AOC explains trans men and nonbinary people can menstruate after referring to 'menstruating people'

I'm beginning to really believe that we are witnessing mass psychosis in our country. This babbling, hate-filled twat has been able to say anything she wants in any forum or media platform, without any questions, for so long that she now believes her own rhetoric. I tend to avoid mentally ill folks if I can but if they get in my face often enough, I deliver my plea for personal space, in a way that is vigorous, yet elegant in its brevity. It can be a thing of beauty at times ;)

When climate change and abortion are your religion, anything is possible from these demons.

AOC explains trans men and nonbinary people can menstruate after referring to 'menstruating people'​

Matthew Miller
Wed, September 8, 2021, 7:16 PM·2 min read
In this article:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said not only women menstruate, but also trans men and nonbinary people, responding to an earlier comment she made referring to "menstruating people."

"Trans men & non-binary people can also menstruate," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, along with a screenshot of a Daily Mail headline that said: "AOC calls women 'menstruating people' while explaining the female body."

Well, is this actually true?


Leftists? Is it true that a dude with a penis and Moobs can menstrate?

Meaning can a dude get pregnant?


She's the perfect modern Progressive!

AOC explains trans men and nonbinary people can menstruate after referring to 'menstruating people'​

Matthew Miller
Wed, September 8, 2021, 7:16 PM·2 min read
In this article:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said not only women menstruate, but also trans men and nonbinary people, responding to an earlier comment she made referring to "menstruating people."

"Trans men & non-binary people can also menstruate," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, along with a screenshot of a Daily Mail headline that said: "AOC calls women 'menstruating people' while explaining the female body."

Well, is this actually true?


Leftists? Is it true that a dude with a penis and Moobs can menstrate?

Meaning can a dude get pregnant?

This must be a joke... I mean for fucks sake
TheDefiantOne said:
Okay all you Maga minions, alt righters, neocons, teabaggers, libertarians and the like.....calm down. If saying weird or dumb things by one politician was indicative of the entire party and registered voters to them, this country would have been in deep trouble decades ago no matter who was President. Just say "Got'cha!"...have your circle jerk, then get back to trying to justify what's going down with Texas and abortion
This nation has been on the path to doom for years so your first point is pretty silly. Y'all keep electing idiots to positions of power and then their votes sink us ever further down the rabbit hole.
As to Texas, good on them for protecting the unborn.
When I say "deep trouble", I'm talking the "doom" you mention as a path...we would have been there already, as I previously pointed out. Got it now, gramps?

As for your last sentence....nice to know you're supporting theocratic thuggery. Now explain to the reading audience what makes you any different than the folk we fought for 20 years in Afghanistan in this respect. We'll wait.
That might be true if these wacko lefties saying these idiotic things weren’t front and center in the Democratic Party and driving its Agenda. They are now putting these idiotic statements in policy and law.
Dude, are you even aware of all the fantastic public faux-pas's of the GOP in the last 12 years? Or during the the Shrub years?

Currently, it ain't the Dems who are trying to deputize a sex morals Stasi to rat out women and force them to have a child born of rape/incest. That is a matter of fact and history...which pretty much trumps any nonsense blathered by Cortez (opinion, NOT law). Carry on.
AOC lost three consecutive games of rock paper scissors to a box of rocks
1. don't take Malcolm X out of context...because next to the jive white liberal, the white conservatives were the jokers directly behind Jim Crow and the Klan (whether they called themselves Democrats or Republicans.

2. Please list the "progressives" to the exact quotes you are referring to.

3. Your alt-right crusade failed on other sites, Frankie....same will eventually happen here.
Generally I'd agree with you, but I hesitate because no one tells her to shut the fk up!!! Standing behind such insanity must now include those who don't tell her to shut the fk up. Just saying don't you know.
Like I said, she's going to have a hell of time trying to walk back this one. I'm sure there are those on Capitol Hill doing just as you suggest....but as history has shown us, most politicians with a little media clout and actual congressional power seldom listen to reason. Oh well, the band plays on.
1. don't take Malcolm X out of context...because next to the jive white liberal, the white conservatives were the jokers directly behind Jim Crow and the Klan (whether they called themselves Democrats or Republicans.

2. Please list the "progressives" to the exact quotes you are referring to.

3. Your alt-right crusade failed on other sites, Frankie....same will eventually happen here.
Come up with a real argument and we'll talk. If you're going to respond like that, wear the big round nose and clown feet
This must be a joke... I mean for fucks sake

No, it isn't a 'joke' as this is where the West, particularly America is headed. It is demonic.

For anyone who cares, Mary the Mother of God warned about this in her Fatima appearances in 1917.

This Twitter thread too:

No, it isn't a 'joke' as this is where the West, particularly America is headed. It is demonic.

For anyone who cares, Mary the Mother of God warned about this in her Fatima appearances in 1917.

This Twitter thread too:

It is virtue signaling gone wild.
It is related to the facebook fucks who post up photos in their masks... "look at me! I deserve a gold star!"
The same with the trans fad. It isn't about what is real or isn't real... it is about self righteous narcistic virtue signalers seeking gold stars.
Come up with a real argument and we'll talk. If you're going to respond like that, wear the big round nose and clown feet
I already made my comment on the OP, Frankie ... posts #6 and #21. My comments about your usual stupidity and bigotry is can dance around it, deny it, but it will always be there for the objective, rational reader to see. You don't like it, change your ways. Otherwise, laugh like the clown you are.
I already made my comment on the OP, Frankie ... posts #6 and #21. My comments about your usual stupidity and bigotry is can dance around it, deny it, but it will always be there for the objective, rational reader to see. You don't like it, change your ways. Otherwise, laugh like the clown you are.

Another day, another sock account

Here is Malcom X quote with context, "“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” True then, true now

AOC explains trans men and nonbinary people can menstruate after referring to 'menstruating people'​

Matthew Miller
Wed, September 8, 2021, 7:16 PM·2 min read
In this article:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said not only women menstruate, but also trans men and nonbinary people, responding to an earlier comment she made referring to "menstruating people."

"Trans men & non-binary people can also menstruate," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, along with a screenshot of a Daily Mail headline that said: "AOC calls women 'menstruating people' while explaining the female body."

Well, is this actually true?


Leftists? Is it true that a dude with a penis and Moobs can menstrate?

Meaning can a dude get pregnant?

Um, no….she is the dumbest person in Congress…And thats saying a lot in a place where Hank Johnson, GA, serves.
Dude, are you even aware of all the fantastic public faux-pas's of the GOP in the last 12 years? Or during the the Shrub years?

Currently, it ain't the Dems who are trying to deputize a sex morals Stasi to rat out women and force them to have a child born of rape/incest. That is a matter of fact and history...which pretty much trumps any nonsense blathered by Cortez (opinion, NOT law). Carry on.
so you think men have menstrual cycles huh? wow.
Another day, another sock account

Here is Malcom X quote with context, "“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” True then, true now
Correction, dear readers....Posts #6, 17, and now 50.

Frankie is just another Davey Duke wanna be with delusions of intelligence...always humping for a platform to spew his dreck regardless of the responses. Once exposed, I just dump little sheet wearers like him in the IA and watch them dog my posts and threads like a bitch in heat. Adios, Frankie....say hello to Lew and Davey for me. :biggrin:

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