anti gunners do not like "Gunsplaining" because it requires knowing the truth, the facts and reality


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

The author is trying to shame gun Rights supporters into being quiet by labeling this "gunsplaining,"as if actually talking about actual guns and the truth about the issues is a problem...

If You're Trying To Ban Guns, The Least You Can Do Is Learn The Basics

Can anyone imagine a major newspaper running an op-ed justifying public ignorance on public policy? Actually, not merely justifying the ignorance, but rather arguing that facts only help smother discourse rather than enhance it. Itā€™s improbable. Then again, this is the gun debate. And one side benefits from policy illiteracy.

The Washington Post ran an op-ed by former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein arguing that Second Amendment advocates use ā€œjargonā€ to bully gun-control supporters. ā€œWhile debating the merits of various gun control proposals,ā€ he contends, ā€œSecond Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology.ā€
How dare Second Amendment advocates expect that those passionately arguing to limit their constitutional rights might have some rudimentary knowledge of the devices they want to ban? To point out the constant glaring technical and policy ā€œfaux pasā€ of gun controllers is to engage in ā€œgunsplaining,ā€ a bad-faith argument akin to intimidation.

ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the ā€˜ARā€™ in AR-15 stands for, you donā€™t get to talkā€ explains the sarcastic subhead. If you donā€™t know what the ā€œARā€ in AR-15 stands you still get to talk. But if you want to ban or confiscate AR-15s and you havenā€™t taken the time to learn what the AR stands for, then gun owners have every right to call you out.

Weinstein bemoans the unfairness of gun controllers ā€œbeing forced to sweat the finest taxonomic distinctions between our nationā€™s unlimited variety of lethal weapons.ā€ This statement is illustrative of the emotionalism and hyperbole of the debate (the notion that thereā€™s an ā€œunlimited varietyā€ of firearms is absurd) but also, at the same time, itā€™s an exaggeration of the Second Amendment advocateā€™s expectations.

Then again, much of gun-control policy isdriven by the mechanics of a firearm. So while not knowing what a ā€œbarrel shroudā€ is should not prevent anyone from pondering gun policy (well, unless youā€™re a politician who goes on TV to advocate the banning of barrel shrouds without knowing what they are) but failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us youā€™re either dishonest, unserious or unprepared for the debate.
There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

The author is trying to shame gun Rights supporters into being quiet by labeling this "gunsplaining,"as if actually talking about actual guns and the truth about the issues is a problem...

If You're Trying To Ban Guns, The Least You Can Do Is Learn The Basics

Can anyone imagine a major newspaper running an op-ed justifying public ignorance on public policy? Actually, not merely justifying the ignorance, but rather arguing that facts only help smother discourse rather than enhance it. Itā€™s improbable. Then again, this is the gun debate. And one side benefits from policy illiteracy.

The Washington Post ran an op-ed by former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein arguing that Second Amendment advocates use ā€œjargonā€ to bully gun-control supporters. ā€œWhile debating the merits of various gun control proposals,ā€ he contends, ā€œSecond Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology.ā€
How dare Second Amendment advocates expect that those passionately arguing to limit their constitutional rights might have some rudimentary knowledge of the devices they want to ban? To point out the constant glaring technical and policy ā€œfaux pasā€ of gun controllers is to engage in ā€œgunsplaining,ā€ a bad-faith argument akin to intimidation.

ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the ā€˜ARā€™ in AR-15 stands for, you donā€™t get to talkā€ explains the sarcastic subhead. If you donā€™t know what the ā€œARā€ in AR-15 stands you still get to talk. But if you want to ban or confiscate AR-15s and you havenā€™t taken the time to learn what the AR stands for, then gun owners have every right to call you out.

Weinstein bemoans the unfairness of gun controllers ā€œbeing forced to sweat the finest taxonomic distinctions between our nationā€™s unlimited variety of lethal weapons.ā€ This statement is illustrative of the emotionalism and hyperbole of the debate (the notion that thereā€™s an ā€œunlimited varietyā€ of firearms is absurd) but also, at the same time, itā€™s an exaggeration of the Second Amendment advocateā€™s expectations.

Then again, much of gun-control policy isdriven by the mechanics of a firearm. So while not knowing what a ā€œbarrel shroudā€ is should not prevent anyone from pondering gun policy (well, unless youā€™re a politician who goes on TV to advocate the banning of barrel shrouds without knowing what they are) but failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us youā€™re either dishonest, unserious or unprepared for the debate.
Clear your piece, fella.
Gun grabbers do not want the general public to understand that THIS...

Screenshot_20180307-153703-960x600_crop_517x419-439x356.jpg a semi-automatic....or "fully" semi-automatic, if you're that idiot on CNN...
Oh is that a new word the NRA made up.

The word come from this anti gun extremist, pretending to be a journalist....

Has this happened to you? If so, youā€™ve been gunsplained: harangued with the pedantry of the more-credible-than-thou firearms owner, admonished that your inferior knowledge of guns and their nomenclature puts an asterisk next to your opinion on gun control.
Admit it..

liberals are right about guns...

We need to get rid of all of them....

I had no clue they could be this dangerous,

watch the video and you will see what I mean..

There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

The author is trying to shame gun Rights supporters into being quiet by labeling this "gunsplaining,"as if actually talking about actual guns and the truth about the issues is a problem...

If You're Trying To Ban Guns, The Least You Can Do Is Learn The Basics

Can anyone imagine a major newspaper running an op-ed justifying public ignorance on public policy? Actually, not merely justifying the ignorance, but rather arguing that facts only help smother discourse rather than enhance it. Itā€™s improbable. Then again, this is the gun debate. And one side benefits from policy illiteracy.

The Washington Post ran an op-ed by former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein arguing that Second Amendment advocates use ā€œjargonā€ to bully gun-control supporters. ā€œWhile debating the merits of various gun control proposals,ā€ he contends, ā€œSecond Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology.ā€
How dare Second Amendment advocates expect that those passionately arguing to limit their constitutional rights might have some rudimentary knowledge of the devices they want to ban? To point out the constant glaring technical and policy ā€œfaux pasā€ of gun controllers is to engage in ā€œgunsplaining,ā€ a bad-faith argument akin to intimidation.

ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the ā€˜ARā€™ in AR-15 stands for, you donā€™t get to talkā€ explains the sarcastic subhead. If you donā€™t know what the ā€œARā€ in AR-15 stands you still get to talk. But if you want to ban or confiscate AR-15s and you havenā€™t taken the time to learn what the AR stands for, then gun owners have every right to call you out.

Weinstein bemoans the unfairness of gun controllers ā€œbeing forced to sweat the finest taxonomic distinctions between our nationā€™s unlimited variety of lethal weapons.ā€ This statement is illustrative of the emotionalism and hyperbole of the debate (the notion that thereā€™s an ā€œunlimited varietyā€ of firearms is absurd) but also, at the same time, itā€™s an exaggeration of the Second Amendment advocateā€™s expectations.

Then again, much of gun-control policy isdriven by the mechanics of a firearm. So while not knowing what a ā€œbarrel shroudā€ is should not prevent anyone from pondering gun policy (well, unless youā€™re a politician who goes on TV to advocate the banning of barrel shrouds without knowing what they are) but failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us youā€™re either dishonest, unserious or unprepared for the debate.

Anybody that is this obsessed with an inanimate object needs psychological evaluation. I hope the authorities actually do watch sites like this one. You are the text book example of someone who is likely to shoot up a school.

Any parent near you should make sure the local police know who you are.
There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

The author is trying to shame gun Rights supporters into being quiet by labeling this "gunsplaining,"as if actually talking about actual guns and the truth about the issues is a problem...

If You're Trying To Ban Guns, The Least You Can Do Is Learn The Basics

Can anyone imagine a major newspaper running an op-ed justifying public ignorance on public policy? Actually, not merely justifying the ignorance, but rather arguing that facts only help smother discourse rather than enhance it. Itā€™s improbable. Then again, this is the gun debate. And one side benefits from policy illiteracy.

The Washington Post ran an op-ed by former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein arguing that Second Amendment advocates use ā€œjargonā€ to bully gun-control supporters. ā€œWhile debating the merits of various gun control proposals,ā€ he contends, ā€œSecond Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology.ā€
How dare Second Amendment advocates expect that those passionately arguing to limit their constitutional rights might have some rudimentary knowledge of the devices they want to ban? To point out the constant glaring technical and policy ā€œfaux pasā€ of gun controllers is to engage in ā€œgunsplaining,ā€ a bad-faith argument akin to intimidation.

ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the ā€˜ARā€™ in AR-15 stands for, you donā€™t get to talkā€ explains the sarcastic subhead. If you donā€™t know what the ā€œARā€ in AR-15 stands you still get to talk. But if you want to ban or confiscate AR-15s and you havenā€™t taken the time to learn what the AR stands for, then gun owners have every right to call you out.

Weinstein bemoans the unfairness of gun controllers ā€œbeing forced to sweat the finest taxonomic distinctions between our nationā€™s unlimited variety of lethal weapons.ā€ This statement is illustrative of the emotionalism and hyperbole of the debate (the notion that thereā€™s an ā€œunlimited varietyā€ of firearms is absurd) but also, at the same time, itā€™s an exaggeration of the Second Amendment advocateā€™s expectations.

Then again, much of gun-control policy isdriven by the mechanics of a firearm. So while not knowing what a ā€œbarrel shroudā€ is should not prevent anyone from pondering gun policy (well, unless youā€™re a politician who goes on TV to advocate the banning of barrel shrouds without knowing what they are) but failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us youā€™re either dishonest, unserious or unprepared for the debate.

Anybody that is this obsessed with an inanimate object needs psychological evaluation. I hope the authorities actually do watch sites like this one. You are the text book example of someone who is likely to shoot up a school.

Any parent near you should make sure the local police know who you are.

And this shows how dumb you are.....actually read my posts...what do I talk about? Do I focus on Do I focus on the Right of the American people to own and carry guns for self defense...yes. That you fail to see that simply means you are blinded by your own hatred of guns...we discuss the Right to keep and bear arms...and all you see is "Gun".......of the two of us, you are the one with the issue, a paranoia about a tool......get help.
There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

The author is trying to shame gun Rights supporters into being quiet by labeling this "gunsplaining,"as if actually talking about actual guns and the truth about the issues is a problem...

If You're Trying To Ban Guns, The Least You Can Do Is Learn The Basics

Can anyone imagine a major newspaper running an op-ed justifying public ignorance on public policy? Actually, not merely justifying the ignorance, but rather arguing that facts only help smother discourse rather than enhance it. Itā€™s improbable. Then again, this is the gun debate. And one side benefits from policy illiteracy.

The Washington Post ran an op-ed by former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein arguing that Second Amendment advocates use ā€œjargonā€ to bully gun-control supporters. ā€œWhile debating the merits of various gun control proposals,ā€ he contends, ā€œSecond Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology.ā€
How dare Second Amendment advocates expect that those passionately arguing to limit their constitutional rights might have some rudimentary knowledge of the devices they want to ban? To point out the constant glaring technical and policy ā€œfaux pasā€ of gun controllers is to engage in ā€œgunsplaining,ā€ a bad-faith argument akin to intimidation.

ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the ā€˜ARā€™ in AR-15 stands for, you donā€™t get to talkā€ explains the sarcastic subhead. If you donā€™t know what the ā€œARā€ in AR-15 stands you still get to talk. But if you want to ban or confiscate AR-15s and you havenā€™t taken the time to learn what the AR stands for, then gun owners have every right to call you out.

Weinstein bemoans the unfairness of gun controllers ā€œbeing forced to sweat the finest taxonomic distinctions between our nationā€™s unlimited variety of lethal weapons.ā€ This statement is illustrative of the emotionalism and hyperbole of the debate (the notion that thereā€™s an ā€œunlimited varietyā€ of firearms is absurd) but also, at the same time, itā€™s an exaggeration of the Second Amendment advocateā€™s expectations.

Then again, much of gun-control policy isdriven by the mechanics of a firearm. So while not knowing what a ā€œbarrel shroudā€ is should not prevent anyone from pondering gun policy (well, unless youā€™re a politician who goes on TV to advocate the banning of barrel shrouds without knowing what they are) but failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us youā€™re either dishonest, unserious or unprepared for the debate.

Anybody that is this obsessed with an inanimate object needs psychological evaluation. I hope the authorities actually do watch sites like this one. You are the text book example of someone who is likely to shoot up a school.

Any parent near you should make sure the local police know who you are.

And this shows how dumb you are.....actually read my posts...what do I talk about? Do I focus on Do I focus on the Right of the American people to own and carry guns for self defense...yes. That you fail to see that simply means you are blinded by your own hatred of guns...we discuss the Right to keep and bear arms...and all you see is "Gun".......of the two of us, you are the one with the issue, a paranoia about a tool......get help.

John Oliver did a show this weekend that pegged your nutjob ass to a T.

John Oliver explains what the NRAā€™s TV channel actually does
There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

The author is trying to shame gun Rights supporters into being quiet by labeling this "gunsplaining,"as if actually talking about actual guns and the truth about the issues is a problem...

If You're Trying To Ban Guns, The Least You Can Do Is Learn The Basics

Can anyone imagine a major newspaper running an op-ed justifying public ignorance on public policy? Actually, not merely justifying the ignorance, but rather arguing that facts only help smother discourse rather than enhance it. Itā€™s improbable. Then again, this is the gun debate. And one side benefits from policy illiteracy.

The Washington Post ran an op-ed by former Gawker writer Adam Weinstein arguing that Second Amendment advocates use ā€œjargonā€ to bully gun-control supporters. ā€œWhile debating the merits of various gun control proposals,ā€ he contends, ā€œSecond Amendment enthusiasts often diminish, or outright dismiss their views if they use imprecise firearms terminology.ā€
How dare Second Amendment advocates expect that those passionately arguing to limit their constitutional rights might have some rudimentary knowledge of the devices they want to ban? To point out the constant glaring technical and policy ā€œfaux pasā€ of gun controllers is to engage in ā€œgunsplaining,ā€ a bad-faith argument akin to intimidation.

ā€œIf you donā€™t know what the ā€˜ARā€™ in AR-15 stands for, you donā€™t get to talkā€ explains the sarcastic subhead. If you donā€™t know what the ā€œARā€ in AR-15 stands you still get to talk. But if you want to ban or confiscate AR-15s and you havenā€™t taken the time to learn what the AR stands for, then gun owners have every right to call you out.

Weinstein bemoans the unfairness of gun controllers ā€œbeing forced to sweat the finest taxonomic distinctions between our nationā€™s unlimited variety of lethal weapons.ā€ This statement is illustrative of the emotionalism and hyperbole of the debate (the notion that thereā€™s an ā€œunlimited varietyā€ of firearms is absurd) but also, at the same time, itā€™s an exaggeration of the Second Amendment advocateā€™s expectations.

Then again, much of gun-control policy isdriven by the mechanics of a firearm. So while not knowing what a ā€œbarrel shroudā€ is should not prevent anyone from pondering gun policy (well, unless youā€™re a politician who goes on TV to advocate the banning of barrel shrouds without knowing what they are) but failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us youā€™re either dishonest, unserious or unprepared for the debate.

Anybody that is this obsessed with an inanimate object needs psychological evaluation. I hope the authorities actually do watch sites like this one. You are the text book example of someone who is likely to shoot up a school.

Any parent near you should make sure the local police know who you are.

And this shows how dumb you are.....actually read my posts...what do I talk about? Do I focus on Do I focus on the Right of the American people to own and carry guns for self defense...yes. That you fail to see that simply means you are blinded by your own hatred of guns...we discuss the Right to keep and bear arms...and all you see is "Gun".......of the two of us, you are the one with the issue, a paranoia about a tool......get help.

John Oliver did a show this weekend that pegged your nutjob ass to a T.

John Oliver explains what the NRAā€™s TV channel actually does

Oh..john oliver, is he the guy who pretends to be a comedian on Comedy Central...or is that some other unfunny, left wing, democrat who is pretending to be a journalist?
There is a column in the Washington post this week where the anti gun weenie complains about 2nd Amendment supporters who correct anti gunners when they don't use the correct terminology for guns, or don't actually know what the hell they are talking about in the gun debate.....

No, when you have 17 dead kids shot by a military grade weapon attained by a mentally ill man, there really isn't much more to talk about.

"It wasn't a MACHINE GUN, it was an ASSAULT RIFLE", whines the guy with the tiny er... hands... when someone threatens to take away his gun.

33,000 dead, 70,000 injured, 270 Billion in economic losses... every year.

Not much more to discuss.
Gun grabbers do not want the general public to understand that THIS...

View attachment 181082 a semi-automatic....or "fully" semi-automatic, if you're that idiot on CNN...

and what does the magazine hold.

Some lead, gunpowder and brass.

I have no problem with magazines that hold 10 shells, anything more is overkill and also if you can't defend yourself with 10 bullets you are a bad shot.

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