Anti police protester refused to let cars pass, she learns her lesson quickly


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Anti-Police Protester Refused To Let Cars Pass, She Learnes Her Lesson Quickly

A video clip has appeared from St. Louis, Missouri showing anti-police protests that happened on Wednesday June 7, 2017. This video of the driver refusing to tolerate the aggressive protester went viral.


LOL keep standing in front of cars idiots and this is what your going to end up getting. PPL are sick of you pathetic dumbasses.

She thought she was all bad ass until the driver showed her up bhaahh.
Anti-Police Protester Refused To Let Cars Pass, She Learnes Her Lesson Quickly

A video clip has appeared from St. Louis, Missouri showing anti-police protests that happened on Wednesday June 7, 2017. This video of the driver refusing to tolerate the aggressive protester went viral.


LOL keep standing in front of cars idiots and this is what your going to end up getting. PPL are sick of you pathetic dumbasses.

She thought she was all bad ass until the driver showed her up bhaahh.

Her blubber more than protected her......DUH? Sure were some fat fucking sacks of shit waddling around......yogurt, maybe a few sit-ups???
What fool takes his dog to such an event??? Moron.
And fatty deserved what she got. I would have done the same thing the driver did.
Damn, man. That's hardcore. I hope it didn't fuck up his car too badly.
I wish the cops would crack down on this fascist libtards who block traffic as a form of protest. Especially those ugly cows.

I know the cops are afraid those "peaceful" pieces of sh1t would turn violent, but at least arrest their leaders and organizers.
I would have done exactly the same thing to that fat f1ck. Push slowly, when the mob stars surrounding the car, floor for my safety.
I hope the car wasn't damaged. The pig outweighed it by 500 pounds.

And where were the cops? It pisses me off when protesters interfere with other people who are just trying to go about their lives. The protesters should have been arrested, ticketed, or both. Shooting them might be going a bit too far.

Did you notice, the dog seemed to be the only one present who had any class or brains. He probably smelled better, too.
I hope the car wasn't damaged. The pig outweighed it by 500 pounds.

And where were the cops? It pisses me off when protesters interfere with other people who are just trying to go about their lives. The protesters should have been arrested, ticketed, or both. Shooting them might be going a bit too far.

Did you notice, the dog seemed to be the only one present who had any class or brains. He probably smelled better, too.
Cops were there. But it was a protest against them, so why go to Fattys aid? Fuck her and her blubber.
Protest all you want, but don't make people protest WITH you when they just want to get home or to work or pick up their kids or whatever. This includes BLM invading cafe's and restaurants getting in peoples faces that are there to eat and stopping them from doing so.

I have no patience for idiots.
This includes BLM invading cafe's and restaurants getting in peoples faces that are there to eat and stopping them from doing so.

I have no patience for idiots.
BLM rioters (they call them protesters) are the worst. They all act like obnoxious sacks of shit. The cops have to start doing their jobs and throwing the brainless AHs in jail. When they interfere with people who are just trying to go about their lives, the BLM assholes are taking the decent peoples' rights away.
Decent, indecent, doesn't matter. DO NOT block intersection, freeways, etc. DO NOT rampage into public places where no rally is taking place and its just people dining and then get in their face yelling at them.
Get in front of my car like Fatty did...yer gonna get smooshed. Get in my face while I am dining, yer gonna get my plate in yer face.

AND, don't scream at me how much you hate cops. I'll have their backs before I have the screamers.
Wish a group would organize a nationwide boycott of any, and all, companies that support or contribute to the BLM assholes.

Conservatives don't boycott, at least not in a meaningful fashion. Companies fear the Left, but not the Right.
I realize I sound like a real asshole. Sorry, but not really sorry. It just really ticks me off when people ASSUME others will be a door mat. That heavy chick (see? Trying to be nice here), was totally being obnoxious. What if those people were trying to get home to their kids? Or transporting someone to the ER? Totally uncalled for. Running her over to KILL her would have been bad. But that didn't happen so I guess that's a plus. I noticed she was not hurt much. She kept yelling her hateful message even sitting on her plump ass.
What if those people were trying to get home to their kids? Or transporting someone to the ER? Totally uncalled for. Running her over to KILL her would have been bad.

BLM's standard protest tactic is to block traffic. Most people on the road have a time issue. Some do have medical issues. Some have kids waiting. Some need to go potty. Some are low on gas. Some are going to work and being late can cause them problems. It's completely shameful that our cowardly authorities let libtards attack our quality of life in such a manner.

If that worthless piece of fat sh1t was killed, the only thing bad about it is the driver who did the world a favor would face legal problems.
They should try getting their message across by blocking train tracks...
They should bring out the street sweepers to rremove that sort of refuse off the road.!!!

Classic..........the people suddenly felt threatened. Perception fAiL by fatty.

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