Anyone Remember this? " 'The 1980s Are Now Calling to Ask For Their Foreign Policy Back'".

Was Obama a dick to say to Mitt Romney "1980s are calling for their foreign policy back"?

  • Yes, Obama has sucked many a leaders dick,and was such a spineless liberal.

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • No, I am a liberal, no matter what Obama did to this once great country, i love that fag.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am an In dee pend ant, and am totally clueless when it comes to left and right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2015

In a real snarky manner typical of a 1/2 white faggot community agitator from Illinois, when Mitt Romney had warned that Russia was going to be a factor, his gay opponent who sucked Putin's dick, said "The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back". Of course when the sick bitch carpet bagger from NY, lost the election, the left howled that Russia was at fault for her loss, even though it was Obummer's CIA and FBI that failed to stop the Russians from meddling. So today, we see our soldiers going back to "Rolling Thunder" training, that I was part of back in the late 1980's. Mitt had it right, but the liberals and In dee pend ants, got it so wrong voting for the guy who would have more flexibility for Putin after the next election.

Marines step up winter-warfare training in California mountains
The exercise is designed to train troops for the next war - one the U.S. believes will be against a more capable, high-tech enemy like Russia, North Korea or China. The weather conditions on the mountain mimic the kind of frigid fight that forces could face in one of those future hotspots.
Mittens was vindicated. He should be the left's new hero because what he said proves their "Russian collusion" nightmare.
Fuck Obama. His main mission was promoting faggotry and Islam, 2 very unAmerican things.

He should hang for trading 5 enemies of the state for a traitor.

Probably a couple other things, too.
Mittens was vindicated. He should be the left's new hero because what he said proves their "Russian collusion" nightmare.
Mittens wasn't vindicated...Russia and Putin are far weaker than they are being portrayed by the liberoidals....In fact, I seriously doubt that he has any agenda greater than trying his ass off to sell Caspian Sea hydrocarbon fuels, just to keep his phony baloney regime afloat.

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