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Anyone Wanna Speculate The DOW Average This Week VS $105.00 To $110.00 Crude Oil ?

Oct 10, 2011

Safe to say "So Much For 13,000 ?" and we were so close last week. If crude keeps climbing, there goes the economic recovery, just like in the spring of 2011 when we were seeing glimmers of hope, then it all stalled out going into the summer.
So anyone wanna predict the DOW tomorrow through Friday?
If oil does shoot up a little too fast this week, I see the DOW going right back to 12,000 and if the average price of a gallon is $4.00, It could easily go down much further and Obama's approval will stay around 40% right through the election.
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well, lets just predict Monday for now,,one of us has to come close,,,I will predict a closing of 12,400 (give or take 50}.
Domestic crude is not priced at parity with respect to world markets.

As for the DOW, Tony- who gives a fuck what oil prices are doing?
Have you gone out to eat at a restaurant lately- they're slammed.

There's tons of cash out there- in the pockets of consumers and in the accounts of the big brokers- it's just not in that toney DOW. Why not?

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I have never paid 4.00 for gas, I think 3.90 was the highest we ever had in Naples,,,,,Im filling up tomorrow while its still around 3.70
Iran's recent pronouncements concerning refusing to see oil to either Britain and Francehas increased oil prices.

Ironically, any positive news from US and/or Europe concerning an economic recovery will also increase the demand/price for oil.
So what. Go to Europe and pay $10/gallon.

What the fuck is this fixation about gasoline prices anyway?

I more wonder about my grocery bill, and the fact that agriculture exports millions of metric tons of grains- year in and year out.

30% of our corn crop goes to making ethanol. And so much of that shit is produced that we EXPORT 20% of it.

Hey- if crude oil and gasoline is so precious, why do folks want it to be cheap as dirt?
Ever think about that?

People hate oil- people hate oil people- but people LOVE cheap oil and gasoline.

Get your goddamn priorities in order, folks. "The DOW ain't at 13k because of oil prices"- waaaaaaa.

Oh- I can't get a perm and pedicure because I have to pay for my gas. waaaaaaa....

Fucking grow up, America.
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4.00 gas would be fine if the average working American made at least $50,000 a year with little debt, but how are those single moms making less than 25K a year supposed to pay for higher gas & food?
And in 1999 when oil was $10 a barrel, and gasoline was 60 cents/gallon you STILL hated oil and oil people.

You are a sick bunch of misguided idiots.
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Single moms? The same ones paying $2.00 for a loaf of bread, $4.00 for a pound of butter, and $1.50 for a head of lettuce?

And don't blame that shit on oil prices- blame it on BIG AG.

Besides, those single moms aren't buying bread, butter, or lettuce- they're queued up in the line at the McDonald's drive-up paying $2.49 for Big Macs.

Get off that bullshit about high gasoline prices. Focus your efforts at real problems- not imagined.
I can still remember when gas went down to 1.00 a gallon in 2001/2002 (forgot the exact month),,,,I am pretty sure it was the last time we had cheap gas,,,then the economy began growing and growing !!
$1.00 per gallon- which included 40 cents in taxes = 60 cents/gallon.

And what did Clinton do? JACK SHIT.

Tens of thousands of petroleum industry workers lost jobs- thousands of U.S. companies went out of business. Did anyone give a flying fuck?

Of course not.
Oil will continue to climb. Iran is effecting supply. It may be what tips the scales. It's not good.
why didn't we take out there ships while they were all in the straights? what were we waiting for? kinda like,,why didnt anyone take out Sadam or Iatola Komenski when they showed themselves in public? I know they are contemplating attacking,,,well hurry!
Its Iran VS The World whenever we and the world attacks,,,,,can u imagine waking up someday soon,,,turning on the news and an Israeli attack has occured? hitting the nuclear facility bigtime?
Anyone want to bet that oil will be $50/barrel by this time next year?

I might.

I've seen this shit play out so many times over the last 35 years it makes me dizzy, gillespie.

International tensions ultimately wane, high prices suppress demand, inventories build, traders relax, and prices freefall. It will eventually become a non- issue.

But- you'll still hate oil and hydrocarbons and anyone associated with those businesses. Why?

Petrophobia. You're conditioned to hate it and anything and everyone associated with it.

But you'll gleefully continue to pay $2.00 for a loaf of bread, $4.00 for a pound of butter, and $1.50 for a head of lettuce. And you'll queue up to the McDonald's drive-up for that $2.49 Big Mac.

Nevermind that agriculture poisons our air land and water- all the while exporting tens of millions of metric tons of grains each year.

It's like some storybook bullshit that you've been read to since you were a kid.
And you'll read it to your kids, and they'll read it to your grandkids.
it should happen, even the Chinese wont tolerate 4 to 5.00 gas, 4 to 5.00 gas will choke the world economy,,,,wages arent going up fast enough to absorb it. God,,will we ever see 2.00 gas again?

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