Anti-gunners have to explain these cases .......

Nobody anywhere should be afraid of leaving her house.
I'm certainly not afraid, but then, I don't live in a large, democrat run city where criminals are a privileged class.

Just think how much fun this will be in another Democrat Hell Hole.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the bill into law last year. It will abolish cash bail on Jan. 1, making Illinois the first state in the country to do so. The bill also includes a provision that will allow most people charged with crimes, including some violent felonies, to be released without posting bail.

How great is that? Some violent felonies will carry a ''get out of jail free'' card. Now, if I lived in the Democrat paradise of Illinous, I certainly would be afraid of leaving my house.

Lets agree. Leftists make no connection between their policies and subsequent effects.

America is on the move like never before. Some would say at a tectonic level and for many the driver is as much political as it is economic. The top five states seeing a mass exodus are all Democrat-controlled. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan and Illinois lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019. Conversely, a recent study by U-Haul reported that the top five states to see the greatest influx of new residents include the Republican-led states of Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Arizona.
Actually, there were 14,500 in 2019. There were 20,000 in 2020.

And, yes, suicides are a big deal, if it's someone you care about. 2015 the democrat party began it's war on the police, and in reaction, the police stopped pro active police work, and they also began to release violent criminals over and over again....

Can you explain why they keep releasing the most violent criminals? Normal people would like to know...

A three-time felon on bail for one of Illinois’ most serious gun crimes opened fire on a Chicago family’s birthday celebration, shooting a 12-year-old boy in the head this week, prosecutors said. Incredibly, a Cook County judge made Isaiah Renteria pay just $1,000 to get out of jail on a Class X armed habitual criminal charge in November and did not require him to go on to electronic monitoring.

On Friday, Renteria became the 38th person accused of killing or shooting—or attempting to kill or shoot—someone in Chicago while awaiting trial for a felony this year. The alleged crimes involved at least 76 victims, 18 of whom died.

Related 2022 Stories​

#1: Man who tried to shoot 3 outside a North Side restaurant on New Year’s Day had a pending felony case, prosecutors say (January 6, 2022)

#2: Felon awaiting trial for 4 sexual assault cases escaped from electronic monitoring and tried to kill investigators who tracked him down, prosecutors say (January 15, 2022)

#3: With felony gun case pending, man shot passerby during “exchange of gunfire,” prosecutors say (January 23, 2022)

#4: Seven-time felon on electronic monitoring for his 4th gun case tried to shoot and kill his girlfriend’s father, prosecutors say (January 26, 2022)

#5: Teen on electronic monitoring for TWO gun cases carjacked a Lyft driver, then shot a 15-year-old at point-blank range, prosecutors say (February 10, 2022)

#6: Man killed nursing student months after going AWOL from felony DUI case, prosecutors say (February 20, 2022)

#7: Man shot and killed his own brother while on bail for a felony gun case, prosecutors say (February 22, 2022)

#8: Beloved Hyde Park bartender was killed by a robber who has 3 pending felony cases, prosecutors said (March 7, 2022)

#9: Man involved in New Year’s shoot-out that left one dead was on bail for his 3rd gun felony, prosecutors say (March 8, 2022)

#10: An 11-time convicted felon shot a 3-year-old and tried to kill the boy’s mother while on felony bail, prosecutors say (March 11, 2022)

#11: Man allegedly stabbed another to death 4 days after getting released on felony bail (March 29, 2022)

#12: He opened fire on his ex’s house, killing a man, prosecutors say. But he was supposed to be home 24/7 for a pending felony gun case. (March 29, 2022)

#13: Man shot a woman, fired toward 4 others, while on bond for being a felon in possession of a firearm, prosecutors say (April 7, 2022)

#14: Man killed his parents in an Uptown senior center while on bond for federal armed robbery and gun charges, prosecutors say (April 14. 2022)

#15: Four-time felon opened fire on a carload of victims, injuring 2 while on bond for felony gun case, prosecutors say (April 20, 2022)

#16: Man shot his ex this month and her boyfriend last month, prosecutors say. He was on felony bail. (April 24, 2022)

#17: Man tried to kill 2 cable TV installers over a missing dog, prosecutors say. He was on bail at the time. (April 30, 2022)

#18: Man escaped from electronic monitoring and ran over a cop in a stolen car while fleeing a murder scene, prosecutors say (May 19, 2022)

#19: A two-time felon circled a West Side neighborhood for 15 minutes looking for someone to kill in a revenge murder, prosecutors say. He was on bond for a gun case at the time. (May 21, 2022)

#20: Alleged mass shooter had a felony gun case pending when he killed 2, wounded 7 near Magnificent Mile, records show (May 22, 2022)

#21: Five months after escaping from electronic monitoring, he helped shoot up a carload of people, injuring 2, prosecutors say (May 29, 2022)

#22: Man accused of setting ‘Walking Man’ on fire has been AWOL from 2 felony cases for 15 months, court records show (May 30, 2022)

#23: Two weeks after being charged with having a stolen rifle in a hijacked car, he allegedly shot a man with a rifle after getting out of a hijacked car (June 11, 2022)

#24: Gunman left a woman paralyzed in River North just 4 weeks after officials sent his felony gun case to a “peace circle,” prosecutors say (June 13, 2022)

#25: Teen acted as murderer’s driver while awaiting trial for carjacking, stolen car cases: prosecutors say (July 6, 2022)

#26: Man shot victim 5 times, days after being charged in a felony narcotics case, prosecutors say (July 7, 2022)

#27: Concealed carry holder shot man who opened fire on his car at McDonald’s, prosecutors say (July 14, 2022)

#28: Terrorism, attempted murder charges filed against man who allegedly detonated bomb on Pink Line in May (August 8, 2022)

#29: Three-time felon shot robbery victim while on bail for felony gun case, prosecutors say (August 23, 2022)

#30: Concealed carry holder shoots 7-time felon who tried to kill him, prosecutors say. That man was on bail for a felony gun case. (August 25, 2022)

#31: Anti-violence worker, who’s also a 9-time felon, shot himself in the butt at a Bucktown gas station while on felony bail, prosecutors say (August 25, 2022)

#32: Killer shot motorcyclist 16 times while awaiting trial for a felony gun case, prosecutors say (September 1, 2022)

#33: Man killed his half-sister’s boyfriend while on electronic monitoring for shooting someone else, prosecutors say (September 5, 2022)

#34: Two months after posting bail for a felony gun case, he participated in a botched robbery that left the victim dead, prosecutors say (September 8, 2022)

#35: One week after being released on felony gun charge, man shot and killed rival gang member in random attack, prosecutors say (September 8, 2022)

#36: Driver exchanged shots with gunman in another car while on felony bail, prosecutors say (September 10, 2022)

#37: Man shot woman dead because he didn’t want her at a block party—while he was supposed to be home on electronic monitoring for 3 felonies, prosecutors say (September 15, 2022)

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Actually, there were 14,500 in 2019. There were 20,000 in 2020.

And, yes, suicides are a big deal, if it's someone you care about.

Yes....suicides are a big deal, but they are not a gun problem. Just ask the people of Japan, and South Korea....where only criminals and cops can have guns, yet they commit suicide at rates higher than ours...
Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the bill into law last year. It will abolish cash bail on Jan. 1, making Illinois the first state in the country to do so. The bill also includes a provision that will allow most people charged with crimes, including some violent felonies, to be released without posting bail.

How great is that? Some violent felonies will carry a ''get out of jail free'' card. Now, if I lived in the Democrat paradise of Illinous, I certainly would be afraid of leaving my house.

Lets agree. Leftists make no connection between their policies and subsequent effects.

Uh, here's the thing. None of these people have been convicted of anything. If you are requiring a bail for a crime, you are essentially penalizing poverty, as the affluent criminals will be able to post bail and the non-affluent will not.

Pre-trial incarceration should ONLY be for people who are an immediate danger to someone else, and that is what the current law calls for. If you are going to lock someone up before you've secured a conviction, you should be able to prove they are actually dangerous.

Innocent until proven guilty? What a crazy idea? 2015 the democrat party began it's war on the police, and in reaction, the police stopped pro active police work, and they also began to release violent criminals over and over again....

Can you explain why they keep releasing the most violent criminals? Normal people would like to know...

A three-time felon on bail for one of Illinois’ most serious gun crimes opened fire on a Chicago family’s birthday celebration, shooting a 12-year-old boy in the head this week, prosecutors said. Incredibly, a Cook County judge made Isaiah Renteria pay just $1,000 to get out of jail on a Class X armed habitual criminal charge in November and did not require him to go on to electronic monitoring.

On Friday, Renteria became the 38th person accused of killing or shooting—or attempting to kill or shoot—someone in Chicago while awaiting trial for a felony this year. The alleged crimes involved at least 76 victims, 18 of whom died.

Sounds like we have a problem in determining who to lock up... gee. Maybe instead of making bail a for profit industry, we can actually make determinations about who is actually dangerous and who isn't.
Sounds like we have a problem in determining who to lock up... gee. Maybe instead of making bail a for profit industry, we can actually make determinations about who is actually dangerous and who isn't.

We already can, you asshat....the democrats just don't care.....they just release the most violent criminals no matter how many felonies they explain that....
That's because you loons care about the criminals more than the victims and made it so that prison is no longer a deterrent. Commit a gun crime with a gun and get 20 years hard labor, murder someone get an appeal, lose and a year later you are put to death.

I don't give a fuck what foreigners say. Every country you anti-2nd loons love to crow about have never had a Constitutional right to own firearms and in Europe it shows. The German's have run roughshod over the area twice. The Chinese and Soviets are another shiny example of gun control that ended in the murder of millions. History, learn and remember or live that shit over and over.
This is ignorant and wrong.

Civilian possession of firearms in no manner ‘prevents’ government acts of violence.

This is ignorant and wrong.

Civilian possession of firearms in no manner ‘prevents’ government acts of violence.

IN the 1920s Germany banned and confiscated guns.....this allowed the socialists in the 1930s to beat, or murder anyone who spoke out against them...which allowed them to grow and eventually take power....

When your neighbor is beaten in the middle of a public street by a democrat party brown shirt......I mean a nazi party brown shirt....and the police just stand by, and you don't have a gun to stop it, and neither does the victim or their learn to keep your mouth shut and your head down.

Notice.....when the democrat party ordered their shock troops, BLM and Antifa to loot, burn and murder in democrat party controlled cities.....which they did for 7 months to win the election.....they didn't attack the suburbs...they stayed in the democrat party controlled cities. Why? Because they have extreme gun control in those cities, and their victims couldn't defend themselves or their businesses when the democrats told the police to stand down and do nothing......

Guns force political parties to stay peaceful......when you take guns away from people, the ability to use violence against your political enemies becomes real.....the first gun control laws in American cities was used to suppress opposition to the democrat party....

The strange birth of NY’s gun laws

Problem was the gangs worked for Tammany. The Democratic machine used them asshtarkers (sluggers), enforcing discipline at the polls and intimidating the opposition. Gang leaders like Monk Eastman were even employed as informal “sheriffs,” keeping their turf under Tammany control.

The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs — and ordinary citizens, too — while still keeping them on the streets.

In fact, he gave the game away during the debate on the bill, which flew through Albany: “I want to make it so the young thugs in my district will get three years for carrying dangerous weapons instead of getting a sentence in the electric chair a year from now.”

Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results.

Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn’t plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends’ “bird cages” — wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.

----Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, were disarmed, which solved another problem:

Gangsters had been bitterly complaining to Tammany that their victims sometimes shot back at them.

So gang violence didn’t drop under the Sullivan Act — and really took off after the passage of Prohibition in 1920. Spectacular gangland rubouts — like the 1932 machine-gunning of “Mad Dog” Coll in a drugstore phone booth on 23rd Street — became the norm.
That isn't a good enough excuse to continue to allow crazy people to buy guns.
It isn’t an ‘excuse’ at all – it’s ignorant nonsense.

The notion that possessing firearms to ‘deter government tyranny’ is ‘justification’ for indeed possess firearms is ridiculous and wrong.
This is ignorant and wrong.

Civilian possession of firearms in no manner ‘prevents’ government acts of violence.

Where is the dumb ass...from your very article, you idiot....

the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation.

"The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition,”

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns,

The idiot in the article points out the Warsaw Gheto.....failing to mention that the Jews didn't have guns to fight are an idiot...

What actually happened...

The Warsaw Ghetto uprising......had they actually been as well armed as the Swiss, had all the peoples in Europe been as well armed as the Swiss, the Germans could never have held the territory they captured......that is what armed citizens do...they discourage aggression...

There were 13,000 Jews killed in the uprising...unarmed......if those 13,000 had rifles, the outcome would have been a lot worse for the Germans.....and had that taken place in every country......World War 2 would have been very different...

A German force was tiny compared to 50,000 Jews.....and yet because they were unarmed...that tiny German force was able to destroy them...

31 German officers, and 1,262 German soldiers.....

Now imagine if those Jews in Warsaw had rifles and pistols......

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia

Marek Edelman, who was the only surviving uprising commander from the left-wing ĹťOB, stated that the ĹťOB had 220 fighters and each was armed with a handgun, grenades, and Molotov cocktails. His organization had three rifles in each area, as well as two land mines and one submachine gun.[20][21][22][23] Due to its socialist leanings, the Soviets promoted the actions of ĹťOB as the dominant or only party in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a view often adopted by secondary sources in the West.[18]


Death toll[edit]
Stroop Report original caption: "Bandits jump to escape capture." A man leaps to his death from the top story window of an apartment block. Taken at 23 and 25 Niska Street[67]
Plaque commemorating Home Armysoldiers - Eugeniusz Morawski ps. "Młodek" and Józef Wilk ps. "Orlik" killed during the Ghetto Action on the wall Church of St. John of God at ul. Bonifraterska 12 in Warsaw.
13,000 Jews were killed in the ghetto during the uprising (some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from smoke inhalation). Of the remaining 50,000 residents, most were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps, in particular to Treblinka.

JĂźrgen Stroop's internal SS daily report for Friedrich KrĂźger, written on 16 May 1943, stated:

180 Jews, bandits and sub-humans, were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 20:15 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue. ... Total number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. ... Apart from 8 buildings (police barracks, hospital, and accommodations for housing working-parties) the former Ghetto is completely destroyed. Only the dividing walls are left standing where no explosions were carried out.[42]

According to the casualty lists in Stroop's report, German forces suffered a total of 110 casualties – 17 dead (of whom 16 were killed in action) and 93 injured – of whom 101 are listed by name, including over 60 members of the Waffen-SS. These figures did not include Jewish collaborators, but did include the "Trawniki men" and Polish police under his command. The real number of German losses, however, may be well higher (the Germans suffered about 300 casualties by Edelman's estimate). For propaganda purposes, the official announcement claimed the German casualties to be only a few wounded, while propaganda bulletins of the Polish Underground Stateann
I'm sure people like yourself could stomach running or kneeling, but I can not. There is a third thing about mass shootings they intentionally target gun free zones.
Another lie.

There is no evidence that mass shooters intentionally seek out ‘gun free zones’ to commit their crimes.

The problem with arming people in the schools would be inevitably, someone is going to overreact to a disturbed child.

In fact, arming teachers at all is a bad idea and moronic.

No matter how much ‘training’ a teacher might receive, he or she will be in no way prepared to confront an armed criminal in an active shooter situation.

There are trained LEOs incapable of effectively addressing such an event.

Arming teachers will only result in more children being killed, shot by inexperienced, incompetent armed teachers.
It isn’t an ‘excuse’ at all – it’s ignorant nonsense.

The notion that possessing firearms to ‘deter government tyranny’ is ‘justification’ for indeed possess firearms is ridiculous and wrong.
It’s the First Amendment that keeps us free from government tyranny, not the Second; the right of the people to petition the government for redress of grievances through the political and judicial process.

That’s why conservatives attack our democrat institutions and seek to destroy America’s democracy.

The government neither fears armed civilians nor is intimidated by armed civilians.

To attempt to ‘justify’ armed civilians as a ‘deterrent’ to government tyranny is ignorant, naïve, and wrong.
Of course not – don’t be ridiculous.

The fact is that armed civilians are no match for a given government’s modern military.
Vietnam and Afghanistan are just a couple of the countries that survived a war with several different countries that where technologically superior. It's called asymmetric warfare. There is the posse comitatus act that prohibits the US military from enforcing domestic policy which leaves the National Guard and local police. You loons will be asking these people to arrest and possible kill their friends family and neighbors. I'm going to ignore your other responses to my posts on this subject because I've explained this several times and you morons keep spewing the same shit everytime. You do not know what the fuck your talking about.
Another lie.

There is no evidence that mass shooters intentionally seek out ‘gun free zones’ to commit their crimes.

And that is a lie.......



The El Paso environmentalist/socialist/racist shooter also discussed doing an attack in a place where others wouldn’t be able to stop the attack:


Mass Shootings in Gun-Free Zones - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

According to ABC News, El Paso law enforcement officials advise that, moments before his killing rampage, the shooter cased the Walmart “looking for Mexicans.” While that may be so, it is nevertheless true that, consistent with his “manifesto,” his recon was also calculated to make sure that he would be attacking in a low-security area. In that regard, the Walmart store had no armed security guard, no police presence, and was located in a shopping mall that was a self-proclaimed “gun-free zone.”
Similarly, in the Dayton, Ohio, mass shooting on Sunday, which immediately followed the El Paso murders, the victims were attacked as they exited a nightspot that was a gun-free zone.
And, in the Garlic Festival shootings in Gilroy, California last week, the victims were trapped inside a fenced area after going through metal detectors to make sure that they were disarmed. The shooter avoided the metal detectors by cutting through the fence and then attacking a victim pool that the Gilroy authorities had rendered incapable of defending themselves.
So it is that these most recent massacres share the one common element of almost all mass casualty shootings: gun-free zones.In addition to the El Paso shooter’s “manifesto,” there is abundant anecdotal evidence that mass casualty shooters prefer gun-free zones. For example, in 2016, Dearborn Heights, Michigan, ISIS supporter Khalil Abu Rayyan had an online discussion with an undercover FBI agent in which he discussed his plan for a “martyrdom operation” by attacking a Detroit church. He told the agent that this would be an easy target because “people are not allowed to carry guns in church.” Fortunately, Abu Rayyan was arrested before he could achieve martyrdom.
Similarly, in 2015, Elliot Rodger murdered six people in a Santa Barbara, California, gun-free zone. In his 141-page “manifesto,” he explained that in planning his attack he had decided against launching it in other locations where someone with a gun might be present to cut short his killing spree.
In the 2012 Aurora, Colorado, theater massacre, the killer’s diary showed that he had decided against attacking an airport because of its “substantial security.” And, out of the seven movie theaters within 20 minutes of the shooter’s home, he chose the only one that had posted signs declaring it to be a gun-free zone.
Given this record, anyone concerned with eliminating — or at least substantially reducing — mass public shootings must ask whether or not gun-free zones pose a danger to the public by attracting killers who prefer an unarmed victim pool and should give serious consideration to the following propositions:


Orlando, Pulse Night club shooter wanted to attack Disney land

Pulse shooter's initial target was Disney site, prosecutors say

Prosecutors say the Orlando nightclub shooter intended to attack Disney World’s shopping and entertainment complex by hiding a gun in a stroller but became spooked by police and chose the gay club as his target.

The second thing: The shooter reveals that he thought seriously about whether his target would be a “gun free zone.” I mention this not to endorse any particular policy, but to make it clear that it is by no means rare for those who would do harm to first scope out their destinations and to make sure that they won’t encounter much resistance. The shooter openly explains that he chose the local elementary school, rather than the school he was really angry with (his own), because it lacked an armed guard. He also admits to having researched how long it took cops to respond in the area (15 minutes), and how long it would be before SWAT was on site (45 minutes). This echoes comments made by the shooter at Isla Vista, who considered carrying out his attack on Halloween, but decided against it because there’d be “too many cops walking around during an event like Halloween, and cops are the only ones who can hinder my plans.”

The actual story linked above...

“I HAVE TO BEAT **** **** . .” he wrote nine days before the Sept. 28, 2016, shooting in a misspelled reference to the Sandy Hook killer,**** ****. “Atleast 40.”

Two days later, he debated whether he should attack his middle school, from which he’d been expelled, or his elementary school, just up the road.

He decided on Townville Elementary because it was closer and had no armed security.

“Itll be like shooting fish in a barrel,” he wrote his friends, whose identities remain unclear, along with whether the FBI has tracked any of them down. The agency declined to comment, citing Jesse’s open case.

In the chat, he said he had researched police response times for the area and found that it would take them 15 minutes to get there, maybe 45 for SWAT. He said he would throw pipe bombs into each classroom before he got in a shootout with police and killed himself with his shotgun. He said he had been planning a massacre for two years.


The Colorado theater shooter evidence...

Did Colorado shooter single out Cinemark theater because it banned guns?

Yet, neither explanation is right. Instead, out of all the movie theaters within 20 minutes of his apartment showing the new Batman movie that night, it was the only one where guns were banned. In Colorado, individuals with permits can carry concealed handgun in most malls, stores, movie theaters, and restaurants. But private businesses can determine whether permit holders can carry guns on their private property.
Most movie theaters allow permit holders carrying guns. But the Cinemark movie theater was the only one with a sign posted at the theater’s entrance.
A simple web search and some telephone calls reveal how easily one can find out how Cinemark compared to other movie theaters. According to and, there were seven movie theaters showing "The Dark Knight Rises" on July 20th within 20 minutes of the killer’s apartment at 1690 Paris St, Aurora, Colorado. At 4 miles and an 8-minute car ride, the Cinemark’s Century Theater wasn't the closest. Another theater was only 1.2 miles (3 minutes) away.
There was also a theater just slightly further away, 10 minutes. It is the "home of Colorado's largest auditorium," according to their movie hotline greeting message. The potentially huge audience ought to have been attractive to someone trying to kill as many people as possible. Four other theaters were 18 minutes, two at 19 minutes, and 20 minutes away. But all of those theaters allowed permitted concealed handguns.
So why would a mass shooter pick a place that bans guns? The answer should be obvious, though it apparently is not clear to the media – disarming law-abiding citizens leaves them as sitting ducks

FBI: Dearborn Heights ISIS supporter planned to attack Detroit church

In conversation's between Abu-Rayyan and the undercover agent, Abu-Rayyan described his desire to commit a martyrdom operation.

The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.

The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:

“It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would've heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can't do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here."

He had also told the undercover agent that a church would be an easy target because people are not allowed to carry guns there and that it would make the news.


Minnesota teen made bombs, stockpiled guns in prep for school massacre: police

The unhinged teen told cops, after being busted Tuesday, that he planned to shoot his sister, mom and dad with a .22-caliber rifle before he went to a rural field and set a fire to distract cops.
The 11th-grader then said he planned to go to Waseca Junior and Senior High School where he would toss Molotov cocktails and explode pressure-cooker bombs to try and kill “as many students as he could” in the cafeteria during lunchtime.
About 1,000 students, in 7th through 12th grade, attend the school.
LaDue, according to the notebook of his plan, would kill the school resource officer before continuing to kill other students. He was prepared to be gunned down by a SWAT Team, police said.


Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest) | Fox News

Last June, Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Santa Barbara, Calif., explained his own choice. In his 141-page “Manifesto,” Rodger turned down alternate targets because he worried that someone with a gun would cut short his killing spree.

That same month, Justin Bourque shot to death three people in Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun bans, with pictures of defenseless victims explaining to killers that they weren’t allowed to have guns.

The diary of the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” movie theater killer, James Holmes, was finally released this past week. It was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater, but he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.”

Of course, there are numerous other examples such as the Columbine killersopposing the concealed carry law that was then working its way through the state legislature. The bill would have allowed people to carry permitted concealed handguns on school property. The killers timed their attack for the very day that final passage of the law was planned for in the legislature.

If you go to the link for the Colorado theater shooter they have a photo of his journal where he has notes about airports…..he lists one of the items…."Substantial Security"

Sandy hook, did not have police resource officer

The high school and middle school, which already had armed resource officers, doubled down on security and restricted all visitors that didn’t have prior permission to enter.

They don’t believe this was just a spreadsheet. They believe it was a score sheet,” he continued. “This was the work of a video gamer, and that it was his intent to put his own name at the very top of that list. They believe that he picked an elementary school because he felt it was a point of least resistance, where he could rack up the greatest number of kills. That’s what (the Connecticut police) believe.”


In fact, arming teachers at all is a bad idea and moronic.

No matter how much ‘training’ a teacher might receive, he or she will be in no way prepared to confront an armed criminal in an active shooter situation.

There are trained LEOs incapable of effectively addressing such an event.

Arming teachers will only result in more children being killed, shot by inexperienced, incompetent armed teachers.

You can post that after 400 police waited outside an unlocked, classroom door for 90 minutes, as the killer murdered 21 teachers and students?

While this woman in West Virginia, a civilian, not a SEAL or cop stopped a mass public shooter who was also armed with a rifle...with her concealed carry pistol.....

And the guy in the Indiana mall, also a civilian, not a SEAL or cop, stopped the attacker, who was also armed with a rifle, in 15 seconds after the attacker started shooting?

You are a fool...

House Party shooter....

As Hunt and other partiers had a bite to eat in the kitchen, the suspect pulled out a gun and began firing on the crowd, sending everyone fleeing, Mendez recounted.

Mendez was shot in the head in front of his wife, who rushed to his side and believed he was dead due to the amount of blood covering his face. She then grabbed their two daughters and put them into a room deeper in the house, barricading them and other children inside.

"She barricaded the door with the dresser. There were three other children in there, not including my two daughters. A total of five kids. She … throws them in the closet, throws clothes over them. Tells them, ‘Be quiet. Do not make a peep if you hear loud noises in this room,’" Mendez said of his wife's actions.

As Hunt continued his alleged rampage, two other women began fighting back against the suspect and screamed for Mendez, knowing he had a concealed carry weapon, Mendez said.

"By the glory of God or the adrenaline and just everything, just the will to live and the will to protect my family, I was able to hear those pleas, those yells for help. I heard my name. And I was able to get up," he said.

He was able to pull out his firearm and shoot the suspect four times in the chest.

"Detectives have determined the individual who shot Jason, and others who fought against Jason, were acting in self-defense and defense of other innocent parties," Sgt. Tommy Hale said in a press release days after the incident, KTAR reported at the time.



Indiana mall shooting...

Within 15 seconds of a gunman opening fire inside a mall in Greenwood, Indiana, Elisjsha Dicken was able to step in and prevent further deaths.

West Virginia woman....

Witnesses said Butler seemed agitated and left but returned to the complex shortly after, armed with an AR-15 style rifle, and started shooting at the crowd.

Police said a woman pulled out her pistol, shooting and killing him.

"This lady was carrying a lawful firearm," Hazelett said. "A law abiding citizen who stopped the threat of probably 20 or 30 people getting killed. She engaged the threat and stopped it. She didn't run from the threat, she engaged it. Preventing a mass casualty event here in Charleston."


Shotgun attacker at Church service....

Wilson’s single shot quickly ended the attack that killed Wallace, 64, and White, 67, at the West Freeway Church of Christ in the Fort Worth-area town of White Settlement. He said the entire confrontation was over in no more than six seconds. More than 240 congregants were in the church at the time.

Firearms instructor took out gunman at Texas church service


Southerland Springs Church shooting .....

Willeford propped his AR-15 on the pickup’s hood and peered through the sight. He could see a holographic red dot on the man’s chest. He fired twice. He wasn’t sure he’d hit him, though he was later told that the man had contusions on his chest and abdomen consistent with getting shot while wearing body armor. Regardless, the gunman stopped shooting and ran for a white Ford Explorer that was idling outside the chapel, roughly twenty yards from where Willeford had positioned himself.

Deputies: Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense

According to deputies, Parangan pulled out a handgun and fired multiple shots at Pastor Terry Howell, who took out his own weapon and fired back, striking Parangan.

Howell was not injured, but Parangan was taken to Osceola Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

Deputies said several church employees witnessed the incident and gave similar statements.

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.


The other Night club shooting, but this one was stopped by armed civilian...

This past Sunday, exactly two weeks to the day after the Pulse attack, there was a mass shooting outside a night club in South Carolina. I’m sure you haven’t heard about it, and for two good reasons. The first reason is that the attempted murderer was unsuccessful in killing any of his victims. The second reason is because the attempted murderer was stopped by a concealed carrier at the club drawing his weapon and putting a bullet into the bad guy.

Lyman man charged following shooting at nightclub
Dammit, 2AGuy is spooging all of the thread again with his National Rampage Association talking points... Let's try to just address his original content.

We already can, you asshat....the democrats just don't care.....they just release the most violent criminals no matter how many felonies they explain that....
Uh, first, we've been over that.. We don't have enough room in prison to just lock up the petty felons, particularly if they aren't an immediate danger and they are only guilty of mere gun possession.

You catch someone with a gun he shouldn't have, you take the fucking gun.

You can post that after 400 police waited outside an unlocked, classroom door for 90 minutes, as the killer murdered 21 teachers and students?

You mean the cops who thought they were dealing with a hostage situation instead of an active shooter?

The real problem isn't how many cops showed up, it was that a crazy person was allowed to buy a gun because you guys have misinterpreted an amendment about militias to mean unlimited gun ownership.

Vietnam and Afghanistan are just a couple of the countries that survived a war with several different countries that where technologically superior. It's called asymmetric warfare. There is the posse comitatus act that prohibits the US military from enforcing domestic policy which leaves the National Guard and local police. You loons will be asking these people to arrest and possible kill their friends family and neighbors. I'm going to ignore your other responses to my posts on this subject because I've explained this several times and you morons keep spewing the same shit everytime. You do not know what the fuck your talking about.

So your argument is that when the technologically superior power gets tired of pissing away resources murdering millions of people, they will go home? Um... okay, not sure how that would apply domestically to a bunch of nuts with guns.

The reality is, if you nuts ever started an armed insurrection, the military will put your asses down hard and they'll get a shit load of medals for doing it.

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