesterday. It was horrible. A public service announcement from The Ad Council encouraging children to steal their parents guns and turn them into their teachers:

Anti-Gun PSA Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents Guns
When I first read about this, I thought that it had to be some kind of weird spoof. But it's not.

Over the course of almost two excruciatingly tedious minutes complete with ominous piano-dominated background music, a recently created video intended to become a public service announcement (PSA) shows a teenage boy taking a gun out of a drawer in his parents' bedroom and bringing it to school. At the end of a class period, he puts it on the desk of his shocked teacher and asks her, "Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house."

The video then shows the following words (in caps): "OUR CHILDREN DESERVE A SAFE WORLD," followed by a frame demanding: "STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOW."

Several commentators have noted the commission of at least five and as many as seven crimes during the course of the video. On Monday, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms identified them as follows (bolds are mine throughout this post):

“The series of crimes depicted in this video is simply astonishing,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "We’re talking about felony theft of a firearm, illegal possession of a handgun by a minor, having a gun in a school, illegal concealed carry by a minor, brandishing and maybe one or two other crimes, depending upon the jurisdiction."
... “This video isn’t a public service announcement,” he said, “but a public dis-service and the producers ought to be ashamed.”

Rejina Productions, the entity which made the video, is clearly in damage-control mode over the ad, which it identifies as a "PSA" at its "Projects" page.

Rejina's home-paga narrative has recently been shortened. Here's how it now reads:

Rejina Sincic is an Indian film director and screenwriter based in San Francisco. Her production company is Rejina Productions and is also the Co-Founder of Sleeper13 Productions. She completed her bachelors in Film Studies from University of Utah in 2006. She often works with Roy Wanguhu whom she met while working on “Forest of Eden”. She has worked on a variety of projects including TV, short films, commercials, corporate videos and feature films. Rejina has a great passion for filmmaking and is always looking to collaborate with creative people who have the same drive.
The following sentence was present in the home-page narrative in January, but is no longer there:

Most recently worked on independent films "Story of Eva", "Forest of Eden", a trailer for “I Killed the Devil”, American Idol, Family Feud and corporate videos for Twitter and Cisco.
Rejina Sincic appears to be concerned that her more mainstream clients might find out about her unhinged "PSA."

I would show readers the original YouTube video at Rejina's account, but its settings are now "private" (HT Hot Air):

- See more at: Anti-Gun PSA Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents Guns

Ad Council - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, I didn't steal my dad's pistol. I just took it down from the closet shelf, took it outside and fired a few rounds.

Now... what I didn't know was that the Neighbor lady called my Dad at work to tell him that I was outside firing a gun.

Which I guess was just before the kitchen phone rang... angrily. So I went inside and answered it and Dad's on the phone. "Are you shooting my pistol?" he asked, clearly upset... I answered "No Sir!" in a bit of a pant-wetting panic.

"Mrs. (Whoeverthefuck) just called me and said you were outside shooting... why would she do that if you're not outside shooting?", he further inquired... . "Gee, I dunno... she's really old?", I choked out... knowing that my life was over. Snuffed out by a nosey old woman... who had always had it in for me.

"I'll be home in 5 minutes and you better hope that you are telling me the truth!" CLICK!... "I am Daddy...", I exclaimed in a futile grope for mercy... .

I grabbed the pistol off the counter, flew to his room... reached up to pull the cleaning kit down. Now understand, I'd never shot a gun before and had the same level experience cleaning one. Luckily, I wasn't a complete dumbass and the gear in the kit seemed pretty straight forward. So I screwed on the wire punch, opened the cap to the bore cleaner, dipped the brush into the bottle, unlocked and opened the cylinder, and jammed the brush in and out of the barrel several times... opened the little box of swabs, stuck the swab on the tip of the brush jammed it through a couple of times, did the same for the cylinder. I then doused a towel with bore cleaner, wiped the whole thing down and just as I neatly shoved everything back into closet Dad came sliding into the driveway.

BAM! The front door slams open and I meet him there, all smiles and doing everything in my power to exude "INNOCENT"!

"Boy you better tell me the truth! Did you shoot my pistol?", he demands.

"No Sir Daddy.", I lied... .

"Well, for your sake I hope not.", he said walking past me heading into his room and straight for the closet. Without delay he opens the closet door, reaches up to the top shelf and finds the pistol, precisely where it had always been. He pulls it down, opens the cylinder and finds the six rounds I had carefully reloaded before placing it back on the shelf. He looks at me... pulls the pistol to his nose and gives it a whiff; "This is your last chance to tell me the truth. Did you fire this pistol?, he asks...I triple down and with as much lyin' innocence as I could muster, I said "No sir... Nuh huh.'

"Uhh, huh..." and he jostles his wrists, flipping the cylinder closed, sets the pistol on top of his Chest-of-drawers and opens the top drawer, pulling out the box of rounds that had been in there forever. He looks at me and once again asks, "You sure?", to which I respond, "Yessir", thinking that I had pulled it off.

THEN... he opens the box and begins counting: "One, Two, three...".

Now, I am not sure at what number I came apart... but it was somewhere around 5 or 6... .


And man... my Dad lost it.

And THAT is the story of how I got the worse ass-beatin' I ever got, and have ever got since.

He whipped his belt off with unprecedented speed, snatched me up and began wailing on me with a vengeance... and with extreme prejudice, he beat me bloody... whelps poppin' across my back, sides and legs.

He took me back to his office... where I sat sobbin', until he came bustin' through the door and began whoopin' my ass again! Luckily Mom stepped in and shut him down... which was good, because he seemed to have lost the high discipline he had maintained back at the house.

Now, that was a different time... and ass-beatin's like that, were just a part of growin' up with a Dad who had a host of lines he wouldn't tolerate being crossed.

But... with that said... You can bet your ass that I NEVER touched that pistol, or any other firearm without getting a signature first... AGAIN!

Today, some 45-ish years and three kids later, with Grandchildren of my own... I understand that Dad was not 'just pissed off' and, what's more 'being pissed' was probably the least of what he was dealing with there. He was panic'd... scared shitless by the thought that I could have seriously injured or killed myself and/or that I could have done the same to another person. So he was beatin' back the demons of that guilt and brothers and sisters... let me TELL YA! Those demons got the beatin' of a LIFETIME on THAT DAY!

So... when I read that article, it occurred to me, how many kids and their affiliated demons will get their LIFETIME Ass-beatin' because of that PSA... and how many will not be fortunate enough to get it? When they injure or kill themselves or another, after their ADD ass gets that firearm and the litany of distractions set in, which inevitably leads to rounds being discharged... which is to say nothing about the Felony Charges for bringing a firearm onto school property and the mess that follows that.

That is among the most bizarre, thoroughly irresponsible, mindlessly fucked up things I've ever seen.
Last edited:

I saw this video yesterday. It was horrible. A public service announcement from The Ad Council encouraging children to steal their parents guns and turn them into their teachers:

Anti-Gun PSA Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents Guns
When I first read about this, I thought that it had to be some kind of weird spoof. But it's not.

Over the course of almost two excruciatingly tedious minutes complete with ominous piano-dominated background music, a recently created video intended to become a public service announcement (PSA) shows a teenage boy taking a gun out of a drawer in his parents' bedroom and bringing it to school. At the end of a class period, he puts it on the desk of his shocked teacher and asks her, "Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house."

The video then shows the following words (in caps): "OUR CHILDREN DESERVE A SAFE WORLD," followed by a frame demanding: "STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOW."

Several commentators have noted the commission of at least five and as many as seven crimes during the course of the video. On Monday, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms identified them as follows (bolds are mine throughout this post):

“The series of crimes depicted in this video is simply astonishing,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. "We’re talking about felony theft of a firearm, illegal possession of a handgun by a minor, having a gun in a school, illegal concealed carry by a minor, brandishing and maybe one or two other crimes, depending upon the jurisdiction."
... “This video isn’t a public service announcement,” he said, “but a public dis-service and the producers ought to be ashamed.”

Rejina Productions, the entity which made the video, is clearly in damage-control mode over the ad, which it identifies as a "PSA" at its "Projects" page.

Rejina's home-paga narrative has recently been shortened. Here's how it now reads:

Rejina Sincic is an Indian film director and screenwriter based in San Francisco. Her production company is Rejina Productions and is also the Co-Founder of Sleeper13 Productions. She completed her bachelors in Film Studies from University of Utah in 2006. She often works with Roy Wanguhu whom she met while working on “Forest of Eden”. She has worked on a variety of projects including TV, short films, commercials, corporate videos and feature films. Rejina has a great passion for filmmaking and is always looking to collaborate with creative people who have the same drive.
The following sentence was present in the home-page narrative in January, but is no longer there:

Most recently worked on independent films "Story of Eva", "Forest of Eden", a trailer for “I Killed the Devil”, American Idol, Family Feud and corporate videos for Twitter and Cisco.
Rejina Sincic appears to be concerned that her more mainstream clients might find out about her unhinged "PSA."

I would show readers the original YouTube video at Rejina's account, but its settings are now "private" (HT Hot Air):

- See more at: Anti-Gun PSA Tells Kids to Turn in Their Parents Guns

Ad Council - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Well, I didn't steal my dad's pistol. I just took it down from the closet shelf, took it outside and fired a few rounds.

Now... what I didn't know was that the Neighbor lady called my Dad at work to tell him that I was outside firing a gun.

Which I guess was just before the kitchen phone rang... angrily. So I went inside and answered it and Dad's on the phone. "Are you shooting my pistol?" he asked, clearly upset... I answered "No Sir!" in a bit of a pant-wetting panic.

"Mrs. (Whoeverthefuck) just called me and said you were outside shooting... why would she do that if you're not outside shooting?", he further inquired... . "Gee, I dunno... she's really old?", I choked out... knowing that my life was over. Snuffed out by a nosey old woman... who had always had it in for me.

"I'll be home in 5 minutes and you better hope that you are telling me the truth!" CLICK!... "I am Daddy...", I exclaimed in a futile grope for mercy... .

I grabbed the pistol off the counter, flew to his room... reached up to pull the cleaning kit down. Now understand, I'd never shot a gun before and had the same level experience cleaning one. Luckily, I wasn't a complete dumbass and the gear in the kit seemed pretty straight forward. So I screwed on the wire punch, opened the cap to the bore cleaner, dipped the brush into the bottle, unlocked and opened the cylinder, and jammed the brush in and out of the barrel several times... opened the little box of swabs, stuck the swab on the tip of the brush jammed it through a couple of times, did the same for the cylinder. I then doused towel with bore cleaner, wiped the whole thing down and just as I neatly shoved everything back into closet Dad came sliding into the driveway.

BAM! The front door slams open and I meet him there, all smiles and doing everything in my power to exude "INNOCENT"!

"Boy you better tell me the truth! Did you shoot my pistol?", he demands.

"No Sir Daddy.", I lied... .

"Well, for your sake I hope not.", he said walking past me heading into his room and straight for the closet. Without delay he opens the closet door, reaches up to the top shelf and finds the pistol, precisely where it had always been. He pulls it down, opens the cylinder and finds the six rounds I had carefully reloaded before placing it back on the shelf. He looks at me... pulls the pistol to his nose and gives it a whiff; "This is your last chance to tell me the truth. Did you fire this pistol?, he asks...I triple down and with as much lyin' innocence as I could muster, I said "No sir... Nuh huh.'

"Uhh, huh..." and he jostles his wrists, flipping the cylinder closed, sets the pistol on top of his Chest-of-drawers and opens the top drawer, pulling out the box of rounds that had been in there forever. He looks at me and once again asks, "You sure?", to which I respond, "Yessir", thinking that I had pulled it off.

THEN... he opens the box and begins counting: "One, Two, three...".

Now, I am not sure at what number I came apart... but it was somewhere around 5 or 6... .

"I'm Sorry Daddy!"

And man... my Dad lost it. And THAT is the story of how I got the worst ass-beatin' I ever got, and have ever got since. He pulled his belt with unprecedented speed, snatched me up and began wailing on me with a vengeance... and with extreme prejudice. He beat me bloody... welps poppin' across my back, sides and legs.

He took me back to his office... where I sat sobbin', until he came bustin' through the door and began whoopin' my ass again! Luckily Mom stepped in and shut him down... which was good, because he seemed to have lost the high discipline he had maintained back at the house.

Now, that was a different time... and ass-beatin' like that were just a part of growin' up with a Dad who had a host of lines he wouldn't tolerate being crossed.

But... with that said... You can bet your ass that I NEVER touched that pistol, or any other firearm without getting a signature first... AGAIN!

Now, with Grandchildren of my own... I understand that Dad was not 'just pissed off' and what's more 'being pissed' was probably the least of what he was dealing with there. He was panic'd... scared shitless by the thought that I could have hurt or killed myself and that I could have done the same to another person. So, he was beatin' back the demons of that guilt and brothers and sisters... let me TELL YA! Those demons got the beatin' of a LIFETIME on THAT DAY!

So... when I read that article, it occurred to me, how many kids and their affiliated demons will get that ass-beatin' because of that PSA... and how many will not be fortunate enough to get it? When they injure or kill themselves or another, after their ADD ass gets that firearm and the litany of distractions set in, which inevitably leads to rounds being discharged... .

That is among the most bizarre, thoroughly irresponsible, mindlessly fucked up things I've ever seen.

This explains a lot. Thanks.
Having guns with kids in the house is a scary situation ... but encouraging kids to commit crimes is just as scary. It doesn't matter what their intentions were ... this PSA was unbelievably reckless and dangerous.
Like the rabbi said, totalitarian polities have long encouraged children to spy on and to report behavior of their parents (parent), to stooges like those highlighted in the OP. I mentioned yesterday that The Cultural Revolution in China under Mao was probably the bloodiest example of such an ethos, when millions of family members were complicit in the murders of other family members by turning them in to public execution squads. Somewhere between 20 - 34 million people were murdered thus. It's really sickening, typical of anarchists who have no respect for the constitution or for the prevailing corpus of law. But will she be prosecuted? Hello NRA.

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