AOC is making them all uncomfortable.

Democrats are a coalition party.

They spend time working things out.

There is a reason Republicans don't understand how that works.

Republicans are white.
Dems are already started planning an internal coup by going after AOC for election fraud. Maybe they do have some brains after all. But the problem is that it won't work, there's so many of these nut jobs running around that it's like wack-a-mole. You get rid of AOC, then you have those two other radical anti semitic nut job IslamoNazi women, or the racist governor and rapist lieutenant governor of Virginia that refuse to step down, what are they going to do about them? You get rid of them, you have other idiots, like Waters etc. and a few of the ones running for president like Warren and Sanders that keep shoving their own feet in their mouths exposing the Left for what they are, and in the process sinking any hopes the Dems have of regaining the White House in 2020.
Democrats are a coalition party.

They spend time working things out.

There is a reason Republicans don't understand how that works.

Republicans are white.
My neighborhood is all white, mostly college faculty and all hardcore democrats. Our local high school, across the street from our town, is only 1% white. None of the white democrats in our town send their kids to our local high school.
Here’s another hypocrisy, just for you and your hypocritical ilk.
This town is 85% democrat...

Chevy Chase, Maryland: the super-rich town that has it all – except diversity
Well she is the gift that keeps on giving to the Reps.

I hope somebody puts that in their signature when she's the president someday. You people think the Democrats are just going to make her go away? She is famous and influential among their base. Not gonna happen.

I willsay this though. AOC is giving the Dems a platform, besides impeach 45, from which it will take at least a decade to recover.

Rock on!
And I love it. The poor woman needs to hire a general knowledge Tutor but hey, sometimes the volume is more effective than the Lyrics. Trump more or less proves that. So far I don't hear very much antipathy from her towards Trump.... I'm hearing much more antipathy towards the Democrats but the greater body of it I believe is aimed at DC insiders regardless of party. This is a good thing.

All of DC is a steaming shit pile of corruption and dishonesty which is why the Mueller probe is
stupendously hilarious. The problem for AOC, aside perhaps from being a low information hatchling is that she is fighting a losing battle. Appealing to the moral character of DC is more or less like appealing to the appetite of a starving crocodile. It's a no go. Sodom on the Potomac will continue to sodomize with no possible scenario whatsoever wherein it will become an honorable institution before it passes into the mausoleum of has beens...not gonna happen.

Perhaps her greatest battle will be the man in the mirror and her personal... somewhat quixotic quest not to become one with the beast. How long do you think she'll last?

In the meantime though I don't agree with her politics....I can cheer on her willingness to GET IN THEIR FACES!



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