Antifa and BLM Using IED's on Federal Law Enforcement. Democrats Refuse to Condemn this Terrorism

Damn. FOX News has sent the Trump psychopaths into a particularly violent killing frenzy tonight.

Trumpism is a now a death cult. Not every Trump cultist is a pissy violent psychopath, but most are. And look at all them here now, trying to convince each other how tough they are, and failing so hilariously.

The Republicans party? A cartel. That's why they no longer have any coherent platform. They're just about power for power's sake. Fascism and white supremacism aren't the ends, they're the means that the Republicans use to hold power.

Now, back to your bunkers, Trump cultists. You don't want to miss the next bit of propaganda. TheParty would be angry.
It's not Trump making us angry. It's you loons acting like this because you lost an election. Keep it up, and it will not be the innocent people dying because of your riots anymore. They stopped the loons in Greenville last weekend from destroying a confederate statue. The rest of America will do the same and if blm or antifa dies. So be it.

Vid of antifa attacking in neighborhoods now.

Impossible. I've been assured by USMB leftists of two facts:

1. Antifa are a conspiracy theory by conservatives, and

2. Antifa are peaceful protesters.

They've never adequately and rationally explained how both points can be simultaneously true, but they assure me they are.

There is no organization called antifa. There is no member list. There is no leadership.

I hope they show up at your house then.
Innocent people are being murdered because you loons lost an election.

You don't have keep wetting yourself over idiot fascist propaganda yourself just because your cult commands you to do it.

But you will. You've chosen to engage in that deviant lifestyle. Most Trump cultists now enjoy the feeling of sitting in a puddle of their own urine all day.
Really. You know that politically correct speech, is a concept created by Fascism?

PC is primarily a right wing thing. And the right says it's not PC to point that out.

You know that using violence to affect political change, was something Hitler did with the brown shirts?

You seem to be going down the list of how the Trump admin ticks all the boxes for fascism.

Moreover, Hitler didn't blame foreigners. He blamed the people in his own country. Those evil German-Jews. I don't see Trump or anyone else, blaming legal Mexican immigrants.

Scapegoating minorities, check. Another fascism checkbox ticked off by the Trump admin and its followers.
Really. You know that politically correct speech, is a concept created by Fascism?

PC is primarily a right wing thing. And the right says it's not PC to point that out.

You know that using violence to affect political change, was something Hitler did with the brown shirts?

You seem to be going down the list of how the Trump admin ticks all the boxes for fascism.

Moreover, Hitler didn't blame foreigners. He blamed the people in his own country. Those evil German-Jews. I don't see Trump or anyone else, blaming legal Mexican immigrants.

Scapegoating minorities, check. Another fascism checkbox ticked off by the Trump admin and its followers.

PC is primarily a right wing thing. And the right says it's not PC to point that out.

That is absurd. I can think off the top of my head, a half dozen or more Conservative speakers that have been censored, or pushed off radio, or other media types.

I don't see that with any left-wingers. I don't see crowds of violent protestors threatening left-wingers like I do Ben Shapiro.

Not even close.

You seem to be going down the list of how the Trump admin ticks all the boxes for fascism.

So Trump wants the protests to damage stuff? Which explains why he deployed Federal Officers to stop the damage to the court building?

That also explains why no local police, under the control of Democrats, were no where to be found during those same protests, leading Federal Officers to beg for the local government to do their part.

Scapegoating minorities, check. Another fascism checkbox ticked off by the Trump admin and its followers.

Trump did not blame minorities. You are just lying now. Which by the way is a checkbox for fascism, ticked off by left-wingers. Jussie Smollett anyone?
Innocent people are being murdered because you loons lost an election.

You don't have keep wetting yourself over idiot fascist propaganda yourself just because your cult commands you to do it.

But you will. You've chosen to engage in that deviant lifestyle. Most Trump cultists now enjoy the feeling of sitting in a puddle of their own urine all day.

All of that could be said about you, bigot. You sound like a toddler. Grow up.
Innocent people are being murdered because you loons lost an election.

You don't have keep wetting yourself over idiot fascist propaganda yourself just because your cult commands you to do it.

But you will. You've chosen to engage in that deviant lifestyle. Most Trump cultists now enjoy the feeling of sitting in a puddle of their own urine all day.
Nobody told me nothing, I see it. The only reason the riots are being let happen. Is to try to make Trump look bad. The funny part I s going to be after Trump is reelected and these governors are going to be told to pound sand when they ask for federal funds to rebuild.
That is absurd. I can think off the top of my head, a half dozen or more Conservative speakers that have been censored,

No, you haven't. Refusing to give someone a platform is not censorship. Ben Shapiro is free to spread his eugenicist twaddle on his own dime.

Meanwhile, just try to say a bad word about religion in the USA, or speak badly of Trump, and the death threats from the right will come pouring in. There's a long list of topics that guarantee that the liberal speaker will need to hire private security.

So Trump wants the protests to damage stuff?

The Nazis sent out their own troops to bust up the town on Krystalnacht. Blaming the other side for the violence you started is fascism 101. So, Trump sends in his brownshirts to start violence, and also encourages having the white supremacists come in and break things.

Trump did not blame minorities.

You just told us he was blaming Mexican immigrants. Are you claiming they're not part of minority groups?
That is absurd. I can think off the top of my head, a half dozen or more Conservative speakers that have been censored,

No, you haven't. Refusing to give someone a platform is not censorship. Ben Shapiro is free to spread his eugenicist twaddle on his own dime.

Meanwhile, just try to say a bad word about religion in the USA, or speak badly of Trump, and the death threats from the right will come pouring in. There's a long list of topics that guarantee that the liberal speaker will need to hire private security.

So Trump wants the protests to damage stuff?

The Nazis sent out their own troops to bust up the town on Krystalnacht. Blaming the other side for the violence you started is fascism 101. So, Trump sends in his brownshirts to start violence, and also encourages having the white supremacists come in and break things.

Trump did not blame minorities.

You just told us he was blaming Mexican immigrants. Are you claiming they're not part of minority groups?

No, you haven't. Refusing to give someone a platform is not censorship. Ben Shapiro is free to spread his eugenicist twaddle on his own dime.

Meanwhile, just try to say a bad word about religion in the USA, or speak badly of Trump, and the death threats from the right will come pouring in. There's a long list of topics that guarantee that the liberal speaker will need to hire private security.

Riiiiiight..... Ok, so in your world.... destroying someone's life, wrecking their career, destroying their business, and putting people even in jail in some cases.....

For preaching tolerance.....

That's not censorship.... No, no... death threats are censorship?

2017, Bernie Sanders supporter, literally attempted to kill Republicans.

That's not a death threat. He tried to kill people, and he was on your side. The far-left side.

Does that not count as censorship, but a threat does? Really?

But the couple was also subjected to protests and death threats, which forced them to close the store for at least eight days.​
If it had not been for right-wingers showing support, they would have forced them to close completely.

So are those death threats censorship?

Or are death threats only censorship, when other people do it, but you and those like you are exempt?

Universities that are publicly funded, are obligated to have free-speech. You can't allow speech only to those you like, and be paid for by the public tax dollars. Private universities and schools are obviously different.

You don't like that... tough. Cut off public universities from my tax money, and you can pick and choose who you allow to speak there. But if you use my dollars, I have say in how they are spent. And you and your rationalized censorship are S.O.L.

The Nazis sent out their own troops to bust up the town on Krystalnacht. Blaming the other side for the violence you started is fascism 101. So, Trump sends in his brownshirts to start violence, and also encourages having the white supremacists come in and break things.

You know what else is a sign of fascism? Making up stuff without evidence. When you just have show trials, and made up evidence, you are exactly like a Nazi.

You want to say Trump is having his brownshirts? Provide evidence.

I have my evidence. The fact police withdrew. The fact local democrats passed laws prohibiting police from using crowd control measures The fact Trump sent his Federal Officers to stop the destruction of Federal property.

So I have made my case. Now you make yours. What evidence do you have that any of these people are under orders by Trump, or that Trump supports the violence and damage?

You just told us he was blaming Mexican immigrants. Are you claiming they're not part of minority groups?

No. I didn't. If I did, that was a typo. Trump has never blamed "Mexicans" in general. Which again is why so many support Trump.

Trump is against illegal immigration. Which everyone should be against people coming into the country, without knowing who they are, or what they are doing, or what their history is, or if they have a criminal record.

That is what he has always said, and what all conservatives have said. There are some crazy alt-right nuts that want to end all immigration. Conservatives have never been in that group. I have no problem with legal immigration. Nor do any of the people I know, have a problem with legal immigration.

My family does not. My extended family does not. My church does not. Most of my closest friends have been immigrants.

You mindless fools, keep trying to conflate "All Mexicans" with "Illegal immigrants". The two are not the same.
Riiiiiight..... Ok, so in your world.... destroying someone's life, wrecking their career, destroying their business,

Capitalism is like that. When you say reprehensible things, people might decide not to do business with you. There are free market consequences for bad behavior.

and putting people even in jail in some cases.....

But that's not happening. Unlike the Trump admin, nobody on the left is jailing people for saying the wrong things.

No, no... death threats are censorship?

Terrorism is more accurate. It's bad when anyone does it. However, it's much more commonly practiced by the right, so that's where the focus is. Most of the terrorism in the USA comes from the right.

2017, Bernie Sanders supporter, literally attempted to kill Republicans.

Compared to an orgy of right wing violence and killings.

There's a reason the left is so peaceful compared to the right. We don't have leaders telling people to attack the enemy. The right does. Just look at this group, where the righties make threads bragging about how many liberals they're going to kill. You don't see that coming from the left.

Universities that are publicly funded, are obligated to have free-speech. You can't allow speech only to those you like, and be paid for by the public tax dollars. Private universities and schools are obviously different.

If you have to retreated to "But look at what dumb college kids said", you've got nothing. College kids are powerless. Their actions mean jack.

There are no liberal politicians recommending physical attacks on the conservative press. Trump urges physical attacks on the press, to the cheers of his followers. The two sides are totally different in that respect.

There are no liberal politicians calling for unfriendly media to be shut down. Trump threatens to shut down unfriendly media, to the cheers of his followers. The two sides are totally different in that respect.

I have my evidence. The fact police withdrew. The fact local democrats passed laws prohibiting police from using crowd control measures The fact Trump sent his Federal Officers to stop the destruction of Federal property.

And those officers then kidnapped random peaceful people off the street. Brownshirt tactics. That's not debatable. That's hard evidence.

So I have made my case. Now you make yours. What evidence do you have that any of these people are under orders by Trump,

Because Trump bragged about sending them in. That was easy.

Trump is against illegal immigration.

And all those illegal immigrants are members of minority groups. Purely a coincidence, right? Trump was also angry about Canadian illegal immigrants. He wasn't demonizing minorities at all. Really he wasn't.
the military wing of Democratic Party
They're the only ones legally permitted to possess and carry firearms anymore in fascist America.
Time for U.S. Marshal Service and DHS agent's to use deadly force
Can't. They go to prison for it, and besides, most federal law enforcement officers are Democrats, on the side of BLM and ANTIFA anyways.
Riiiiiight..... Ok, so in your world.... destroying someone's life, wrecking their career, destroying their business,

Capitalism is like that. When you say reprehensible things, people might decide not to do business with you. There are free market consequences for bad behavior.

and putting people even in jail in some cases.....

But that's not happening. Unlike the Trump admin, nobody on the left is jailing people for saying the wrong things.

No, no... death threats are censorship?

Terrorism is more accurate. It's bad when anyone does it. However, it's much more commonly practiced by the right, so that's where the focus is. Most of the terrorism in the USA comes from the right.

2017, Bernie Sanders supporter, literally attempted to kill Republicans.

Compared to an orgy of right wing violence and killings.

There's a reason the left is so peaceful compared to the right. We don't have leaders telling people to attack the enemy. The right does. Just look at this group, where the righties make threads bragging about how many liberals they're going to kill. You don't see that coming from the left.

Universities that are publicly funded, are obligated to have free-speech. You can't allow speech only to those you like, and be paid for by the public tax dollars. Private universities and schools are obviously different.

If you have to retreated to "But look at what dumb college kids said", you've got nothing. College kids are powerless. Their actions mean jack.

There are no liberal politicians recommending physical attacks on the conservative press. Trump urges physical attacks on the press, to the cheers of his followers. The two sides are totally different in that respect.

There are no liberal politicians calling for unfriendly media to be shut down. Trump threatens to shut down unfriendly media, to the cheers of his followers. The two sides are totally different in that respect.

I have my evidence. The fact police withdrew. The fact local democrats passed laws prohibiting police from using crowd control measures The fact Trump sent his Federal Officers to stop the destruction of Federal property.

And those officers then kidnapped random peaceful people off the street. Brownshirt tactics. That's not debatable. That's hard evidence.

So I have made my case. Now you make yours. What evidence do you have that any of these people are under orders by Trump,

Because Trump bragged about sending them in. That was easy.

Trump is against illegal immigration.

And all those illegal immigrants are members of minority groups. Purely a coincidence, right? Trump was also angry about Canadian illegal immigrants. He wasn't demonizing minorities at all. Really he wasn't.

Capitalism is like that. When you say reprehensible things, people might decide not to do business with you. There are free market consequences for bad behavior.

But that didn't happen. Louder with Crowder, didn't have a drop in people watching. Nor did they violate the terms of use, with Youtube.

It was just evil people, stopping other people from talking. There was nothing in there about bad behavior, nothing about people refusing to do business with them.

It was evil left-wing fascists, demanding other people not be able to say stuff they disagree with.

Unlike the Trump admin, nobody on the left is jailing people for saying the wrong things.

Clearly they want to. It's a matter of time.

Compared to an orgy of right wing violence and killings.

Prove it. I see black people, and white BLM people, engaging in violence and killings.

We have video. We have photos.

Prove your claim.

And by the way, if there are Alt-Right-wing people involved, I full support shooting them dead on the spot, as well. I'm against all violence and anarchy, and I haven't met a single conservative anywhere that supports them.

On the hand.... not only have I seen videos of protesters saying they support the violence, but we've had well known left-wingers on this forum giving excuses, and justifying the violence.

I don't see that on the right-wing. So you need to provide real evidence. Not someone somewhere, said they were right-wingers. But show me the support for violence by right-wingers, and show me people at these protests that are right-wingers.

If you can't do that, then this is just you being an Jussie Smollett wannabe.

If you have to retreated to "But look at what dumb college kids said", you've got nothing. College kids are powerless. Their actions mean jack.

That's your opinion. You realize that college kids are only saying what left-wingers have taught them.... they are a tool of the left-wing. We have left-wing professors that openly said, and were recorded as saying, they would violently attack Ben Shapiro, and other right-wingers.

So...... you opinion doesn't mean jack either.

And those officers then kidnapped random peaceful people off the street. Brownshirt tactics. That's not debatable. That's hard evidence.

Huh? That's their job, is to stop criminals. These were not peaceful people. That's not debatable. They attempted to burn down a Federal Court building. We have video of it.

It's amazing how you keep calling them peaceful, when they are Burning, Looting, and Murdering.

There are no liberal politicians calling for unfriendly media to be shut down. Trump threatens to shut down unfriendly media, to the cheers of his followers. The two sides are totally different in that respect.

Right, because they were interfering with free speech.

I agree with Trump. It's ridiculous to claim that's fascist. That's is the opposite of fascist.

Only the dumbest of fools can actually try and complain, that a complaint about not allowing more free speech, is somehow an attempt to prevent free speech.

What are you? Some kind of moron? Nothing Trump said, involved shutting down left-wing, or unfriendly information outlets. He was not trying to shut down TYT on twitter.

He was complaining that he was having his own speech critiqued unfairly by twitter... WHICH IS TRUE. Either you have to do that to everyone... or you can't do that to anyone. Trump is dead on right.

But only the dumbest of fools, thinks that was an attempt to shut down all unfriendly media outlets.

Because Trump bragged about sending them in. That was easy.

Sending who away, when, referring to what?
Evidence, sir. Evidence. Any mindless fool can say something on a forum.

Here's my evidence. One of thousands I could post.
And yours is?

And all those illegal immigrants are members of minority groups. Purely a coincidence, right? Trump was also angry about Canadian illegal immigrants. He wasn't demonizing minorities at all. Really he wasn't.

Dumb argument. You effectively just said "I have no argument, so I'll make up crap".

I'm not even sure what you are talking about really.

By the way, you do know that Canadian Royal Mounted police intercept (arrest and capture) tens of thousands of people entering Canada illegally every single year?

They are very good at patrolling their border. Why is it bad for the US to protect its border, but perfectly fine for Canada?
PC is primarily a right wing thing. And the right says it's not PC to point that out.

That is absurd. I can think off the top of my head, a half dozen or more Conservative speakers that have been censored, or pushed off radio, or other media types.

I don't see that with any left-wingers. I don't see crowds of violent protestors threatening left-wingers like I do Ben Shapiro.

Not even close.

You seem to be going down the list of how the Trump admin ticks all the boxes for fascism.

So Trump wants the protests to damage stuff? Which explains why he deployed Federal Officers to stop the damage to the court building?

That also explains why no local police, under the control of Democrats, were no where to be found during those same protests, leading Federal Officers to beg for the local government to do their part.

Scapegoating minorities, check. Another fascism checkbox ticked off by the Trump admin and its followers.

Trump did not blame minorities. You are just lying now. Which by the way is a checkbox for fascism, ticked off by left-wingers. Jussie Smollett anyone?
Any questions about Leftism being an Mental Disorder?
Damn. FOX News has sent the Trump psychopaths into a particularly violent killing frenzy tonight.

Trumpism is a now a death cult. Not every Trump cultist is a pissy violent psychopath, but most are. And look at all them here now, trying to convince each other how tough they are, and failing so hilariously.

The Republicans party? A cartel. That's why they no longer have any coherent platform. They're just about power for power's sake. Fascism and white supremacism aren't the ends, they're the means that the Republicans use to hold power.

Now, back to your bunkers, Trump cultists. You don't want to miss the next bit of propaganda. TheParty would be angry.

The story does not mention ANTIFA by name or BLM by name. So my question is the Trump government incompetent to the point that they have not arrest the leadership of ANTIFA or BLM as the source of this attacks.

Where are the arrests and the links to ANTIFA or BLM

The incompetent Barr has called them out but has he brought charges against the leadership.

ANTIFA and BLM is just words that some like to point to but lack any proof of such dastardly deeds that can be linked to them.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began monitoring Martin Luther King, Jr., in December 1955, during his involvement with the Montgomery bus boycott, and engaged in covert operations against him throughout the 1960s. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was personally hostile toward King, believing that the civil rights leader was influenced by Communists.

History does repeat itself and they never learn the difference

MKL was arrested 30 times but there still a holiday with his name on it.

Mahatma Gandhi was arrested and jailed yet their is a holiday with his name on it.

Personally I think Trump is doing it wrong, He needs to get arrested that way he can get a holiday with his name on it. He lacks conviction and instead will allow his boys to get arrested.
As expected, it was one of the Trump cultists tossing bombs around in Portland

This is where the Trump cult does their usual about-face and declares that tossing bombs is good, because one of their own was doing it. Trump cultists, please proceed. Show just how much you adore violence from your own side.

And no, I never get tired of being right. I'm quite used to it.
But that didn't happen. Louder with Crowder, didn't have a drop in people watching. Nor did they violate the terms of use, with Youtube.

Youtube is a private organization, is it not? You seem to be advocating for some form of socialism, where the government tells private organizations what to do.

It was just evil people, stopping other people from talking.

Maybe you can move to North Korea, where that pesky free market won't be around to make decisions. You can get your speech approved by the government and then mandated in all broadcasts.

Clearly they want to. It's a matter of time.

Got it. When shown how the Trump admin is jailing people for peaceful protest, with the enthusiastic support of all Trump supporters, you deflect by talking about Democrats.

It's no comparison. Right here, right now, it's the right jailing people for speaking. The whole right is giddy about the idea. The two sides are total opposites in that respect. Liberals respect free speech, conservatives attack it.

Prove it. I see black people,

Yep. No doubt some gang members are engaging in violence. So why are you pretending they're BLM?

and white BLM people, engaging in violence and killings.

That, you just made up.

We have video. We have photos.

Which don't back you up in any way. You have nothing.

Prove your claim.

Trivial. There's a reason law enforcement says that the terror threat comes from the right.

And by the way, if there are Alt-Right-wing people involved, I full support shooting them dead on the spot, as well. I'm against all violence and anarchy, and I haven't met a single conservative anywhere that supports them.

Then you haven't been around this board long, where most of the conservatives cackle about how much they love violence against liberals.

On the hand.... not only have I seen videos of protesters saying they support the violence, but we've had well known left-wingers on this forum giving excuses, and justifying the violence.

Don't project. It doesn't fool anyone.

I don't see that on the right-wing.

I await your condemnation of the right-wing bomber.

So...... you opinion doesn't mean jack either.

As I'm not terrified of the dire threat of dumb college kids, I'd say that demonstrates how I'm not easy to terrify or manipulate, and therefore my opinion means more. I'm calm, while you've been allowed yourself to be driven into hysteria by carefully orchestrated propaganda.

Huh? That's their job, is to stop criminals.

By snatching random people just walking down the street? No. That's violence and attacking free speech, and you're making excuses for it.

These were not peaceful people. That's not debatable.

You may even believe that big lie. After all, the German people believed the lies the Nazis told them about the violent Jews. Historically, you're playing the part of the GoodGerman.

It's amazing how you keep calling them peaceful, when they are Burning, Looting, and Murdering.

Yeah, just like all those Jews.

You're tossing out a generalization fallacy to justify your support of brownshirt tactics. On the bright side, you're giving everyone a good history lesson of how it happened in Germany, and how it could happen here.

Right, because they were interfering with free speech.

Speaking of morons, you don't seem to be up on current events.

Go on, tell us now about how Trump is justified in yanking the licesnses of media outlets he doesn't like ... in the name of free speech. Holy moly, that may be the most flagrant newspeak I've ever heard. You're like something right out of _1984_.

He was complaining that he was having his own speech critiqued unfairly by twitter... WHICH IS TRUE. Either you have to do that to everyone... or you can't do that to anyone. Trump is dead on right.

Got it. You're saying the government has the power to forcibly regulate the speech of private companies. And somehow, you think that's not an attack on free speech.

Here's my evidence. One of thousands I could post.

And none of it backs your claims. You're telling the big lie that anyone doing damage is doing it in the name of liberalism. Can you back up that big lie?

Dumb argument. You effectively just said "I have no argument, so I'll make up crap".

I note you couldn't show any cases of Trump demonizing white Christian illegals, so my point remains proven. Trump is demonizing minorities, not immigrants. But then, your already told us that, when you accidentally told the truth and said that Trump was attacking Mexicans.

Now, think up some more excuses as to why fascism, violence and censorship are totally awesome when your side does it. I'm sure they will be amusing.
As expected, it was one of the Trump cultists tossing bombs around in Portland

This is where the Trump cult does their usual about-face and declares that tossing bombs is good, because one of their own was doing it. Trump cultists, please proceed. Show just how much you adore violence from your own side.

And no, I never get tired of being right. I'm quite used to it.
Have any conservatives supported this terrorism?


Well, then.

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