Anyone Live In The South?,Damn It's Hot! Must Be Al Gores Global Warming Again!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
and hot is it in Arizona now and beyond? 100 degrees or more{via 10 day forecast},,what about Georgia/Carolinas/Florida? Parts of Texas. Sure is getting pretty hot out there. Hmm, must be global warming, caused by all of us white people driving our big SUV's and all of those cows farting in the heartland.
So now the left has something to bitch about till October. Then we are back to "Global Cooling" as usual.
:abgg2q.jpg: :5_1_12024:
The humidity is, currently, remarkably low during the day for this area. For now. I mean, not as low as when I lived in California or New Mexico... but for South Carolina... in late May? Can't complain.

That's a plus...
i guess we will soon here from the princess that the Arizona Heat wave is the first sign of things to come being we are all gonna die by 2032,,,,,well,,not the cockroaches
In my area (w. coast) it was cool, overcast and had some light showers over the past week and Memorial Day weekend. But we mustn't question the self-proclaimed "inventor of the Internet" Al Gore, heheh. Who once publicly said that the movie "Love Story" was specifically based on he and Tipper Gore. Holy shit, I had no idea he was so formidable, is there anything Al Gore can't do (besides becoming president)?

Now that I think of it, I'm sure Al Gore somehow invented the environment itself! Yep, the more I cogitate about it the more sense it makes.
Here in New York, still freezing our bills off and its June for Christsakes..... when most of the country is freezing its balls off from October until June this is exactly why people don't care about global warning anymore.

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