Any one else have one of these kinds of friends?


May 10, 2010

Anyone else have one of these? I guess friendship falls under relationships so I'm putting this here.

A friend, who to be their friend, will try and bully and domineer you into doing things you wouldn’t do on you own?

A friend who will more or less say, “You are either MY friend or theirs”?

A friend who will try and dictate how you speak, control what you say and how you say it?

A friend who insults you at ever turn and then says “oh sorry I didn’t mean it”?

A friend who says one thing to you in private and then turns around and claims it never happened in public?

A friend who will tell you that YOU are not a friend to THEM if you don’t do things the way they want?

A friend who doesn’t like you to tell them the truth about themselves, their bad behavior or situations they are in?

A friend who tries to get you to fight their battles and or side up with them if you want to stay their friend?

A friend who tries to emotionally or mentally manipulate you?


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Not since grade school. I don't think as an adult I would get too deep into a relationship with a person before figuring out they were like that, and then saying "see ya".
I had an acquaintance like that in 1st grade. My dad saw what was going on and explained a few things to me.

No one who is a manipulative bastard is your friend.
I had an acquaintance like that in 1st grade. My dad saw what was going on and explained a few things to me.

No one who is a manipulative bastard is your friend.

I forgot about that one Barunch, ill blame it on the weekend! going to add it into the OP...thanks.

I totally agree, manipulative shit is bullshit.
A friend doesn't listen to you one week, then use what you told them, against you the next week.
I always figured that if a person has one friend in their entire life, theyr'e lucky. My definition of a "friend?"

A person who accepts you unconditionally, faults and all. A person you can trust implicitly and who trusts you in kind. A person you could entrust with the safety of your children and loved ones without reservation. A person with whom you can sit in the same room for hours and utter not one word with no feeling of discomfort or awkwardness. A person who would help you hide the bodies with no questions asked and vice versa.

A person who would help you move, across town or across country. A person you would help move, across town or across country.

If you find one person like that in your life, you're lucky. That's a friend. A best friend.

I found two. I married one of them.

The other one helped me move to Albuquerque.
I had "friends" with some of those qualities in K-12 school and learned my lessons then.

I don't make friends with manipulative, disingenuous, untrustworthy jerks. They aren't worth the bother.

Anyone else have one of these? I guess friendship falls under relationships so I'm putting this here.

A friend, who to be their friend, will try and bully and domineer you into doing things you wouldn’t do on you own?

A friend who will more or less say, “You are either MY friend or theirs”?

A friend who will try and dictate how you speak, control what you say and how you say it?

A friend who insults you at ever turn and then says “oh sorry I didn’t mean it”?

A friend who says one thing to you in private and then turns around and claims it never happened in public?

A friend who will tell you that YOU are not a friend to THEM if you don’t do things the way they want?

A friend who doesn’t like you to tell them the truth about themselves, their bad behavior or situations they are in?

A friend who tries to get you to fight their battles and or side up with them if you want to stay their friend?

A friend who tries to emotionally or mentally manipulate you?


I've had acquaintances like that who never got the chance to be "friends."
I've found over the years the most difficult "friends" are those who are well meaning, kind, and everything you would want a friend to be...but they smother you, always thinking it's okay to knock on your door anytime or call at any hour just to chat. Um, nooooooooo.... But they're very difficult to keep at arms length without hurting their feelings.

Anyone else have one of these? I guess friendship falls under relationships so I'm putting this here.

A friend, who to be their friend, will try and bully and domineer you into doing things you wouldn’t do on you own?

A friend who will more or less say, “You are either MY friend or theirs”?

A friend who will try and dictate how you speak, control what you say and how you say it?

A friend who insults you at ever turn and then says “oh sorry I didn’t mean it”?

A friend who says one thing to you in private and then turns around and claims it never happened in public?

A friend who will tell you that YOU are not a friend to THEM if you don’t do things the way they want?

A friend who doesn’t like you to tell them the truth about themselves, their bad behavior or situations they are in?

A friend who tries to get you to fight their battles and or side up with them if you want to stay their friend?

A friend who tries to emotionally or mentally manipulate you?


A friend who shows even ONE of those traits is immediately tossed. A friend who shows ALL of those traits is immediately tossed out on their friggin' ear. Or worse, if it's a man.
Guess what? You get to choose your friends. That's the whole advantage of the friend thing, over the family thing.

The person who continues a relationship with the above described person isn't a friend, she is an enabler, in psychobabble terms. And, yes, she's probably a woman.
Nope. Those are not friends. They are drama queens, too.

I strive to have a drama-free life.
I've found over the years the most difficult "friends" are those who are well meaning, kind, and everything you would want a friend to be...but they smother you, always thinking it's okay to knock on your door anytime or call at any hour just to chat. Um, nooooooooo.... But they're very difficult to keep at arms length without hurting their feelings.

A friend is someone who is always there when you need them regardless of the day or hour.

Anyone else have one of these? I guess friendship falls under relationships so I'm putting this here.

A friend, who to be their friend, will try and bully and domineer you into doing things you wouldn’t do on you own?

A friend who will more or less say, “You are either MY friend or theirs”?

A friend who will try and dictate how you speak, control what you say and how you say it?

A friend who insults you at ever turn and then says “oh sorry I didn’t mean it”?

A friend who says one thing to you in private and then turns around and claims it never happened in public?

A friend who will tell you that YOU are not a friend to THEM if you don’t do things the way they want?

A friend who doesn’t like you to tell them the truth about themselves, their bad behavior or situations they are in?

A friend who tries to get you to fight their battles and or side up with them if you want to stay their friend?

A friend who tries to emotionally or mentally manipulate you?


A friend who shows even ONE of those traits is immediately tossed. A friend who shows ALL of those traits is immediately tossed out on their friggin' ear. Or worse, if it's a man.

It's hard to imagine anyone befriending you, period. I'll bet you can clear a room real fast, too.

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