Antifa's liberal extremist militarized enforcement of 'PC' spreading like wildfire


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I was listening to the news this morning and heard that antifa's militarized enforcement of political correctness is spreading like wildfire.

First it was the attack on and demanded removal of Confederate statues and monuments.

It quickly spread to statues and monuments of our Founding Fathers as antifa attempted to brand them as radical racists.

Now I have heard that there is a group demanding that statues of Christopher Columbus be taken down. There is a further call to begin taking down statues and monuments of anyone in our nation's past who has ties to slavery or any form of racism.

The left's attempt to destroy this nation from within, attacking its culture / its history / its Founding Fathers, is spreading like a disease, out of control.

Time to shut the FASCISTS (not ANTIfa) down to save our country.

San Jose organizers push to remove Christopher Columbus statue from City Hall

Confederate statues aren't the only monuments people want torn down
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Thanks easyt65 I am sharing this link with other FB advocates, trying to get them in contact with Sandra Crenshaw in Dallas. Together we can help our state historic preservationists struggling around the clock to save endangered landmarks, even before this hype about statues started. Where WERE all these "outraged liberals" when Freedmen's Town settlements in Dallas and Houston were being torn down?
Only when it's political convenient do they show up in the media for attention. Where do their tax dollars go? Down the drain, funneled to corporate crooks that seized land and destroyed historic property for their own benefit. We need to demand reimbursement and use those funds to pay for the damage and debts incurred by crime.

I will ask all these community leaders to form a coalition and petition the President to order RESTITUTION for defacing US history, or other criminal violations at protests, to be paid by the convicted offenders into funding and restoring national historic sites like Freedmen's Town. Which includes a federal reserve facility we can use to manage "reparations" and refinance the rebuilding and restoration of our nation's endangered historic and environmental landmarks.

Letter to UT President by UT Alumnus and Veteran Vern Wuensche, who ran for President to study the election system:

My Letter to the President of the University of Texas Regarding Removal of the Statues

Mr. Gregory Fenves, President
The University of Texas at Austin
100 Inner Campus Drive, Stop G3400
Austin, Texas 78712

Dear Mr. Fenves,

I have been a University of Texas Life Member for fifty years and I am outraged. Your letter advising me that you have removed the statues of Robert E. Lee, Albert Sidney Johnston, John Reagan and Stephen Hogg has caused me to see RED. I am incensed. I am angry. And yes I am VERY outraged.

Your basis for doing so is absurd. You say that: ”Confederate monuments have become symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism.” . . . Let’s see, a few hundred people (or even a few thousand) espousing that hateful view caused you to draw THAT conclusion about ALL Americans? A logical and rational Ph.D. would not.

Adding to that lack of logic, you try to cover yourself by using the standard bureaucratic approach of citing a 2015 study which obviously included mostly fellow liberals. And even THESE 3100 people included in the study were evenly divided about the statues. And TODAY 62% of Americans say to leave the statues alone.

You teach History in your classes and yet you are preventing students from learning it on campus because of a small number of misguided and hateful individuals. Our own Texas Governor Greg Abbott made a statement which every high school graduate knows: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Is your real reason for statue removal that you fear for your own personal safety like those at your Berkley alma mater who installed a $9,000.00 door so the President would have a way to flee from students taking over the administration building? Or is it that you are just a weak Berkley liberal lacking spine who does not believe his duty is to turn out STRONG students who can influence the world in a positive way. A large part of a good worthwhile education is developing a student’s mental toughness so that after the student graduates, he or she can use their knowledge and ability to improve our nation. In the real outside world, only the strong survive.

By removing the statues you are saying that UT students today are TOO weak to LOOK at a statue the existence of which is contrary to their beliefs. Tell that to a Marine combatant LOOKING into the face of an enemy holding a rifle behind the door he has just kicked in. He risks his life so those students at UT can continue to go to school and look forward to living in a safe nation.

You are in Texas now. Texans are tough. Turning out students who are NOT do them no service. In the past here Texas Rangers fearlessly placed their lives on the line to protect the frontier. Tough Texas women here had only a rifle to protect themselves and their children from Comanche Indians while their husband was out hunting for food. Texans respect their men and women and do not treat them like children. In World War II 18-year-old Texans gave their lives for their country and yet you are saying today’s students cannot LOOK at a statue. I have a higher opinion of them than you apparently do. Just leave them alone, provide the necessary security for any stupid behavior and they will work out whatever problems they have.

I have one directive: PLACE THE STATUES BACK IN THEIR ORIGINAL LOCATION. Proud Texans and even prouder UT grads do not take kindly to ANYONE messing with their history. Particularly an outsider.

Vern Wuensche
BBA 1967, MBA 1968
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ironically, we conservatives have the second amendment, our religion, and..... uh ...uh...
Thanks easyt65 I am sharing this link with other FB advocates, trying to get them in contact with Sandra Crenshaw in Dallas. Together we can help our state historic preservationists struggling around the clock to save endangered landmarks, even before this hype about statues started. Where WERE all these "outraged liberals" when Freedmen's Town settlements in Dallas and Houston were being torn down?
Only when it's political convenient do they show up in the media for attention. Where do their tax dollars go? Down the drain, funneled to corporate crooks that seized land and destroyed historic property for their own benefit. We need to demand reimbursement and use those funds to pay for the damage and debts incurred by crime.

I will ask all these community leaders to form a coalition and petition the President to order RESTITUTION for defacing US history, or other criminal violations at protests, to be paid by the convicted offenders into funding and restoring national historic sites like Freedmen's Town. Which includes a federal reserve facility we can use to manage "reparations" and refinance the rebuilding and restoration of our nation's endangered historic and environmental landmarks.

Letter to UT President by UT Alumnus and Veteran Vern Wuensche, who ran for President to study the election system:

My Letter to the President of the University of Texas Regarding Removal of the Statues

Mr. Gregory Fenves, President
The University of Texas at Austin
100 Inner Campus Drive, Stop G3400
Austin, Texas 78712

Dear Mr. Fenves,

I have been a University of Texas Life Member for fifty years and I am outraged. Your letter advising me that you have removed the statues of Robert E. Lee, Albert Sidney Johnston, John Reagan and Stephen Hogg has caused me to see RED. I am incensed. I am angry. And yes I am VERY outraged.

Your basis for doing so is absurd. You say that: ”Confederate monuments have become symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism.” . . . Let’s see, a few hundred people (or even a few thousand) espousing that hateful view caused you to draw THAT conclusion about ALL Americans? A logical and rational Ph.D. would not.

Adding to that lack of logic, you try to cover yourself by using the standard bureaucratic approach of citing a 2015 study which obviously included mostly fellow liberals. And even THESE 3100 people included in the study were evenly divided about the statues. And TODAY 62% of Americans say to leave the statues alone.

You teach History in your classes and yet you are preventing students from learning it on campus because of a small number of misguided and hateful individuals. Our own Texas Governor Greg Abbott made a statement which every high school graduate knows: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Is your real reason for statue removal that you fear for your own personal safety like those at your Berkley alma mater who installed a $9,000.00 door so the President would have a way to flee from students taking over the administration building? Or is it that you are just a weak Berkley liberal lacking spine who does not believe his duty is to turn out STRONG students who can influence the world in a positive way. A large part of a good worthwhile education is developing a student’s mental toughness so that after the student graduates, he or she can use their knowledge and ability to improve our nation. In the real outside world, only the strong survive.

By removing the statues you are saying that UT students today are TOO weak to LOOK at a statue the existence of which is contrary to their beliefs. Tell that to a Marine combatant LOOKING into the face of an enemy holding a rifle behind the door he has just kicked in. He risks his life so those students at UT can continue to go to school and look forward to living in a safe nation.

You are in Texas now. Texans are tough. Turning out students who are NOT do them no service. In the past here Texas Rangers fearlessly placed their lives on the line to protect the frontier. Tough Texas women here had only a rifle to protect themselves and their children from Comanche Indians while their husband was out hunting for food. Texans respect their men and women and do not treat them like children. In World War II 18-year-old Texans gave their lives for their country and yet you are saying today’s students cannot LOOK at a statue. I have a higher opinion of them than you apparently do. Just leave them alone, provide the necessary security for any stupid behavior and they will work out whatever problems they have.

I have one directive: PLACE THE STATUES BACK IN THEIR ORIGINAL LOCATION. Proud Texans and even prouder UT grads do not take kindly to ANYONE messing with their history. Particularly an outsider.

Vern Wuensche
BBA 1967, MBA 1968
i'm forwarding this to brian kilmeade and hannity, thanks for the find Emily, great letter.
my own dad got his masters and Ph.d from UT Austin. on the G.I. bill after WW2.
ironically, we conservatives have the second amendment, our religion, and..... uh ...uh...
washamericom in today's environment, we need to argue for protection of the free exercise of "Constitutionalism" or "belief in limited govt" under the First Amendment as a form of religious freedom.

Before, when everyone agreed to let Constitutional principles govern, we didn't have to argue to follow the laws.

Now that more liberal minded believers are involved in politics, who DON'T believe in Constitutional limits, they will push to pass anything, any law or ruling that gets by based on majority rule, then allow arguments "after laws or rulings were made" whether these were "Constitutional or not" and let the Courts decide (which is also political hijacked at this point and corrupted by whatever's deemed popular).

So we are caught in between two political beliefs competing for dominance: the liberals who believe anything can be declared legal as long as someone in govt rules it by court or executive order, or if it passes a vote by majority rule; VS Constitutionalists who believe in following set rules and limits, and changing the rules by Constitutional Amendments.

These two schools were always there throughout history; but now with the internet and making public policy through media hype, the liberal approach to govt can not only compete but completely overrule the "rule of law" approach. Because neither corporations, parties, or media are limited to the principles and process under the Constitution as govt is. So people who abuse corporate lobbies, media and parties "to establish public policy" have more power and influence than govt under conservative Constitutional beliefs by which govt isn't supposed to establish beliefs, even by majority rule.

Until Constitutional limits and beliefs are respected EQUALLY as liberal and secular beliefs, the latter have an advantage in not recognizing checks on public policy. It's like Buddhists and Muslims who are peaceful and don't break laws to abuse violent force have a disadvantage in defending themselves from oppression by groups willing to break laws to use excessive force to bully their way by dominance.

Before, when people respected authority of law, Christians and Constitutionalists had the advantage because they invoked legal authority and this was respected. Now, with "free exercise of religion" used to bypass both Christianity and Constitutionalism as a religious choice that can't be imposed, anything goes.

We have gone to the opposite extreme. We need to find w here these two approaches AGREE and stick to those points and principles to determine public policy. The mutual bullying back and forth is violating the rights and beliefs of one side or another. But that's where we are right now. Just government by whoever bullies the loudest and hardest. Until we all calm down and return to our common sense and natural law principles. Instead of reacting to wrongs back and forth.

I'll be glad when the punches stop flying, we can separate, and sit down and work this out like mature human beings!
ironically, we conservatives have the second amendment, our religion, and..... uh ...uh...
washamericom in today's environment, we need to argue for protection of the free exercise of "Constitutionalism" or "belief in limited govt" under the First Amendment as a form of religious freedom.

Before, when everyone agreed to let Constitutional principles govern, we didn't have to argue to follow the laws.

Now that more liberal minded believers are involved in politics, who DON'T believe in Constitutional limits, they will push to pass anything, any law or ruling that gets by based on majority rule, then allow arguments "after laws or rulings were made" whether these were "Constitutional or not" and let the Courts decide (which is also political hijacked at this point and corrupted by whatever's deemed popular).

So we are caught in between two political beliefs competing for dominance: the liberals who believe anything can be declared legal as long as someone in govt rules it by court or executive order, or if it passes a vote by majority rule; VS Constitutionalists who believe in following set rules and limits, and changing the rules by Constitutional Amendments.

These two schools were always there throughout history; but now with the internet and making public policy through media hype, the liberal approach to govt can not only compete but completely overrule the "rule of law" approach. Because neither corporations, parties, or media are limited to the principles and process under the Constitution as govt is. So people who abuse corporate lobbies, media and parties "to establish public policy" have more power and influence than govt under conservative Constitutional beliefs by which govt isn't supposed to establish beliefs, even by majority rule.

Until Constitutional limits and beliefs are respected EQUALLY as liberal and secular beliefs, the latter have an advantage in not recognizing checks on public policy. It's like Buddhists and Muslims who are peaceful and don't break laws to abuse violent force have a disadvantage in defending themselves from oppression by groups willing to break laws to use excessive force to bully their way by dominance.

Before, when people respected authority of law, Christians and Constitutionalists had the advantage because they invoked legal authority and this was respected. Now, with "free exercise of religion" used to bypass both Christianity and Constitutionalism as a religious choice that can't be imposed, anything goes.

We have gone to the opposite extreme. We need to find w here these two approaches AGREE and stick to those points and principles to determine public policy. The mutual bullying back and forth is violating the rights and beliefs of one side or another. But that's where we are right now. Just government by whoever bullies the loudest and hardest. Until we all calm down and return to our common sense and natural law principles. Instead of reacting to wrongs back and forth.

I'll be glad when the punches stop flying, we can separate, and sit down and work this out like mature human beings!
you are an amazing and wonderful person Emily! and way ahead of the curve as usual.
ironically, we conservatives have the second amendment, our religion, and..... uh ...uh...
washamericom in today's environment, we need to argue for protection of the free exercise of "Constitutionalism" or "belief in limited govt" under the First Amendment as a form of religious freedom.

Before, when everyone agreed to let Constitutional principles govern, we didn't have to argue to follow the laws.

Now that more liberal minded believers are involved in politics, who DON'T believe in Constitutional limits, they will push to pass anything, any law or ruling that gets by based on majority rule, then allow arguments "after laws or rulings were made" whether these were "Constitutional or not" and let the Courts decide (which is also political hijacked at this point and corrupted by whatever's deemed popular).

So we are caught in between two political beliefs competing for dominance: the liberals who believe anything can be declared legal as long as someone in govt rules it by court or executive order, or if it passes a vote by majority rule; VS Constitutionalists who believe in following set rules and limits, and changing the rules by Constitutional Amendments.

These two schools were always there throughout history; but now with the internet and making public policy through media hype, the liberal approach to govt can not only compete but completely overrule the "rule of law" approach. Because neither corporations, parties, or media are limited to the principles and process under the Constitution as govt is. So people who abuse corporate lobbies, media and parties "to establish public policy" have more power and influence than govt under conservative Constitutional beliefs by which govt isn't supposed to establish beliefs, even by majority rule.

Until Constitutional limits and beliefs are respected EQUALLY as liberal and secular beliefs, the latter have an advantage in not recognizing checks on public policy. It's like Buddhists and Muslims who are peaceful and don't break laws to abuse violent force have a disadvantage in defending themselves from oppression by groups willing to break laws to use excessive force to bully their way by dominance.

Before, when people respected authority of law, Christians and Constitutionalists had the advantage because they invoked legal authority and this was respected. Now, with "free exercise of religion" used to bypass both Christianity and Constitutionalism as a religious choice that can't be imposed, anything goes.

We have gone to the opposite extreme. We need to find w here these two approaches AGREE and stick to those points and principles to determine public policy. The mutual bullying back and forth is violating the rights and beliefs of one side or another. But that's where we are right now. Just government by whoever bullies the loudest and hardest. Until we all calm down and return to our common sense and natural law principles. Instead of reacting to wrongs back and forth.

I'll be glad when the punches stop flying, we can separate, and sit down and work this out like mature human beings!
you are an amazing and wonderful person Emily! and way ahead of the curve as usual.

Don't look now washamericom, but it seems everyone is catching up to the curve and having to unite out of pure necessity and survival! It's happening. As much as we hate what the Antifa and Unite the Right did by stirring up both sides, the solution these point to is peaceful due process and collaboration. Those voices are starting to rise and be heard. Finally! We are not alone. One radio host pointed out: most Americans AREN'T racist, we all get along with our neighbors of all races. Don't listen to the media. Don't take the bait. Look around you. We are better than what the media paints us and the future out to be. So find common ground, and stand on it. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. And love and faith in humanity even casts out that fear!

Take care Wash. I will PM you soon about working with Vern and other Vets to get a positive campaign going. Trump needs a positive national focus, and it will come out of all this garbage. Again, out of pure necessity.
so it isn't without purpose. there is a reason for this, and greater good will come from this. We are just gearing up to go! And it's all good!

Yours truly, Emily
I think the important thing to remember about these violent, self-loathing-American liberal filth is that they are NOT human. So it's illogical to expect human, rational behavior from these.....these THINGS. Once you accept that these are rabid, feral lower lifeforms, their misbehavior starts to make a certain twisted sense. At this point, I wouldn't even allow the mildest liberal in my house since I don't wish to breathe the same air as these creatures.
If you could go back in time, would you strangle Hitler in his cradle?

Either these leftist, anarchist, dimocrap SCUM groups are destroyed NOW or we'll be asking that same question in 50 years
The removal of the beloved image of Baphomet has led to all this. "All the statue will fall" could be heard from that warehouse he lives in ......... the night they moved him.

Faux was this close......

Baphomet Monument (Detroit): With all the battles raging over Confederate monuments, one would think calls to remove a statue of a mythical satanic goat deity would be pretty cut and dry.

Not so.
I was listening to the news this morning and heard that antifa's militarized enforcement of political correctness is spreading like wildfire.

First it was the attack on and demanded removal of Confederate statues and monuments.

It quickly spread to statues and monuments of our Founding Fathers as antifa attempted to brand them as radical racists.

Now I have heard that there is a group demanding that statues of Christopher Columbus be taken down. There is a further call to begin taking down statues and monuments of anyone in our nation's past who has ties to slavery or any form of racism.

The left's attempt to destroy this nation from within, attacking its culture / its history / its Founding Fathers, is spreading like a disease, out of control.

Time to shut the FASCISTS (not ANTIfa) down to save our country.

San Jose organizers push to remove Christopher Columbus statue from City Hall

Confederate statues aren't the only monuments people want torn down
What were you listening to?
Rush? Alex Jones?
If you could go back in time, would you strangle Hitler in his cradle?

Either these leftist, anarchist, dimocrap SCUM groups are destroyed NOW or we'll be asking that same question in 50 years
You're either for Nazis, the KKK or white supremacists or you're against them. You and Queasey obviously are with them.
I think the important thing to remember about these violent, self-loathing-American liberal filth is that they are NOT human. So it's illogical to expect human, rational behavior from these.....these THINGS. Once you accept that these are rabid, feral lower lifeforms, their misbehavior starts to make a certain twisted sense. At this point, I wouldn't even allow the mildest liberal in my house since I don't wish to breathe the same air as these creatures.
it's just a few bad apples, usually people with too much time and money. remember bill ayers started the weather underground to piss off his corporate ceo dad more than anything.
i hope people understand and appreciate ayers writing dreams from my father, another slight of hand political magic trick, from the alinsky bowels of the deep state chicago.

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