Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

not news but not understood by most of the non-islamic
world and DENIED, vigorously by islamo, nazis. A simple
rule of thumb----October 7, 2023 was designed as a
DAY OF INSPIRATION, both for muslims and aficionados
both MALE AND FEMALE!!!! Do not be surprised if it comes
out that the conversion rate to the free rape and murder
creed gets reported as having experienced AN UPTURN
[ These countries have armies, don't they? ]

According to him after the Muslims become the majority and take over France, the non-Muslims will be forced to either convert to Islam, be inferior second-class citizens who are forced to pay jizya taxs to Muslims. But if the infidels refuse to obey the Muslims and submit to Islam's laws, they will be fought against and murdered by Muslims as a human sacrifice for the sake of Allah (God of Islam).

Under sharia laws women are treated as the property of the Muslim men. Sharia laws include child marriage, forced marriage, FGM, honor killings and stoning for adultery.

Please retweet to raise awareness of the brutal violation of women's rights under Sharia laws in the Arab-Muslim world.

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