Any Pols support growing hemp for fuel?

More yield then corn , any visionaries out there ?

Absolutely, and it is no Pipe Dream. The Reasons to use Hemp for Fuel are numerous.

First off of course is less pollution.

Then there is the fact that we need our corn to feed live stock and eat our selves.

Also I once read, and Am pretty sure it is true. That to Grow Hemp for Fuel you do not need good farm land. It can practically grown in beach sand.

I am for anything that can lessen our dependance on Foreign Energy sources. Period.
More yield then corn , any visionaries out there ?

Absolutely, and it is no Pipe Dream. The Reasons to use Hemp for Fuel are numerous.

First off of course is less pollution.

Then there is the fact that we need our corn to feed live stock and eat our selves.

Also I once read, and Am pretty sure it is true. That to Grow Hemp for Fuel you do not need good farm land. It can practically grown in beach sand.

I am for anything that can lessen our dependance on Foreign Energy sources. Period.
I understand it cleans toxic land .
It is clearly not the answer.
I day dream of the Day we can call up the King of Saudi and tell that Piece of Shit that it's all over. We don't need his fucking Oil anymore, and therefore we are no longer going to support him like raging Hippocrates. I just don't want to see our Economy set on Fire on All sorts of non Cost effective, Green Energy Ideas. If it works and is practical from an economic stand point. I'm for it. If we would have to cover the states of Montana, Wyoming and North and South Dakota Combined with Turbines just to equal the Out put of a couple Nuclear Power Plants, and pay 5 times as much to turn on a light. I'm Not for it.

More yield then corn , any visionaries out there ?

Absolutely, and it is no Pipe Dream. The Reasons to use Hemp for Fuel are numerous.

First off of course is less pollution.

Then there is the fact that we need our corn to feed live stock and eat our selves.

Also I once read, and Am pretty sure it is true. That to Grow Hemp for Fuel you do not need good farm land. It can practically grown in beach sand.

I am for anything that can lessen our dependance on Foreign Energy sources. Period.
I understand it cleans toxic land .
It is clearly not the answer.

Not sure what you just said.

However as far as clearing toxic lands. Not sure what you mean, unless you are referring to the well Documented fact that it used to be common Practice for Farmers to Rotate in hemp every 4 years or so because it restores the soil so well.

You can read the Letters of a couple of our founders in which they talk about coming across some find Smoking hemp. Jefferson or Adams I believe it was. There not talking about pot like we think of it. They are talking about hemp that was being grown on farms, both to make rope, and help the soil.
I'm not Polish, but I'm a huge supporter of growing industrial hemp here. The restrictions on it are ludicrous.
Absolutely, and it is no Pipe Dream. The Reasons to use Hemp for Fuel are numerous.

First off of course is less pollution.

Then there is the fact that we need our corn to feed live stock and eat our selves.

Also I once read, and Am pretty sure it is true. That to Grow Hemp for Fuel you do not need good farm land. It can practically grown in beach sand.

I am for anything that can lessen our dependance on Foreign Energy sources. Period.
I understand it cleans toxic land .
It is clearly not the answer.

Not sure what you just said.

However as far as clearing toxic lands. Not sure what you mean, unless you are referring to the well Documented fact that it used to be common Practice for Farmers to Rotate in hemp every 4 years or so because it restores the soil so well.

You can read the Letters of a couple of our founders in which they talk about coming across some find Smoking hemp. Jefferson or Adams I believe it was. There not talking about pot like we think of it. They are talking about hemp that was being grown on farms, both to make rope, and help the soil.

Hemp is an excellent crop because of its varied uses, food, fuel and fiber. It doesn't require as much water as most crops, doesn't deplete the soil like most crops and does not require the pesticides that traditional crops do.
I support growing hemp for many things.
BEEN there......

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Hemp for Victory - Entire Film - US Government asks farmers to grow it‬‏[/ame]


[ame=]YouTube - ‪The Market for Hemp Products‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Willie Nelson: Hemp and the Family Farm‬‏[/ame]​
More yield then corn , any visionaries out there ?

Former Gov. Gary Johnson (R)

He wants to legalise pot, then later on legalise the rest of the drugs.

I don't know if he specifically wants to grow it for fuel. but considering he supports innovation w/o the government, MJ will be bread and cross bread rapidly to produce even more fuel than it does now. assuming there is actual profit to be made this way.
I understand it cleans toxic land .
It is clearly not the answer.

Not sure what you just said.

However as far as clearing toxic lands. Not sure what you mean, unless you are referring to the well Documented fact that it used to be common Practice for Farmers to Rotate in hemp every 4 years or so because it restores the soil so well.

You can read the Letters of a couple of our founders in which they talk about coming across some find Smoking hemp. Jefferson or Adams I believe it was. There not talking about pot like we think of it. They are talking about hemp that was being grown on farms, both to make rope, and help the soil.

Hemp is an excellent crop because of its varied uses, food, fuel and fiber. It doesn't require as much water as most crops, doesn't deplete the soil like most crops and does not require the pesticides that traditional crops do.


Food for who/what?
Not sure what you just said.

However as far as clearing toxic lands. Not sure what you mean, unless you are referring to the well Documented fact that it used to be common Practice for Farmers to Rotate in hemp every 4 years or so because it restores the soil so well.

You can read the Letters of a couple of our founders in which they talk about coming across some find Smoking hemp. Jefferson or Adams I believe it was. There not talking about pot like we think of it. They are talking about hemp that was being grown on farms, both to make rope, and help the soil.

Hemp is an excellent crop because of its varied uses, food, fuel and fiber. It doesn't require as much water as most crops, doesn't deplete the soil like most crops and does not require the pesticides that traditional crops do.


Food for who/what?

Hemp seed for Poultry.
Ron Paul and Barney Frank introduced legislation in the last Congress, I don't know about this current session, to legalize hemp.
Absolutely, and it is no Pipe Dream. The Reasons to use Hemp for Fuel are numerous.

First off of course is less pollution.

Then there is the fact that we need our corn to feed live stock and eat our selves.

Also I once read, and Am pretty sure it is true. That to Grow Hemp for Fuel you do not need good farm land. It can practically grown in beach sand.

I am for anything that can lessen our dependance on Foreign Energy sources. Period.
I understand it cleans toxic land .
It is clearly not the answer.

Not sure what you just said.

That was sarcasm.Hemp will remove heavy metal toxins from "polluted land from what I have understood.
Then it can be turned into fuel.

Hemp Facts


*Hemp has been grown for at least the last 12,000 years for fiber (textiles and paper) and food. It has been effectively prohibited in the United States since the 1950s.

*George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.

*When US sources of "Manila hemp" (not true hemp) was cut off by the Japanese in WWII, the US Army and US Department of Agriculture promoted the "Hemp for Victory" campaign to grow hemp in the US.

*Because of its importance for sails (the word "canvass" is rooted in "cannabis") and rope for ships, hemp was a required crop in the American colonies.


*Henry Ford experimented with hemp to build car bodies. He wanted to build and fuel cars from farm products.

*BMW is experimenting with hemp materials in automobiles as part of an effort to make cars more recyclable.

*Much of the bird seed sold in the US has hemp seed (it's sterilized before importation), the hulls of which contain about 25% protein.

*Hemp oil once greased machines. Most paints, resins, shellacs, and varnishes used to be made out of linseed (from flax) and hemp oils.

*Rudolph Diesel designed his engine to run on hemp oil.

*Kimberly Clark (on the Fortune 500) has a mill in France which produces hemp paper preferred for bibles because it lasts a very long time and doesn't yellow.

*Construction products such as medium density fiber board, oriented strand board, and even beams, studs and posts could be made out of hemp. Because of hemp's long fibers, the products will be stronger and/or lighter than those made from wood.

*The products that can be made from hemp number over 25,000.


*Industrial hemp and marijuana are both classified by taxonomists as Cannabis sativa, a species with hundreds of varieties. C. sativa is a member of the mulberry family. Industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and/or oil, while marijuana varieties seek to maximize THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana).

*While industrial hemp and marijuana may look somewhat alike to an untrained eye, an easily trained eye can easily distinguish the difference.

*Industrial hemp has a THC content of between 0.05 and 1%. Marijuana has a THC content of 3% to 20%. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power-smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand.

*If hemp does pollinate any nearby marijuana, genetically, the result will always be lower-THC marijuana, not higher-THC hemp. If hemp is grown outdoors, marijuana will not be grown close by to avoid producing lower-grade marijuana.

*Hemp fibers are longer, stronger, more absorbent and more mildew-resistant than cotton.

*Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun's UV rays more effectively than other fabrics.

*Many of the varieties of hemp that were grown in North America have been lost. Seed banks weren't maintained. New genetic breeding will be necessary using both foreign and domestic "ditchweed," strains of hemp that went feral after cultivation ended. Various state national guard units often spend their weekends trying to eradicate this hemp, in the mistaken belief they are helping stop drug use.

*A 1938 Popular Mechanics described hemp as a "New Billion Dollar Crop." That's back when a billion was real money.

*Hemp can be made in to a variety of fabrics, including linen quality.


*The US Drug Enforcement Agency classifies all C. sativa varieties as "marijuana." While it is theoretically possible to get permission from the government to grow hemp, DEA would require that the field be secured by fence, razor wire, dogs, guards, and lights, making it cost-prohibitive.

*The US State Department must certify each year that a foreign nation is cooperating in the war on drugs. The European Union subsidizes its farmers to grow industrial hemp. Those nations are not on this list, because the State Department can tell the difference between hemp and marijuana.

*Hemp was grown commercially (with increasing governmental interference) in the United States until the 1950s. It was doomed by the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, which placed an extremely high tax on marijuana and made it effectively impossible to grow industrial hemp. While Congress expressly expected the continued production of industrial hemp, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics lumped industrial hemp with marijuana, as it's successor the US Drug Enforcement Administration, does to this day.

*Over 30 industrialized democracies do distinguish hemp from marijuana. International treaties regarding marijuana make an exception for industrial hemp.

*Canada now again allows the growing of hemp.


* Hemp growers can not hide marijuana plants in their fields. Marijuana is grown widely spaced to maximize leaves. Hemp is grown in tightly-spaced rows to maximize stalk and is usually harvested before it goes to seed.

*Hemp can be made into fine quality paper. The long fibers in hemp allow such paper to be recycled several times more than wood-based paper.

*Because of its low lignin content, hemp can be pulped using less chemicals than with wood. Its natural brightness can obviate the need to use chlorine bleach, which means no extremely toxic dioxin being dumped into streams. A kinder and gentler chemistry using hydrogen peroxide rather than chlorine dixoide is possible with hemp fibers.

*Hemp grows well in a variety of climates and soil types. It is naturally resistant to most pests, precluding the need for pesticides. It grows tightly spaced, out-competing any weeds, so herbicides are not necessary. It also leaves a weed-free field for a following crop.

*Hemp can displace cotton which is usually grown with massive amounts of chemicals harmful to people and the environment. 50% of all the world's pesticides are sprayed on cotton.

*Hemp can displace wood fiber and save forests for watershed, wildlife habitat, recreation and oxygen production, carbon sequestration (reduces global warming), and other values.

*Hemp can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre. This is four times what an average forest can yield.


*If one tried to ingest enough industrial hemp to get 'a buzz', it would be the equivalent of taking 2-3 doses of a high-fiber laxative.

*At a volume level of 81%, hemp oil is the richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (the "good" fats). It's quite high in some essential amino acids, including gamma linoleic acid (GLA), a very rare nutrient also found in mother's milk.

*While the original "gruel" was made of hemp seed meal, hemp oil and seed can be made into tasty and nutritional products.

Not sure what you just said.

However as far as clearing toxic lands. Not sure what you mean, unless you are referring to the well Documented fact that it used to be common Practice for Farmers to Rotate in hemp every 4 years or so because it restores the soil so well.

You can read the Letters of a couple of our founders in which they talk about coming across some find Smoking hemp. Jefferson or Adams I believe it was. There not talking about pot like we think of it. They are talking about hemp that was being grown on farms, both to make rope, and help the soil.

Hemp is an excellent crop because of its varied uses, food, fuel and fiber. It doesn't require as much water as most crops, doesn't deplete the soil like most crops and does not require the pesticides that traditional crops do.


Food for who/what?

I understand it is an important ingredient for brownies......

Sometime soon MJ will be legal again.

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