AOC: No Such Thing as Inflation, It’s Just Propaganda

Profits are simply a raw number. They don't take into account INFLATION.
How stupid can you be if you're still trying to make that point? Duhhhh!
Can you move on to something relevant or will you have to keep on saying stupid ignorant shit.
If I have a company and I make 20% more this year than I did last year but the raw materials I have to purchase to make my item costs 30% more, then I'm in fact LOSING money from last year, but on paper, it looks like a record profit.

I don't expect some stupid liberal with lipstick like AOC to understand such a concept.
You're being pranked by the American way and that's a lot bigger than AOC or anyone who reps the people
Straight out of the Marxist handbook of delusional thinking. You see, corporate greed for profits is the only reason prices go up. Scary thing is, people are stupid enough to believe that BS and are walking around in society. These are the same caliber of people who brought you the USSR, Cuba, Khmer Rouge, NAZISM, etc etc.
AOC shared this video.

AOC needs to go back and try to peddle that thinking to the poor citizens of the old Weimar Republic.
Profits are simply a raw number. They don't take into account INFLATION.

If I have a company and I make 20% more this year than I did last year but the raw materials I have to purchase to make my item costs 30% more, then I'm in fact LOSING money from last year, but on paper, it looks like a record profit.

I don't expect some stupid liberal with lipstick like AOC to understand such a concept.

I FINALLY got my first raise since fucking potatohead took office. The problem is, with inflation taken into account, I'm making LESS now than I ever have driving a truck other than the time I spent during training making 25cpm. But on paper, I'm making more now than ever. But in reality, I'm not. Each dollar I make buys far less than it did before, when I made fewer dollars but could buy far more. Something that was 10 dollars when Biden took office is now $18.10.
If you got a university degree in economics all that “nonsensical claptrap” you just said would be erased. It’s like getting a lobotomy.
aoc joke.jpg
It’s obvious you haven’t a clue about business

Yea, liberals don't want to be reminded how bad Biden is doing with inflation and how underwater his approval numbers are because of it.

So they want me to move on. To what? The border? China? Ukraine? The housing market?

Why would a liberal want me to take a thread on inflation off topic? I stay directly on topic and they tell me to "move on." This shit would be funny if it weren't about such a serious topic.
I saw this reposted by a commie on Twatter, but people should see this:

That's how it is.
Do you share Trump posts without commenting?
Why not?


I share things Trump himself said. I have never shared anything someone said on Trump social media outlets and then claim Trump said them.

Stop thinking everyone is as stupid as you.
You mean people like me that have integrity?

How come you don't care your thread title is a lie? We're you not raised right?
How stupid can you be if you're still trying to make that point? Duhhhh!
Can you move on to something relevant or will you have to keep on saying stupid ignorant shit.

You're being pranked by the American way and that's a lot bigger than AOC or anyone who reps the people
The funniest thing about you socialists is you refuse to move to one of your premier socialist nations or even name one. All while staying under a capitalist system and living very comfortably off of it.
I don't know. Maybe she agreed with other things?

Is it your contention that everything you post on a social media account and everything in that post is something you support or agree with?
Her reposting it, means she agreed with it. Her post is speech.

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