Anyone surprised that America has low expectations for a Republican congress?

CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
as much as I despise John McCoward, the other day he came to the press in Arizona and said we have to vote out as many Tea baggers as we can ... they are causing the problem we are having in america until they are gone we won't be able to work in congress
If tea baggers are banned what will you do with your face?
you tell me you're the one with balls dangling from your fore head
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
as much as I despise John McCoward, the other day he came to the press in Arizona and said we have to vote out as many Tea baggers as we can ... they are causing the problem we are having in america until they are gone we won't be able to work in congress
If tea baggers are banned what will you do with your face?
you tell me you're the one with balls dangling from your fore head
seem you couldn't answer the question why they need to get rid of your tea bagger party
Da magic neeeeeegro don't like da pipe.
Da Magic Neeeeeeegro is smart enough to understand there isn't any jobs in the da pipe ... were you don't seem get it ... if the republicans are sooooooooooooooo gung ho for da pipe line, then add to the bill saying that 90% of the oil will be used in the us ... unlike the Alaska pipe line that said they would sell the majority of the oil in the US where it ended up only selling 5%of the alaska oil in the Us ... make them put it in writing if they really want a pipe line oh so bad... that I bet you the idea of da pipe line will go away ... real fast....
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
by obama taking the horse by the reigns he turned it around and you can't stand that fact
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.

RePUBES are gonna' suck up to Wall Street and a down dip in the economy will follow.
Da magic neeeeeegro don't like da pipe.
Da Magic Neeeeeeegro is smart enough to understand there isn't any jobs in the da pipe ... were you don't seem get it ... if the republicans are sooooooooooooooo gung ho for da pipe line, then add to the bill saying that 90% of the oil will be used in the us ... unlike the Alaska pipe line that said they would sell the majority of the oil in the US where it ended up only selling 5%of the alaska oil in the Us ... make them put it in writing if they really want a pipe line oh so bad... that I bet you the idea of da pipe line will go away ... real fast....
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Da magic neeeeeegro don't like da pipe.
Da Magic Neeeeeeegro is smart enough to understand there isn't any jobs in the da pipe ... were you don't seem get it ... if the republicans are sooooooooooooooo gung ho for da pipe line, then add to the bill saying that 90% of the oil will be used in the us ... unlike the Alaska pipe line that said they would sell the majority of the oil in the US where it ended up only selling 5%of the alaska oil in the Us ... make them put it in writing if they really want a pipe line oh so bad... that I bet you the idea of da pipe line will go away ... real fast....
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Get back to me when you get your facts from something other than the toilet paper you wipe your ample ass with.
Da magic neeeeeegro don't like da pipe.
Da Magic Neeeeeeegro is smart enough to understand there isn't any jobs in the da pipe ... were you don't seem get it ... if the republicans are sooooooooooooooo gung ho for da pipe line, then add to the bill saying that 90% of the oil will be used in the us ... unlike the Alaska pipe line that said they would sell the majority of the oil in the US where it ended up only selling 5%of the alaska oil in the Us ... make them put it in writing if they really want a pipe line oh so bad... that I bet you the idea of da pipe line will go away ... real fast....
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Get back to me when you get your facts from something other than the toilet paper you wipe your ample ass with.
my facts are correct is apparent you are dirt stupid ...
Export of crude oil transported in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was banned until 1996. Between 1996 and 2014, nearly 95.49 million barrels of crude oil, equal to 2.7% of Alaskan production during that period, was exported to foreign countries...
Alaskan Oil Exports 1996 to 2014
Destination Amount (in million barrels)
South Korea 46.15
Japan 24.51
China 16.52
Taiwan 8.31
Total Exports
95.49 Total exported
Alaskan Production 1996 to 2014
= 3,549 million barrels
Like i said you're dirt stupid when it comes to oil ... you think that the won't do the same to the US with this next pipe line was lucky if the got even 5% of it
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???
still stuck in the world of repub-like-can stupid I see
Da magic neeeeeegro don't like da pipe.
Da Magic Neeeeeeegro is smart enough to understand there isn't any jobs in the da pipe ... were you don't seem get it ... if the republicans are sooooooooooooooo gung ho for da pipe line, then add to the bill saying that 90% of the oil will be used in the us ... unlike the Alaska pipe line that said they would sell the majority of the oil in the US where it ended up only selling 5%of the alaska oil in the Us ... make them put it in writing if they really want a pipe line oh so bad... that I bet you the idea of da pipe line will go away ... real fast....
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Get back to me when you get your facts from something other than the toilet paper you wipe your ample ass with.
my facts are correct is apparent you are dirt stupid ...
Export of crude oil transported in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was banned until 1996. Between 1996 and 2014, nearly 95.49 million barrels of crude oil, equal to 2.7% of Alaskan production during that period, was exported to foreign countries...
Alaskan Oil Exports 1996 to 2014
Destination Amount (in million barrels)
South Korea 46.15
Japan 24.51
China 16.52
Taiwan 8.31
Total Exports
95.49 Total exported
Alaskan Production 1996 to 2014
= 3,549 million barrels
Like i said you're dirt stupid when it comes to oil ... you think that the won't do the same to the US with this next pipe line was lucky if the got even 5% of it
What else has happened to our oil supply since the drilling of the north slope began? You focus on one thing and forget the rest. And what if federal lands were opened to drillers. Add in the Canadian supply and your problem is long as you stay on yor meds.
Da Magic Neeeeeeegro is smart enough to understand there isn't any jobs in the da pipe ... were you don't seem get it ... if the republicans are sooooooooooooooo gung ho for da pipe line, then add to the bill saying that 90% of the oil will be used in the us ... unlike the Alaska pipe line that said they would sell the majority of the oil in the US where it ended up only selling 5%of the alaska oil in the Us ... make them put it in writing if they really want a pipe line oh so bad... that I bet you the idea of da pipe line will go away ... real fast....
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Get back to me when you get your facts from something other than the toilet paper you wipe your ample ass with.
my facts are correct is apparent you are dirt stupid ...
Export of crude oil transported in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was banned until 1996. Between 1996 and 2014, nearly 95.49 million barrels of crude oil, equal to 2.7% of Alaskan production during that period, was exported to foreign countries...
Alaskan Oil Exports 1996 to 2014
Destination Amount (in million barrels)
South Korea 46.15
Japan 24.51
China 16.52
Taiwan 8.31
Total Exports
95.49 Total exported
Alaskan Production 1996 to 2014
= 3,549 million barrels
Like i said you're dirt stupid when it comes to oil ... you think that the won't do the same to the US with this next pipe line was lucky if the got even 5% of it
What else has happened to our oil supply since the drilling of the north slope began? You focus on one thing and forget the rest. And what if federal lands were opened to drillers. Add in the Canadian supply and your problem is long as you stay on yor meds.
the Canadians have already said they aren't going to sell it to the US... pull you head out of your ass ... you have no Idea what my focus is on... what I pointed out was the last pipe line that was promised to supply the american public ... that started in the 1970's 1977 we found out that they were selling it to everyone but the Us ... we aren't talking about federal lands here ...we are talking about the key stone pipeline ... why do you repub-lie-cans add into your post fictional Ideas that might happen ... or fill it with a bunch of maybes, might happen or could be, then have this crazed Idea that you'ved nailed it ... you didn't !!!! you just prove to us you don't have a leg to stand on ... that you have to put out these fictional Ideas that might happen ... you repub-lie-cans live in the world of right wing fantasy...

and when you are losing your debate you start with the on your meds problem or some gay reference to justify your post... that to me say you lost the debate and you got nuttin' ... MMM'kay
Last edited:
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
Yet they put them there in historic fashion??!! R Dean dumber than a bag of hammers.

The only repub in my bedroom is my wife,who's in yours?
make that a bag of broken hammers, :lmao:

personally i would say a bag of turds :lmao:

when it comes to Gvmt. intrusions into our personal lives, it is the demofools, they want to control every aspect of ones life !! :up:
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Get back to me when you get your facts from something other than the toilet paper you wipe your ample ass with.
my facts are correct is apparent you are dirt stupid ...
Export of crude oil transported in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was banned until 1996. Between 1996 and 2014, nearly 95.49 million barrels of crude oil, equal to 2.7% of Alaskan production during that period, was exported to foreign countries...
Alaskan Oil Exports 1996 to 2014
Destination Amount (in million barrels)
South Korea 46.15
Japan 24.51
China 16.52
Taiwan 8.31
Total Exports
95.49 Total exported
Alaskan Production 1996 to 2014
= 3,549 million barrels
Like i said you're dirt stupid when it comes to oil ... you think that the won't do the same to the US with this next pipe line was lucky if the got even 5% of it
What else has happened to our oil supply since the drilling of the north slope began? You focus on one thing and forget the rest. And what if federal lands were opened to drillers. Add in the Canadian supply and your problem is long as you stay on yor meds.
the Canadians have already said they aren't going to sell it to the US... pull you head out of your ass ... you have no Idea what my focus is on... what I pointed out was the last pipe line that was promised to supply the american public ... that started in the 1970's 1977 we found out that they were selling it to everyone but the Us ... we aren't talking about federal lands here ...we are talking about the key stone pipeline ... why do you repub-lie-cans add into your post fictional Ideas that might happen ... or fill it with a bunch of maybes, might happen or could be, then have this crazed Idea that you'ved nailed it ... you didn't !!!! you just prove to us you don't have a leg to stand on ... that you have to put out these fictional Ideas that might happen ... you repub-lie-cans live in the world of right wing fantasy...

and when you are losing your debate you start with the on your meds problem or some gay reference to justify your post... that to me say you lost the debate and you got nuttin' ... MMM'kay
The point is that our goal is energy the point of energy what difference does it make which part of the program is used for exportation? Your demand that it be Canadian supply is just a last ditch effort to save Obabble from a defeat...another defeat.
What difference does it make what oil we use in the U.S.? Get the MinC out of the way and we become self sufficient in oil and an overall exporter to other nations. We will chose from what source we export.
are you really this stupid??? really whats difference??? the Alaska pipe line was built to lower the pricesof ouil in america ... the said this ... they didn't do that .... the took that oil and sold it to other countries and the price of oil went up here, you moron ...the same thing will happen with them building this pipe line... unless you make them sell it here in the US moron, then your cost of oil is going to go up stupid are you ... really!!!! this has got to be the most moronic statement I've ever seen...
Get back to me when you get your facts from something other than the toilet paper you wipe your ample ass with.
my facts are correct is apparent you are dirt stupid ...
Export of crude oil transported in the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System was banned until 1996. Between 1996 and 2014, nearly 95.49 million barrels of crude oil, equal to 2.7% of Alaskan production during that period, was exported to foreign countries...
Alaskan Oil Exports 1996 to 2014
Destination Amount (in million barrels)
South Korea 46.15
Japan 24.51
China 16.52
Taiwan 8.31
Total Exports
95.49 Total exported
Alaskan Production 1996 to 2014
= 3,549 million barrels
Like i said you're dirt stupid when it comes to oil ... you think that the won't do the same to the US with this next pipe line was lucky if the got even 5% of it
What else has happened to our oil supply since the drilling of the north slope began? You focus on one thing and forget the rest. And what if federal lands were opened to drillers. Add in the Canadian supply and your problem is long as you stay on yor meds.
the Canadians have already said they aren't going to sell it to the US... pull you head out of your ass ... you have no Idea what my focus is on... what I pointed out was the last pipe line that was promised to supply the american public ... that started in the 1970's 1977 we found out that they were selling it to everyone but the Us ... we aren't talking about federal lands here ...we are talking about the key stone pipeline ... why do you repub-lie-cans add into your post fictional Ideas that might happen ... or fill it with a bunch of maybes, might happen or could be, then have this crazed Idea that you'ved nailed it ... you didn't !!!! you just prove to us you don't have a leg to stand on ... that you have to put out these fictional Ideas that might happen ... you repub-lie-cans live in the world of right wing fantasy...

and when you are losing your debate you start with the on your meds problem or some gay reference to justify your post... that to me say you lost the debate and you got nuttin' ... MMM'kay

So do tell what is going to happen? It matters not who buys the product,and more than one product will be moved through the pipeline so your narrative gets lost real fast.Talk about lies.
Commerce you do understand what that is,there are transport fees and taxes that will be collected by many towns and counties.There are no logical sound reasons not to build it,all the arguments against are just emotional hot spot that are used by people like yourself,that have no real world merits its that simple.
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.
CNN :lmao:

try something more reliable.., like :up:
FOXNEWS reliable :laugh::laugh::laugh:
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

More so than any of the far left propaganda press used here like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, ABC, NYT, LATimes, Daily kos, Huffington Post, etc..

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