City Digs Up Remains Of Confederate General After Taking Down Statue

I'm happy for you.
Most people Capitalism is a shit sandwich.
And it would be worse if we didn't have "white people" socialism like Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits, unemployment insurance, etc.

Somehow, I suspect you've taken more than a few dimes from the government.

OMG..... every left loon talking point into one post!!!!
I volunteered to join the Air Force during the Vietnam war. Once in the Air Force I followed orders. If I had been sent to Vietnam, issued a rifle and told to fight the enemy, I would have followed orders. I might have killed an enemy or several enemies. That doesn’t mean that I must automatically hate the enemy I am fighting. However, it is possible after being in combat I might hate the enemy after seeing how he acted.

In most cases we do not see statues of foreign enemies in our nation. I can’t think of one offhand but they may exist. The Civil War statues were of people who were Americans. Many had fought for our nation in the Mexican-American War.

The object after the Civil War was to reunite the nation and bury the hatchet. It obviously succeeded until just recently when the Democrats and Obama decided to split this nation along racial lines. If it had failed the Dukes of Hazzard would not have been a popular TV program.

The Democrats may well succeed in breaking this nation apart because a nation divided can not stand. If that happens, expect to eventually fall under Chinese rule. Be aware the Chinese are not fond of human rights.

I have stated many times on the forum that I support peaceful demonstrations but not riots. I did not support the Jan 6th riot (but I do not consider it to have been an insurrection). Therefore I have do interest in seeing statutes erected for BLM and Antifa rioters.

In my opinion MLK deserved a statue because he was for peaceful protests and was able to make significant change with his peaceful demonstrations. I have a lot of admiration for MLK.

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The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered. The love for Dr. King didn't come from white America until after he was murdered.
The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered. The love for Dr. King didn't come from white America until after he was murdered.
I was alive during the MLK period and I remember a fair number of white Americans supported his movement, mainly because it was peaceful.

I was in the Air Force at that time.
I'm happy for you.
Most people Capitalism is a shit sandwich.
And it would be worse if we didn't have "white people" socialism like Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits, unemployment insurance, etc.

Somehow, I suspect you've taken more than a few dimes from the government.
Yes, I do get government support such as social security and Medicare.

Our form of government has been called, “cuddly capitalism”. That’s fine as long as the funds are there to provide the benefits. However there is a BIG difference between cuddly capitalism and Marxist socialism.
I was alive during the MLK period and I remember a fair number of white Americans supported his movement, mainly because it was peaceful.

I was in the Air Force at that time.
They should of supported it regardless. What would of been morally wrong with violently opposing an apartheid state?
Yes, I do get government support such as social security and Medicare.

Our form of government has been called, “cuddly capitalism”. That’s fine as long as the funds are there to provide the benefits. However there is a BIG difference between cuddly capitalism and Marxist socialism.

So, welfare for me but not for thee... Got it.

There's more than enough funds to fund the welfare state... we just refuse to make the rich pay their fair share.

The top 20% of the population controls 87% of the wealth. The top 1% of the population controls 43% of the wealth. The funds ARE there.

The point is, you don't want to live in a purely capitalist society any more than I do. I also don't really want to live in a Marxist society, whatever the hell that means in this day in age.

But we spend far more on "entitlements" - i.e. programs to keep mostly white middle class people from becoming poor, than we do on "welfare" - the crumbs we throw the truly poor so they don't revolt.
So, welfare for me but not for thee... Got it.

There's more than enough funds to fund the welfare state... we just refuse to make the rich pay their fair share.

The top 20% of the population controls 87% of the wealth. The top 1% of the population controls 43% of the wealth. The funds ARE there.

The point is, you don't want to live in a purely capitalist society any more than I do. I also don't really want to live in a Marxist society, whatever the hell that means in this day in age.

But we spend far more on "entitlements" - i.e. programs to keep mostly white middle class people from becoming poor, than we do on "welfare" - the crumbs we throw the truly poor so they don't revolt.
I wasn’t aware that ”poor people” didn’t get social security or Medicare or are they the “crumbs” you refer too.

I like our form of cuddly capitalism. It could be improved but it is not all bad. Note that I am not in the top 20% of wealthy people by any means.

I am aware that we need to change some laws to insure benefits can continue to be financed. I predict the laws will be changed at the last minute as usual.
I wasn’t aware that ”poor people” didn’t get social security or Medicare or are they the “crumbs” you refer too.
A lot of them don't live that long. Being poor reduces your life expectancy. And if you are truly poor, you don't get that much from SS.

I like our form of cuddly capitalism. It could be improved but it is not all bad. Note that I am not in the top 20% of wealthy people by any means.
I'm sure you do. Welfare for me, but not for thee.
I am aware that we need to change some laws to insure benefits can continue to be financed. I predict the laws will be changed at the last minute as usual.
Ye,s on the backs of the working class.. just like they did the last time.
I was alive during the MLK period and I remember a fair number of white Americans supported his movement, mainly because it was peaceful.

I was in the Air Force at that time.
I was alive as well and there was a great number of white Americans that wanted to destroy Dr. King and succeeded.
I was alive as well and there was a great number of white Americans that wanted to destroy Dr. King and succeeded.
True, however many Americans became interested in civil rights during that time frame. Many were unaware of how the blacks were treated especially in states like Mississippi.
True, however many Americans became interested in civil rights during that time frame. Many were unaware of how the blacks were treated especially in states like Mississippi.
There's wasn't anyone in America who wasn't aware blacks weren't treated with respect or dignity. This is just more white fantasy than actual history.
There's wasn't anyone in America who wasn't aware blacks weren't treated with respect or dignity. This is just more white fantasy than actual history.
I wasn’t aware of the extent of the mistreatment until I was stationed in Mississippi while in the Air Force.

I grew up in a rural area of Ohio. In my high the only blacks were the QB for our football team and his sister a cheerleader. They were quite popular.
I wasn’t aware of the extent of the mistreatment until I was stationed in Mississippi while in the Air Force.
Your personal appeal to ignorance while amusing isn't moving.
I grew up in a rural area of Ohio. In my high the only blacks were the QB for our football team and his sister a cheerleader. They were quite popular.
And your teachers never clued you into what was happening to Black Americans all over the country? Sounds like white indoctrination to me.
Your personal appeal to ignorance while amusing isn't moving.

And your teachers never clued you into what was happening to Black Americans all over the country? Sounds like white indoctrination to me.
American history was discussed in our classes but in elementary school and middle school there were no blacks. In high school there were two. One was the football QB and his sister was a cheerleader. They were quite popular. I don’t remember any racism toward them at all.

Racism was discussed in the church I attended but there were no black in the congregation and only a few in the small town where the church was located. The Protestant preacher considered racism to be a safe subject that would not interfere with the donations the church received. He avoided discussing the real sins happening in his community.

Remember too that I went to school in the 1950s and 1960s in a rural area of Ohio. I was in typing class when JFK was assassinated.

Mississippi was a real surprise to me when I was stationed in Biloxi as a student and then as an instructor. A BIG surprise.
Your personal appeal to ignorance while amusing isn't moving.

And your teachers never clued you into what was happening to Black Americans all over the country? Sounds like white indoctrination to me.
Indoctrination is what we have today in our schools and colleges. It is often called brainwashing.

In the 1950s and 1960s the main emphasis was to teach the students how to read, write, do mathematics, learn some history and most importantly how to think but not what to think. In those years we were were mainly concerned with being technologically behind the Russians after they launched Sputnik.

There was no racism in the community I lived in mainly because there were no blacks or Hispanics. Why should our teachers have wasted hours and hours talking about racism?
I absolutely believe that many (perhaps not 'most,' but many) non-Southern white people were ignorant of how poorly Southern Blacks were treated in the 1950s. When 14-year-old Emmett Till was beaten and lynched in 1955, his mother insisted that his coffin be open specifically so that people could see for themselves what the mistreatment of Blacks looked like. Heck, many people still don't know about the burning and bombing of Black Wall Street in Tulsa, and that was decades before and we're now decades after.
I absolutely believe that many (perhaps not 'most,' but many) non-Southern white people were ignorant of how poorly Southern Blacks were treated in the 1950s. When 14-year-old Emmett Till was beaten and lynched in 1955, his mother insisted that his coffin be open specifically so that people could see for themselves what the mistreatment of Blacks looked like. Heck, many people still don't know about the burning and bombing of Black Wall Street in Tulsa, and that was decades before and we're now decades after.
I fit that picture. Didn’t really know what racism was until I was stationed in Biloxi, Mississippi.
I absolutely believe that many (perhaps not 'most,' but many) non-Southern white people were ignorant of how poorly Southern Blacks were treated in the 1950s. When 14-year-old Emmett Till was beaten and lynched in 1955, his mother insisted that his coffin be open specifically so that people could see for themselves what the mistreatment of Blacks looked like. Heck, many people still don't know about the burning and bombing of Black Wall Street in Tulsa, and that was decades before and we're now decades after.
She didn't show her son's body so white people could finally learn what's been happening to black people all this time. She showed the body so cuck whites like Batcat were too ashamed to come out and pretend they didn't know. She used the brutality against her son to shame whites into not looking away. It's only because we don't have images of the brutality that pieces of human shit like Robert E Lee or George Washington did to the black bodies they owned why Batcat feels comfortable enough to come here and tell us all how much he respects slavers.
I was alive during the MLK period and I remember a fair number of white Americans supported his movement, mainly because it was peaceful.

I was in the Air Force at that time.

People forget the recent protests started peaceful. It started with people simply kneeling.

Trump called them SOB's, Pence walked out on them and then things got violent and we enacted change.
People forget the recent protests started peaceful. It started with people simply kneeling......Trump called them SOB's, Pence walked out on them and then things got violent...."

That is a perceptive observation. And one that I must admit ... I had forgotten.

Yes, it started with people with their hands in the air...saying "Don't shoot".
Then the Kaepernick kneeling....and the scabrous over-reaction by Don Trump, by Mike Pence (in that shameful pre-planned walk-out at the stadium. Pence as the dutiful sycophant. He's unfit.).

And we saw on this chatroom some of the scabrous commentary about athletes kneeling.

So, poster pknopp is absolutely correct. The worst of white America...and its worst leaders....have unclean hands here, they stoked it.


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